USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - Departure Day (Part 1)
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Departure Day (Part 1)

Posted on 21 Aug 2017 @ 11:39am by Commander Aren Ban & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant JG Gideon Nicols PhD & Lieutenant JG Olivia Matthews & Lieutenant JG Tris Shizn & Ensign Mimi & Ambassador Soral Varro & Lieutenant JG Eelim Galan & Chief Petty Officer Crispin Snow & Calaban Bel Asher
Edited on on 21 Aug 2017 @ 12:33pm

3,781 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: Earth Orbit - Docking Ring C, Berths 42 and 43
Timeline: MD 40, 0700 hrs


HG was almost an hour early, but today was the day. Today the journey to Akkadian system and the start of the exploration of Ryn would begin. She knew that most of the small complement of crew had not had a chance to meet each other, so she had a small table set up with some breakfast items and had gotten permission to depart a half hour later than planned.

The two Danubes cargo bays were crammed full of equipment and it was going to be a tight fit and probably a bit uncomfortable for the journey to the moon. Best to see that everyone seemed to get along before they tossed lines and were confined to the two tin cans.

She would be going in the Danube parked in berth 42, Shadow along with Commander Ban. The other Runner would be taking an ambassador and some Akkadian lady. The latter also held a commander rank, so she would nominally be in charge of that Danube with Ban being overall in command. She waited for the crew to show.

Aren stepped through the airlock at berth 42, stepping inside the hatchway. The runabout was small compared to the other ships he had been stationed aboard, but at least it was space worthy. He un-slung his duffel back, and set it on the deck as he noticed HG mulling about the ship. "Good Morning."

"Good morning commander. Well as I indicated this is your 'fleet'. Please make yourself comfortable as you can, take a look, and enjoy the refreshments. I have gotten a little leeway on departure time.

Aren nodded. "I would hardly call this fleet. A best a squadron, though this is more of a flight to be honest." He said, trying to inject a bit of humor into his voice. "But very well, if estimates for crew are correct we still have a number to wait for, just give me a heads up when you are ready."

Ens. Shizn walked up to those standing around between the shuttles. He nodded politely to those present. He stepped to the side and leaned against a stack of containers. He looked at the 'Shaddow' with confidence.
He of course would be piloting the other Danube, 'Runner', for this joint mission.

Varro and Galan arrived together to Docking ring C. They walked down the corridor to find the berths for boarding. Galan looked over at Varro. They had talked quite a bit since the orders were lifted for the crew not to be in contact. "Should I be nervous?" Galan asked.

Varro grinned, "Perhaps. You are meeting the girlfriend's family in a away."

Galan chuckled, "A Cardassian at the dinner table....didn't Earth have a story about this...Beauty and the Beast?"

Varro gave Galan a nudge, "Don't put yourself down Mr. Galan. It's not becoming."

Galan sighed. "I suppose. I haven't spent much time with Allyndra. Maybe she's forgotten about me."

Varro shook his head. "Don't think that way." He looked up. "Here we go Mr. Galan, into the belly of the beast."

Galan snorted, "And out of the demon's um..butt."

Varro laughed. He couldn't hold it in. They entered with Varro shaking his head. Galan learned quickly.

Snow stepped in behind them, toting two large kit bags over his shoulders. "Not planning to go without me I hope?" He asked in general, and then, catching sight of the man who had acted as the XO on the journey home, and gave him a nod. "Hello Commander. Is Dr. Wells throwing a Kreanus reunion?"

HG overheard Snow and called out, "No, but we are having some refreshments." She had heard a little about Kreanus. "Snow right?" she said moving toward the man.

"Pleasure to meet you again, Doctor." He looked around. "I see you weren't joking when you said we were going to be packed tightly."

"Indeed, hope no one in the two days to get there goes bonkers. Might want to claim a space before they are all gone and then come join in the refreshments." HG suggested.

"A wise suggestion," Snow agreed. "Though I'm remarkably good at making people want to swap places. Afterall, I know how to work the environmetal controls."

Aren had just stepped out of the hatchway to meet and greet the mission personal as they assembled, when recognized Petty Officer Snow with a small smile. "Not really, it just happens that a number of us are currently available for missions such as these." He said with a nod toward the Runabout. "Though it will be tight."

"We had lots of practise on the Chaka." Snow recalled mildly. "This won't be any worse."

Tris was encouraged by what he was listening to. It seemed to him that many of the personnel for this mission already knew each other. This was always a good sign. He tried to smile and nod to others in passing. He certainly hoped his Andorian appearance did not prejudice anyone. He knew that type of thing did still occur, even in Starfleet.

Doctor Gideon Nicols arrived at Docking Ring C, Berth 42, behind those who were boarding. He hadn't known any of the people-except for the ensign named Tris Shizn-who were boarding, but he figured he would at least get to know them while on this expedition. He was certainly looking forward to this, that was mostly because he was looking to do some work, which he knew would sound odd to others. Plus, he couldn't pass up a chance to go to the Akkadian system. He entered the Shadow and gave a nod to each one of those that had already assembled.

Aren nodded towards Doctor Nicols. "Good Morning, I am Commander Ban" Aren said, extending his hand toward the new comer. He hadn't met him before nor had Doctor Wells given him much in terms of a crew roster. He looked forward to getting to know those assigned to the mission. Considering how quickly it was put together as well as the approximate length of the mission, there wouldn't be a lot of time to get to know everyone.

"Good morning, Commander, I'm Doctor Gideon Nicols," Gideon said as he took a hold of the other man's hand and gave it a firm shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to working with you."

Olivia walked into the shuttle bay and took in everyone who had already arrived; there were no familiar faces, not that she really expected any. She looked around until she found a spot slightly a part from everyone else. Folding her arms, she continued to observe the others around her.

Aren nodded in the direction towards Olivia. This was the first time he had seen her. "Good Morning Lieutenant, I am Commander Ban." Aren said, noticing the teal collar he wondered what her specialty on this mission would be.

Olivia nodded in reply, albeit, a little hesitantly. Small talk was not a strength of hers. Especially not with someone of higher rank. "Good morning, Commander," she said. "I am Lieutenant Matthews."

With her tail twiching in anticipation of the upcoming trip Mimi stepped through the doors into the docking bay and was immediately very surprised. "I did not think there would be this many." She said as she approached the gathered group, she spotted several Galileo crew along with several she didn't know.

HG noted the feline looking humanoid. "Definitely not Kzinti but she did not quite have the look of a Caitian either. Well, zoological species classification was not her forte," she thought but moved forward. "Hello, Helena Wells..." she peered at the collar. "Ensign?"

Mimi smiled at Helena, she hadn't expected a civillian to be amongst the group. "Ensign Mimi, nice to meet you."

"And you too. Actually there will be a few of us. Technically I am in charge of the science part, Commader Ban will be in overall charge. Do you know him?"

"Commander Ban was the Xo on our last assignment, a lot of the people here are crewmates." Mimi said nodding.

"Oh, good, in fact I think I got quite of few of your former shipmates. A lot had not received and new assignments. I am sorry to hear about your former ship, but in that misfortune I have some people that have worked together before. Still there might be a few here that you might not have met. Well welcome to our little expedition." HG smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, I am looking forward to this. It should be interesting," Mimi said. While the mission to the Akkadian moon was interesting she was more excited about going to Akkadia itself.

"Indeed, mind if I ask you a question, a bit personal so feel free to tell me to bugger off," HG asked Mimi.

"Sure." Mimi replied, she had an inkling what the question would be already.

"You are not Caitian are you? I am not much of a taxonomist, but think I could figure one out if I had to."

She was right. "I am not not, I am a Nekomi, similar to a caitian but a little less feline." Mimi replied falling back onto her usual explaination.

"Never heard that one, but then again, most people start getting lost if I start spouting off on tensor fields in five dimensional Kaluz-Klien mathematics. Well still, be interested to learn a bit more, certainly going to be a couple of days...still I think you are on the Runner while I am going to be squeezing into Shadow. Maybe when we get to Ryn you can enlighten me a bit more."

"You did lose me there too." Mimi remarked. "When we are at Ryn I will tell you anything you would like to know."

"I look forward to that, now enjoy some freedom and breakfast, it will be kippers in a tin after this." HG laughed and gave a small head nod to the Nekomi if she got that right in her memory.

Mimi nodded and made her way to the table where the breakfast was arranged.

Varro made his way to Aren. He hadn't been able to talk to the man since he'd taken JJ to her grandparents. "Commander." He said wanting to get the man's attention.

Aren turned to face Varro, nodding in his direction. "Ambassador, I hope that you are well, did you manage to get JJ To her grandparents? No hic-ups or snags during that process I hope?" Aren asked, making a bit of small talk.

Varro shook his head. "No snags. I managed to convince the ambassador that his granddaughter would be better off with her other grandparents. It worked out." He was glad about that. "How have you been?"

"That is good to hear that she is taken care of. I really appreciate what you did for her Ambassador." Aren said, inserting genuine gratitude into his voice. "I have been well, and I look forward to catching up with you more as the mission progresses." Aren said, wanting to make sure he was able to great the other members of the mission.

Varro gave a nod, "As I with you. I will need your assistance with some file updates."

Allyndra had bounced back and forth between going in native dress or in uniform and finally had decided on the later. She saw the group and quite a few people she knew including Galan. She felt really bad that she had not spent an iota of time, but between the trial, negotiations and the rest the days had slipped past in a whirlwind. She waved to catch his attention.

"Eelim! There you are!"

Eelim looked over at Allyndra. He felt Varro's push. "Okay I'm going." He muttered to the Vulcan. He hadn't seen much of Allyndra. He'd sent a few messages, but had known she was busy. He made his way over to her and gave a shy bow. He wanted nothing more then to gather her in his arms, but he didn't know if her feelings had changed. "Hello my queen."

"Now stop that," Allyndra said and gave him a big hug not caring who saw. "To you I am just Allyndra until I step foot on Akkadia. Now tell me how have you been? Details, please." She pulled him off to the front and out of the way and sight of most of the people gathered there.

He smiled at her. Noticing a bit of hair that fell across her eyes he tucked it behind her ear, "I've been okay. Been helping a friend." He gently kissed her forehead. "Missing you. I'm glad you're alright. Varro told me about the chat with the Admirals." He grinned at her..."So you said Allyndra until we get to Akkadia. What do I call you then?" He asked.

"Mother," Allyndra laughed lightly. "I know it is odd to many, but that is the title we use when one is head of a house. If at anytime for a female your are unsure or do not know a name just say mother. It is considered polite."

He studied her, "I absolutely cannot call you that. Not being disrespectful but can't I go for ma'am or something...there must be something different." He was horrified at calling his girlfriend that.

"You are going to have to learn how," Allyndra replied seriously. "It truly is important that you do so. There is going to be enough problems and a misstep like that is going to reflect badly. Consider it something diplomatic that we have to put up with for a bit."

Eelim said nothing. He'd have to figure a way around this. He saw that she was looking at him. "I see." He just said in a non-committal way . He'd have to talk to Varro about this turn.

"In private we are fine," she touched his face. "I know you will come through for me."

Eelim gave a nod. Maybe he could pretend to be mute, he thought.

Finally, just as it was worth giving up, a tall heavyset man, his blonde hair pulled back into a messy man bun, sauntered into the hangar bay, his flip-flops flip-flopping on the deck plating, hands stuffed in his baggy shorts pockets, a small backback over one shoulder. "Is this the Akkadian party bus?" he asked the crowd.

HG looked up and said, "Expedition, yes." She was being circumspect since they had an Akkadian with them and did not want things to head off sideways with a remark. She sort of remembered a name, Asher. Right, I am HG." She held out a hand.

"Excellent." Calaban Bel Asher beamed, "I thought by arrival might have been untimely to an excessive degree. I'll go get settled, I don't want to hold you up any longer."

Tris, who was leaning cross armed against a crate, looked toward the one making that comment and raised a curious eyebrow and tip of antennae. He knew some beings were much more 'jovial' than others. This one seemed to be chuckle at every turn, he guessed. Shizn then thought, Strange? Do I know him?

HG circulated around and got the Andorian who seemed pensive like most of his kind. "Tris is it not?" she was trying to remember. "Everything alright?"

The Andorian turned to the woman and smiled in reply, "Yes, that's right." He glanced away toward the Shadow and then back to her, "I think I've met that tall man there before." He pointed to the hatchway.

"More than likely, I gathered quite a bit of people that seem to know each other which is good. Anyway, I do not think we have formally met. I am Helena Wells, but prefer to go by HG. The civilian scientist in charge of this expedition. I got your CV earlier. Impressive. You look though like you are not quite enjoying this."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Wells. I'm a Ensign Shizn." He gave a polite bow of his head. "Of course you know I'll be piloting the Runner during this mission." He looked away at the others for a brief moment then back to HG, "As far as 'enjoying it', well, I'm just waiting to find my place, but as I mentioned I think I know that guy over there."

HG nodded, she was not one much into titles, though technically she was doctor Wells. "Excellent always helps that we are not all total strangers. Well sir, please enjoy, for I think it is not going to be much of pleasure cruise for the next two days."

Tris shrugged slightly, "I think you're right and I'll be fine, but I'm not too sure about everyone else. I hope we have a few gentle distractions along the way for everyone else.

His tall, muscular form protested the confinement of the Danube-class vessel, Gideon decided to step outside of the hatch and stood there. People seemed to know each other, and he certainly felt like the odd man out, but that was okay as well. Over the coming weeks he would get to know all of them, and maybe even friendships would form. For him, though, it was just nice to get a chance to go to the Akkadian system-which was a lot of scientists dream come true. He just hoped he would get a chance to see the homeworld, even if it was just for a brief few moments, it would all be worth it.

Ens. Shizn thought he recognized the tall man by the shuttle's entryway and walked over. Tris then realized it was the man he had met in the Museum with the Orion women a couple weeks ago. Stepping up boldly, "Good morning Lieutenant Nicols. Do you remember me?"

Gideon smiled. "I do. Good morning, Ensign. It's good to see you again," he said. "It certainly is a small world. Are you apart of this mission?" He already figured the answered, but he didn't want to make an assumption regarding that.

"Yes Sir," Shizn replied. "I'll be piloting the Runner." He pointed to the Danube shuttle behind him.

Gideon looked over briefly at the Runner, which was identical to the Shadow. "I'm over on the Shadow," Gideon replied as he hooked a thumb over his shoulder toward the other Danube-class vessel. "Though, I wouldn't be piloting. I will leave that to the professionals." He would admit, it would be nice to see a familiar face on this expedition.

Tris tried to be polite and not be rude in his response, but he was feeling a bit of familiarity with Gideon, "That is always best." Then said dismissively, "It's really not that hard."

Gideon smiled at that. "You are right, it is for the best," he said and then nodded. "I just know the basics, and that only translate to a shuttle. I think it will be best for everyone if I just stick to the science stuff."

Tris smiled, understanding Gideon's point. He felt a need to move away from that topic. Some people do prefer to stick to what they know. He replied, "It's always best to do what you know and help others, or create opportunities for them. I think this mission is definitely going to provide many of us a fantastic opportunity."

"Probably one of the best oppurtunities any of us will get to see in a long time," Gideon replied, nodding his agreement. "A few of my colleagues were quite jealous that I had gotten chosen for this. It's a lot of planetary scientist's dream to go to the Akkadian system." He looked off and then refocused his gaze back on the Andorian ensign. "It's all in jest of course."

"I've never been there," Tris replied pursing his lips in thought. "I guess I should do a little reading up on the system and culture in the next couple days."

"Certainly a good idea, Ensign," Gideon said. "I'm sure overall this will be an experience you shan't forget."

Tris thought, Shan't forget? and smiled at the phrasing used. Not wanting to laugh or cause fun toward his acquaintance, Tris replied, "I'm looking forward to it."

HG moved away from the feline humanoid after a moment and headed over to Gideon. "Well doctor, there you are. We are having a little pre-take off breakfast. I got most of your suggested items, even if I had to stuff an extra bunk by the way."

"I do apologize about that," Gideon replied. He knew he probably went a little overboard, but all the equipment that he requested all had a purpose. "Honestly, I'm more worried about stuffing myself in that thing." He indicated the Danube-class vessel with a tilt of his head. Then with his hands did a height and width gesture. "I'm not exactly a small lad."

"No, and I do appologize for that. It is going to be a cramped couple of days for all of us, but once we unload you should have plenty of room. I have an ops person that says he can use the transporters to make a pre-fab facility for us."

Gideon's idea of roughing it meant sleeping under the stars but he also knew that wasn't always possible. He had gone on many expeditions and away missions that didn't allow for shelter, to begin with, so it was honestly not a thing for him. "Whatever works, I'm not one to complain about accommodations as long as I have a place to lay my head at the end of the day. I'm good."

HG looked at the group and then nodded toward Shadow, "Best find you a berth while there is a choice. I will catch up with you in a bit."

"Sure thing, HG, see you in a bit," Gideon said. He then watched the lead scientist leave his side and he went to go claim a space on the Shadow.


HG Wells
[NPC Allyndra illm Warraquim]

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Medical Officer
Commanding Runner

Ensign Mimi
Operations Officer
Runabout Runner

Commander Aren Ban
Executive Officer
Commanding Shadow

Lieutenant JG Gideon Nicols, PhD
Aboard the Shadow

Ensign Tris Shizn
Helmsman Runner

2PO Crispin Snow
Operations officer
USS Shadow
[NPC Derani]

Calaban Bel Asher
[NPC Derani]

Ambassador Soral Varro
Aboard Runner

Lt. JG Eelim Galan
Security Officer
Aboard Runner

Lt. JG Olivia Matthews
Aboard Shadow


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