USS Galileo :: It's not that I'm scared...
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It's not that I'm scared...

Posted on 03 Sep 2014 @ 9:19pm by Petty Officer 3rd Class Vermeer Talbot

266 words; about a 1 minute read

Okay, I am terrified. Of them. It's the way they look at you, as if they can rip your world apart. It is the way they seem to sense what you are feeling and act in a way that will make it even worse. It is the way they just...go for you. And pour their bodily fluids all over you. Sometimes, I think they do it because it empowers them. And then...

There is the noise. The noise that makes your heart race, that makes your chest hurt. The scream that rips at something so primal in you that you can't help but react. It hurts, physically and mentally, to hear those screams. Worse; you know you have to act. You have no choice. You have to act.

It's their evil master plan. How they get to you, with their wide eyes and angry twisted mouths. They watch you and you know exactly what they're thinking. They're thinking of how to dominate you. How to destroy you.

No one seem to believe me when I said babies are evil. But they are. And they terrify me! If you hold them wrong, they can die. They depend on you. They break easily. They can't communicate. They're messy. And somehow, they blind people...make people into little zombies, ooh-ing and aaah-ing over them. A little thing becomes a feat.

No. Babies are evil. And I am terrified of them. Just how it is...can't deny it, not anymore. I hope I haven't upset my room mate too much. I just...can't deal with it.

Not yet anyway.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Amynta Markos on 03 Sep 2014 @ 9:48pm

Hahaha!!! I. Love. It! I feel like that too sometimes ;)