USS Galileo :: Episode 13 - Rogue - Warriors for Warriors (Part 2 of 2)
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Warriors for Warriors (Part 2 of 2)

Posted on 08 Feb 2017 @ 8:15pm by General ('aj) Ko'raH House of G'Iogh & Commander Aren Ban & Commander Luke Wyatt & Ensign Mimi & Senior Chief Petty Officer Martin Caine (KIA) & Lieutenant JG Noah Khoroushi
Edited on on 08 Feb 2017 @ 8:16pm

1,514 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 13 - Rogue
Location: Kreanus Colony - Deck 24, Combat Training Center
Timeline: MD 09 - 1600 hrs

Previously, on Warriors for Warriors (Part 1)...

"This is a hall for warriors!" continued the other one standing across from him. "If you did not come here to practice the art of war, then leave! I am sure the Bajorans have a treadmill somewhere in their facilities," he laughed.

Exhaling on a groan, Noah began calculating what option they had to get out of here unscathed. Mimi had been a force to reckon with during their capture, but now ... now he sensed a weariness in the young lady. He laid a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. "Come on, Mimi. They're not worth the effort anyway."

And Now, the Conclusion...


Satisfied smirks graced the mouths of the Klingon entourage. The one blocking the way to the door stepped aside to give both Mimi and Noah a clear path towards the exit from which they came. Meanwhile, the clink and clang of bat'leths colliding against one another resumed in the nearby vicinity.

Mimi summed up the situation, even with Noah's help they would still lose against the outnumbering Klingons "Fine. If we are not welcome here, we will leave." She said and with her head held high stepped through the gap in the Klingons towards the exit keeping herself ready in case they did try anything.

Thank all gods. Noah kept his expression as bland as possible as he followed Mimi out the door, grateful that she put up no protest. All the way he was aware of the menacing presences surrounding them, but soon enough they were through and out into the relative security of the corridor.

Martin waited to see what the kitten did. He hoped she would stay more than one of these Klingons need a swift kick in the goolies and he could only do one at a time. He followed, disappointed but he followed cause he wasn't going to be in a four on one beating again.

The small crowd of Klingons watched the Starfleet crew members leave in unceremonious fashion. Laughs and throaty chuckles ensued at the fact that mere intimidation was enough to scare the Federation into retreat. It didn't take more than a few moments before the Klingons dispersed and resumed their exercises. One of them wandered over to Ban, bat'leth in hand, and stopped in front of him.

"Boy of Ban, do you wish to challenge me?" he offered to the familiar face.

Aren turned, already a little tired and worn out from his bout with Wyatt. Wyatt seemed to have been a little to preoccupied which allowed Aren to get the upper hand. However, since joining one thing that Aren had trouble passing up was new experiences, and fighting a trained Klingon Warrior while already tired, after the first win of the day, would be an experience. While he had a good grasp on the Klingon language and since being on the colony it had given him more tie to become rather fluent, sometime he did get words mixed up. "vaj laH SoHvaD Qap Hot, vaj qaD wanI'vammo' tlha'. not Dub jIH vo' 'uQ." (If you feel you can win, then issue your own challenge. I will not back down from dinner.) He smirked, waiting for the Klingon to issue his own challenge.

"Ha!" came the warrior's reply. He presented a sharp-toothed grin then tossed his bat'leth to Ban to catch out of the air. "The first lesson in becoming a warrior," he began while retrieving a new weapon from the rack and returning to the joined Trill, "is to recognize a challenge when it is presented!" he teased before taking up his battle stance with spread, bent legs and now facing his opponent. The Klingon skillfully twirled his bat'leth in slow circular motions in preparation for the first strike.

Aren deftly caught the blade, and began his own twirling of the blade. He grown to enjoy the way the Klingons fight, and had developed a natural affinity for it. "True enough, though sometimes you boast to loudly, it has hard to tell what is a challenge and when you are telling a story." He said with a laugh, before moving forward and striking low, aiming to drive his opponent off balance.

The Klingon was caught off-guard by the low strike, instead expecting a high one as was traditional among most Klingon warriors. A loud metallic clang rang out and echoed across the walls when he quickly brought the tip of his weapon blade down into the floor to block the strike. With a twist of his wrist, he slid the blade up until it locked into Ban's own bat'leth, then used his strength to lift both of their arms together in a semi-circular motion until they were chest level. The Klingon untwisted their weapons and gave a heavy shove to push the Trill backwards and give himself more space.

With a grunt of power, the warrior proceeded to raise his weapon over his head and swiftly brought it down towards Ban's head. The sharpened blade and protrusions whistled through the air with the force of his incoming strike.

Aren knew that he couldn't over power the Klingon and that if the blade connected he would be skewered. As the blade came down, Aren shifted his weight to his back foot and angled his bat'leth as to deflect his opponents to the ground. As the blades connected, and the blade was deflected downwards, Aren brought his Knee to connect to the Klingons abdomen.

Aren knew that all that would do was buy him some time. He pushed off the Klingon to give me a some breathing room. He readied himself for the next attack, twirling the bat'leth in preparation for the next attack.

A wheeze escaped the Klingon's lips when he was impacted in his abdomen. Despite the Trill's frail appearance -- compared to Klingons -- he packed a hefty force behind his blows. The warrior coughed then straightened up, looking at Ban with a satisfied and now-dangerous glint in his dark eyes. He advanced forward into striking range then quickly jabbed the point of his bat'leth forward towards Aren's face in a sneak attack before quickly spinning on his front heel to re-position himself and use his momentum to bring a horizontal strike against the side of his body.

Aren moved to block the feint not realizing that it was a feint until the last moment. As he stepped to brace himself and deflect the blade he only just barely noticed the Klingon had shifted his attack. On instinct, Aren tried to bring up the flat part of the bat'leth, and was able to barely block the thrust. The resulting block had caused Aren's feet to not be set right. The force of the blow knocked Aren off his feet, and sent him to the floor. With a thud Aren landed hard, the breath being knocked out of him. On instinct, Aren rolled to his right, quickly pushing off the ground and bringing the bat'leth up in a defensive stance.

Charging forward to followup his attack, the warrior tried to capitalize on his minor victory, albeit ambitiously. He let out a battle cry and once again brought his weapon up into the air for another downward strike.

Aren braced himself and move his bat'leth to block the blow. At the same moment that the blades connect, Aren started to drop his weight and roll backwards. He used the moment of the Klingon and to begin a roll backwards. At the same instant he let go of the weapon with one hand, and grabbed onto the Klingon, pulling him down with him. As Aren back hit the ground he kick up with both legs at the Klingon, sending him careening across the room. While the maneuver was a success, Aren noticed that the Klingons bat'leth and nicked him, slicing the shoulder area of his training gi.

The unceremonious landing resounded with a hard thud in the middle of the training complex. A growl of discombobulation and dissatisfaction soon followed it and was accompanied by laughter from the other observing the match. With no stake in the fight, various spectating warriors began to gossip and taunt the one of their own who'd just suffered a minor setback to his honor. Small wagers began to be placed on who would emerge victorious, and it didn't take long before a small pool of latinum was placed on Boy of the Ban. "Get up!" came the jeers and raucous outbursts directed at the Klingon, and it wasn't long before he was back on his feet and his eyes filled with bloodrage. With honor and prestige now consuming his thoughts, the true battle was just about to begin.



Klingon Warriors
Kreanus Colony
[PNPC Ko'raH]

SCPO Martin Caine
Chief of the Boat (CoB)
USS Galileo

Cmdr Aren Ban
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

ENS Mimi
Operations Officer
USS Galileo

LTJG Noah Khoroushi
Asst. Chief Operations Officer
USS Galileo

LCDR Luke Wyatt
Strategic Operations Officer
USS Galileo


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