USS Galileo :: Episode 13 - Rogue - And Then There Were Two
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And Then There Were Two

Posted on 10 Feb 2017 @ 10:53pm by Commander Marisa Wyatt
Edited on on 11 Feb 2017 @ 10:01pm

484 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 13 - Rogue
Location: Kreanus Colony - Marisa and Petra's room
Timeline: MD 16 - 1400 hrs


Marisa was quiet as she and Petra walked back to the place they were using as "home" on Kreanus. It wasn't much, but it was out of the way and so offered some protection from the atrocities experienced by others. At least they'd been lucky so far.

"You're awfully quiet," Petra said when they'd taken yet another turn to obfuscate their destination.

The half-Vulcan gave her a quick smile. "Sorry. Just thinking."

"You've been doing a lot of that lately. I thought you'd be happier now that we've met the crew of the Galileo."

"I am," she assured her friend. "It's just." She shook her head. "I guess it's this place."

"Yeah, it gets to you, doesn't it?" Petra shook her head. "When we get on that ship, you should find some good-looking guy and get laid."

Marisa stumbled in her surprise. "Petra!" she hissed. "I do not pick up men just to sleep with them."

"Why not? Sometimes it can be fun. It's a great stress reliever. As a counselor, you should know that."

"As an anthropologist, you should understand the dangers," Marisa countered.

Petra shrugged. "If he's Starfleet, it's not so bad."

Marisa waved a hand in the air dismissively. "I'm old-fashioned. I have to really care for the guy before I'll even consider it."

Petra chuckled softly, glad she'd turned her friend's thoughts to something else. Then she turned into their little room and stopped suddenly. "No..."

"What..." Marisa's words died in her throat when she saw over her friend's head. Pete had been beaten and eviscerated, his entrails strewn across the bed--and around Tilly's neck. By the disposition of her body, she'd been abused, either before or during strangulation.

Marisa's hands clenched into fists. A low growl rumbled in her throat, more reminiscent of a Klingon than a Vulcan.

Petra began to tremble as she looked around the room. What few possessions they'd gathered had been thrown against the walls and broken. "What were they after?"

"I don't know. Maybe nothing." Marisa's voice was hoarse as she struggled to control her desire to hunt down the perpetrators and... She wasn't sure what. Her first thought was to tear them limb from limb, but she knew she couldn't actually do it. There was no justice here, so she couldn't appeal to anyone for justice. The futility of their deaths made her want to rage at something. She gently pushed Petra aside and searched for anything that wasn't destroyed, but there was nothing.

"Come on," she said, taking Petra by the shoulders and turning her around. "We're going."

"Where can we go?" Petra asked.

"I don't know. Somewhere very public. Maybe the galley. Anywhere until it's time to go. No, there's a chapel. We'll try there first."

Petra just nodded. A chapel might be the best place right now.


Lieutenant JG Marisa Sandoval

Petra Varelli
Forensic Anthropologist
[PNPC Sandoval]


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