USS Galileo :: Episode 13 - Rogue - The Plan (Part 1 of 3)
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The Plan (Part 1 of 3)

Posted on 27 Jan 2017 @ 8:54pm by General ('aj) Ko'raH House of G'Iogh & Commander Medara t'Keras & Commander Aren Ban & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Commander Luke Wyatt & Senior Chief Petty Officer Martin Caine (KIA) & Sub-commander S'anara Valdran

2,034 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 13 - Rogue
Location: Kreanus Colony - Deck 5, CIC
Timeline: MD 14 - 1300 hrs


The colony's command center was quite remarkable compared to the state of the rest of its facilities. While the civilian and military housing quarters were rundown, sparse, and in dire need of structural renovations, the command center was the exact opposite. Spacious and heavily-staffed, multiple computer terminals and holographic displays lined the walls and center stations of the room. Information ranging from long-range sensor data to stellar cartography to intelligence reports streamed through all of the integrated circuitry in real-time, presenting all of the controllers with a quite shocking level of operational awareness, logistical tracking, and strategic overview. The lights were dimmed in the room to allow the operators to focus on their displays while each of them -- mostly Romulans and Klingons -- spoke to each other in hushed tones which conveyed a sense of professionalism and urgency despite the daily monotony of their work. Data pads were transferred across personnel with the help of makeshift yeomen, mostly Kreanan teenagers hoping to one day earn a place in colony management and strategic operations.

Both Medara and Ko'raH were present along with S'anara, each working within their own specialties to interpret the most current pertinent data while supporting the colony's best interests through collaboration. When the primary entrance swished open and two Klingon guards entered, both the colony administrator and fleet commander turned to look at the door. What remained of Galileo's command staff had been summoned almost 30 minutes ago, and it seemed they'd now arrived.

Allyndra hoped things got off on a better foot this time. So far she had done exactly as expected and supplied crew names, specialties and had encouraged them to work helping the colony. She herself had confined herself mostly to just being a doctor with just a bit of hurrah, this is the life here now leaving Ban as acting go between, every appearance of cooperation. She had not quite come in with Ban at the same time.

"General, commanders, as requested. I do apologize if I kept you waiting. I had a few small injuries to attend to from the water reclamation project both my crew and your colonists."

Martin came in shortly after and made a similar apology as to how he was trying to tie the fleet NCO's to work with the rest of the colony's people. He knew the Klingon leadership quite well having been held and abused to make Lt Fraiser make the right choices, Where he could he took what was coming because if any of the Klingons touched his niece he would make it so that his children and his children's children regretted his decision and be blowed by the Klingon word honour.

Aren wasn't to far behind the Chief. Much of his time had been taken up dealing with issues between the Crew of the Galileo and the Klingons or having to manage rosters for the the Commanders of Kreanus. Aren looked like he hadn't slept much, but he still carried himself with regal and authority of a Commander of Starfleet. He noticed Allyndra and nodded a hello. He had been grateful for her counsel over the last weeks as well as the Chiefs. They were the senior leaders representatives for the Federation here, at least for the moment, and they needed to be united. "Generals, Commanders." He greeted as politely as he could given the circumstances. "Commander Allyndra, Chief. I hope you and yours are well." He said with warmth to two, as he took a seat at the table, and set down his PADD.

Allyndra nodded back, "Yes indeed, and been busy."

"Yes Commander Ban. Though I wish the Klingon would leave the solid holographic warrior idea alone. I have been bashed over and over cause Lieutenant Frasier doesn't want to."

Aren smiled faintly. While he enjoyed the personal banter, he wished that it could be done in the briefing room, on a Federation starship, as opposed to what felt like a penal colony. "Well don't let her toss you around too much. While I am sure that you are having more fun than you will admit, I need your expertise and I can't have my senior enlisted being down and for the count while the Colony has need of us." He said motioning to the Commanders and the Generals.

Martin was left thinking What does he mean "I will be right where you need me to be Commander, but I think my expertise is also very needed in turning ice to drinkable water. Lieutenant Frasier will be fine and I will take the Generals bouncing because I will not let him start on my niece."

"Just take it easy." He said before turning his attention to the meeting and the task at hand.

Luke lately had two moods, angry and angriest. Today he was at his angriest. He had a fresh cut uniform and was being herded around by two Klingon Warriors making sure he didn't cause anymore trouble. He walked through the door and politely nodded towards Allyndra. "Commander" He added before looking around at the rest of the assembled men and woman, all enemies and/or traitors in his eyes.

Medara turned from her console when she noticed the sounds of new arrivals and unfamiliar voices in the command center. "Good. You have arrived," she spoke. The Romulan commander raised her hand and flicked her wrist to indicate for the subordinate personnel in her immediate vicinity to depart. "Leave us," she instructed. It took only a few short moments before the console operators and analysts had risen from their seats and shuffled to other locations within the CIC to continue their work.

"The general is eager for me to assign your mission," Medara continued, now walking towards the group of Federation officer. Her tall and lithe frame seemed imposing despite her semi-fragile nature. "I, however, have my own reservations," she admitted. "Unfortunately...circumstances do not allow me the luxury of vetting your crew further. If you wish to help your people -- the Federation -- the time is now," she prefaced.

"And as I already said commander, I would definitely be willing to help. The crew from the Galileo are friends, crew members and I wish to make sure they are taken care of properly. However, as I mentioned, I have less political ties then they do. I serve in a Federation ship, I wear a Federation uniform but Akkadia is not Federation." She made an odd rolling shrug. "I understand your mistrust. However, hopefully things have gotten better. I may not be the best political observer but the Klingons would pardon me, trust Romulans less and Federation only marginally more"

The senior-most Romulan observed Warraquim skeptically for a long moment. It seemed trust was in short supply all around Kreanus Colony of late. "I hope you can see what is at stake here," she began, looking to all of the Starfleet crew in the room. "We do not have to be friends. Or political allies. Or even like each other. But we all must work together for our common goals and to preserve our ways of life. You all would agree?"

Aren nodded in understanding. "I would tend to agree and I can sympathize with your plight. You have been very, uh, helpful in taking care of the crew of the Galileo since the ships destruction, and for that I thank you." Aren said looking to Allyndra for a moment before refocusing his attention to the commanders. "Though it would be easy to point fingers, all that will get us is no where. So please, don't take my bluntness for rudeness, but why is it that you have gathered us for? We have been mostly cooperative in the repairs and maintenance to the colony, how else can be of assistance?" Aren asked, wishing that they had more leverage than they had.

Medara exchanged a momentary look with Ko'raH before nodding for him to proceed and begin the briefing. On cue, the general stepped forward and indicated for the group to follow him towards one of the large holographic displays. His signature red cloak billowed behind his imposing frame and accented his graying hair as he took his position and turned back towards the Starfleet personnel. "As you must know, I am General Ko'rah of the House of G'Iogh," he began.

"I was born on Qo'noS almost eighty years ago and devoted my life to the teachings of Kahless. I rose to prominence at a young age and was selected for entry at Klingon Academy because of my talents; my devotion was to the Empire and to see it flourish," he continued. "Once I graduated, I served as a commander for many years within the Imperial Navy. I was even honored to be selected as General Gowron's first officer aboard the Bortas during the civil war in 2367."

Ko'raH flexed his gloved fingers which made the armored leather creak. "Gowron and I were united! We both saw the House of Duras for what they were -- mere peasants with no claim to the council. Their only strength was in their alliance with the Tal Shiar and their propensity for political sabotage. It was with your Federation's help that we defeated Duras. This is a debt many Klingons do not openly acknowledge, but one that has bonded our two empires together over the years," Ko'raH revealed.

"In the aftermath there was stability and Gowron was chosen as the High Chancellor. But he had many enemies, as any chancellor does," the general continued. "I continued to serve Gowron through the Dominion War. Until...his demise at the hands of Worf, son of Mogh in collaboration with your 'alliance'," he scowled.

"After Martok was named the new chancellor, he began to appease the Federation while secretly purging his ranks of those he deemed undesirable. I was one of those people, for he saw me as a loyalist to Gowron and a threat to his new empire. I was summoned before the High Council and accused of subversion and collusion with the Romulan Star Empire. Charges that held no legitimacy and were a political attempt to strip me of my honor and remove me from power!"

"At my trial, I defied the Council and defended myself," the general continued. "I was stripped of my rank and banished from the Empire. My senior commanders and officers were discharged, and many of them were banished as well. Their families, also, and their family names were marked with disgrace."

Ko'raH spread his arms to indicate the room and people around him. "It was then that I fled with my family and followers to the Federation. Once we'd penetrated the Starfleet sensor nets along the Neutral Zone, we took safe harbor in this nebula to conduct repairs. That is when Medara found us."

The Romulan commander stepped forward with a smirk spread across her delicate lips. "Ko'raH was being pursued when our warbirds intercepted him in the nebula. Kreanus has been around for several generations but it wasn't until he arrived that we realized the extent of the threat. Once we destroyed the Empire's death quads that were sent after him, we offered him asylum on our world. Since then, he has contributed greatly to our cause and helped bring other Klingon commanders to our world. But the Empire still hunts him."

"They hunt me because they fear me!" Ko'raH interjected, balling up one of his hands into a fist. "It was not enough to banish me and my family from the Empire and to dishonor my family's name...they want to assassinate me. The High Council knows the secrets I hold and the damage it would do if I revealed their corruption. They have no choice but to silence me."

To Be Continued...



CMDR Medara t'Keras
Colony Administrator
Kreanus Colony
[PNPC Ko'raH]

General Ko'raH, House of G'Iogh
Fleet Commander
Kreanus Colony

Cmdr Aren Ban
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

SCPO Martin Caine
Chief of the Boat (CoB)
USS Galileo

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical and Second Officer
USS Galileo

SCDR S'anara Valdran
Colony Administrator
Kreanus Colony


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