USS Galileo :: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi - A Cultured Few
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A Cultured Few

Posted on 27 Jun 2016 @ 2:44pm by Lieutenant JG Eelim Galan & Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D.

1,617 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi
Location: Mess Hall, USS Galileo
Timeline: MD01 1000 hours


Gyce did not always spend her time in the office. She liked to roam the ship on occasion. When the office was too crowded, or she just wanted a change of scenery, that was when she would find a couch in the mess hall and sit down with her personal computer and watch the live security feeds.

It was a great time to sip on her iced jumja tea while taking in the culinary smells of the kitchen. It reminded her of home, really.

Galan was on his way to meet his departmental CO. He took his time getting there. He wondered what her reaction would be when a Cardassian walked in to see her. Truth be told, he was....well he didn't even know himself how he felt. He'd learned that she was in the mess hall. Now, as he stood outside the door, he shuddered. He remembered the dream he'd had prior to reporting on the ship. He steeled himself and entered. There were few people around so she wasn't hard to spot on sofa. He walked up and gave a proper salute. "Eelim Galan, Junior Lieutenant reporting on board for duty." He kept his gaze down as he usually did when in the presence of Bajorans. Even though he wasn't part of the occupation, and even though he'd fought on the side of Romulus and the Federation during the Dominion war he still was deeply ashamed.

The skilled interrogator as Gyce was, she picked up on the shame. When she took him in, the fact his scales were not too visually coarse meant he was slightly older than a young adult male of his race. Not middle age, so somewhere in that small zone.

"Indeed you are," Gyce confirmed and gestured to the cushioned chairs in front of her.

Unlike many Bajorans her age, she was not quick to judge a Cardassian. The military and Obsidian Order were generally to be hated, in her eyes. Since she had yet to go over her morning memos, Gyce had yet to discover that fact.

"Sit. Tell me why you serve a government opposed to your people's way of life," Gyce spoke with true curiosity in those inquisitive, deep brown eyes.

For a moment nothing happened and then his brain kicked in and he sat down. Now her question. His bluntness won out, as it always did. "It's not my way of life. Starfleet has a long tradition of honour, peace, and is driven to protect. This is what I want, this is why I joined, Starfleet is my people." It was as simple as that. He though a moment 'Starfleet is my people?' had he actually said that. What had just happened to his eloquence. He mentally kicked himself but he was a bit nervous.

"From the hart then," Gyce continued to grill in her casual, non-threatening tone. "...what drove you to believe in the Federation's ideals? You have essentially written off your family, which is a huge mark of dishonor upon you and a sign of disrespect to your kin. Cardassians have only ever put their families first."

What on Earth was she a counselor? The headache he'd been supressing rose up again. He sighed. He reminded himself that she had every right to know. "Starfleet is my family now." He'd rather not talk about his real one. He looked her right n the eyes this time, "Please excuse my bluntness but what drove me was the fact that Cardassia was in the wrong, Starfleet, the Bajorans, and during the Dominion wars the Klingons and the Romulans were in the right. Justice, honour, these are values that are dear to me and these are the ones that I follow. Starfleet is in line with my values." He asked himself if he'd crossed the line. He lowered his gaze again. "Ma'am."

"A former Romulan Empire scientist with ties to the former Tal Shiar, resides here," Gyce explained impassively. "A Resistance fighter too. Now you come on akin to that of a Cardassian dissonant... This ship is a diverse group, you'll find. Most of us cultured. Many of us accepting. Some of us not-so-much. Some may see you as a monster. Some may challenge your place here."

Gyce paused for a moment to let those words sink in before she added, "The three of us refugees will be judged by our actions, in the end. So it is important those actions meet your words of convictions while you are aboard, Lieutenant Galan."

"Ma'am, I understand. Every ship I've served on there were those who didn't like me, there were those who challenged my place. As you say the actions are important. I'm good a my job, I love my job, and it is by how I conduct myself that I will honour Starfleet and show those who are wary of me who I am. I did that when I was with the Romulans during the Dominion Wars and I did it when I went through the academy. A chance is all I'm asking for."

"Everyone who arrives in my department is given my respect... Keeping it is the task at hand," Gyce pointed out sagely before she started typing on a fresh PADD. "You'll need to report in to sickbay for your physical. Once that is clear, you'll be good to go. Your room and shift assignment are on this PADD as well. Do you have anything you feel you need to ask?"

He took the PADD and reviewed it quickly. "Nope none at this time ma'am." He smiled. "I don't suppose this can count as my counseling review?"

"No," Gyce spoke with a genuine smile. "I'm a trained SCIS detective. So it's in my nature to analyse everyone."

Galan sighed. "I guess I have to go then...." Remembering his first time with a counselor he began to laugh.

"Only if you want to," Gyce laughed in kind. "Am I that intimidating?"

"Ss..sorry ma'am. I was just recalling what happened when I first saw a counselor when I joined the Academy...."

"The Academy is all about conditioning young adults to handle high-stress. Breaking down one's soul to have doubts is a hidden agenda of the Academy. For only the elite mentally and physically make it out here," Gyce explained very quietly. "How you deal with that discomfort, determines if you'll have a prosperous career."

He got his laugh under control. "Very true ma'am." He paused, "And you are a little intimidating but that's a good thing!" He smiled now. "I was just recalling a mean trick someone played on me when I was just starting out."

"Oh?" With him being a Cardassian, that was not a big stretch for Gyce to believe.

"Well ma'am I had never been to a counselor. I had never heard the word brain shrink before. One of my roommates, a Vulcan with a weird sense of humour told me that the brain shrink was my first stop. I was convinced that the woman would shrink my brain literally." He chuckled a little. "After the appointment I went to the medical department and asked them to see if my brain had shrunk from when I first checked in. I explained that my roommate said that every cadet had to go to the brain shrink to get their brain shrunk. The, with a completely straight face, told me that my brain had indeed shrunk by 25 percent. It was only when I asked how I could un-shrink it that he started to laugh and I figured out it was a joke."

"I don't think the Vulcan meant it like that. 'Brain Shrink' is slang for Counselor - or Psychologist. Counselor being the broader and more common term of a mental healthcare professional that assists in life changes. And the Psychologist, being the specific title most counselors in the fleet are. The latter are trained to diagnose and rehabilitate one with emotional and behavioral issues.

Then you have your Social-psychologists - or social workers. They are more commonly found to work with young and at-risk children, elderly need representation, and handicapped. Their main goal is to see that these groups of people are living in proper conditions, and are properly fed, clothed and treated exceptionally well. VA hospitals are likely the only places you'll see a social worker in this fleet."

Gyce blinked a few moments at her lengthy explanation. Very few people outside mental health community knew the title's origins. And while Gyce chose not to pursue a career after attaining her criminal psychology degree, she did not neglect that training.

"Yes ma'am. I got it eventually but it was touch and go for the first couple of weeks." It still seemed all funny to him. He sighed. "All those fun things aside do you have any other questions for me?" He tried to prolong his time here hoping that his time with the counselor and the doctor and the XOs would be shortened. He hated first impressions cause you only got to make one.

"I can't think of anything. Just use your brain. No excessive force. And if you see a drunk being disorderly, stick them in a cell for the night," Gyce shrugged. "We are small town cops on this boat, mostly."

He gave a nod. "Yes Ma'am."

"If that's all then, I wish you good luck on this new posting, Lieutenant." Gyce ended in a manner that suggested the conversation was over.


Lieutenant JG Benice Gyce
Chief of Security and Tactical
USS Galileo


Lieutenant JG Eelim Galan
Security and Tactical Officer
USS Galileo


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