USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Dining with Aliens (Part 1 of 3)
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Dining with Aliens (Part 1 of 3)

Posted on 15 Nov 2013 @ 11:47am by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Commander Scarlet Blake & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Aria Rice & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle & Lieutenant JG Victoria Crawley & Commander Norvi Stace & Ensign Im'er Mor'an

2,692 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: Setisar VI - Surface, Alien Dining Room
Timeline: MD 06 - 1450 hrs


Seated at a long rectangular table inside of what appeared to be an elaborate dining hall of sorts, the away team (as promised) had been treated to food and accommodations by their alien hosts. In front of each of them was a spoon and a bowl of slimy gelatin -- a mix of essentialist proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals which had been custom created for the team to digest in order to suit their unique biological needs.

"Please. Eat," Nar stood at the head of the table looking her usual serene self and waited for the away team to nourish themselves.

Mor'an was the first to venture into the bowl of slime. She lifted the spoon to her mouth and tasted a tiny bit of the slime. The taste of the slime was unlike anything she had ever tasted before. It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant; it simply existed. Mor'an decided that it was palatable and, since she needed nutrients, she ignored the fact that she was eating slime and muscled her way through the food.

Theron looked down at the very thick liquid in his bowl. He tilted his head slightly and touched the bowl slightly, making the slimy substance slosh in the bowl a little. An accepting look came upon Theron's face as he thought, Nutri-plex. On his world it was a common thing for military training to receive this very compact nutritional food. He glanced around the table at the many other uncertain faces. He shrugged off their concern and picked up his spoon. As expected there was no taste. He began to eat spoonful after spoonful, hoping to show the others that it was fine.

Aria decided not to even touch the food. More because she felt a bit vulnerable and she would rather have some chocolate than this...whatever it was.

Stace spied Aria's defiance to even consider the food and was, silently, in whole-hearted agreement with her. She considered the societal aspect of "breaking bread" in this First Contact situation. To rudely refuse to even try it went against every fiber of her Starfleet diplomatic being. And yet the Trill could still not get past the fact that, despite their seeming freedom, the crew of the Galileo felt that they were not. Quashing the urge to symbolically push the bowl of gelatinous ooze away from her, she simply remained silent and watched the others attempt it.

Feeling the eyes of others on her and the internal pressure to behave appropriately for a First Contact situation, Delainey kept her features impassive as she took a spoonful of the substance and tasted it. She'd had practice with her poker face as a counselor and this was no different. The substance she sampled tasted neither good nor bad to her, sort of like ration bars.

Victoria barely looked at the food placed on the table in front of her and just ate it, any excuse to keep herself from talking again. The last thing she needed was to cause some kind of incident with the aliens; her last question had obviously not gone over so well. She sighed and stared at the bowl of goo in silence.

After Scarlet's experience in the examination, she was unable to stomach the bowl of jelly like substance. She carefully ignored it, watching the others instead. "You have built so much here," she said softly, looking around to try and take it all in. "With no help."

Allyndra was at least pleased, that it was something not hard and looked easy enough on her rather fragile digestive system. The appearance was not very appetizing. When she took a bite and let it sort of melt in her mouth, there was no real taste. It puzzled her as she took another and she could not help but wonder what it was that even these fragile aliens did not seem to care about taste, texture or much else. The rooms were all blank, the food tasteless and the adornment of the creatures all uniform and non-existent. It spoke of people that seemed to have lost the capacity to enjoy and were only existing. She wondered if they would be left alone long enough to discuss any of this among themselves.

The bald alien approached Scarlet with a light step and stood next to her. "Our civilization had to be rebuilt. Many grand cycles of history and progress were transported here toTo this world, from our first home. You have visited it. Near the sun you previously explored only cycles ago." Her words were a chilling reference to the Rojarian moon Galileo had discovered during their system survey several weeks ago.

Aria looked down at her food, then at the others, and then over at the alien going to Scarlet. "So...random question..." she said and looked over at them. "The you guys let them run all proper on people? Sure, you are giving us our crew back, are all okay with them taking over people's bodies and minds?"

"Borg motor skills are limited by their mechanical components, as well as coordination." Nar replied in her calm voice, now glancing over at Aria. "Their bipedal locomotion requires them to always keep one foot on the ground. They do not run, as you can." she expertly explained.

Theron found it humorous that the bald alien was still not answering the questions put to her. Either she became focused on one part of the question or the obscureness was planned. Theron smiled slightly and looked at Aria. He thought, Aria will have to ask a more direct question, if you wants a real answer.

"Rebuild their civilization," the words hit Allyndra. This was no civilization, or at least one that seemed to be viable. Everything screamed at her; from the bland looks, the medical readings, the bland food, the lack of adornment of the walls, the way the alien woman interacted, and the lack of interaction from the other aliens, that this was not a culture anymore, but an existence.

Allyndra decided one last time to ask something, "Tell me a little about your civilization, its art, its accomplishments, its dreams?" She suspected that either the answer would be deflected or minimal already.

"Our art is robust," replied the alien who now looked at the Akkadian. "Many grand displays. Sculptures. Literature. Music. Much was lost in the Great War. We have been rebuilding."

Rhodes wiped him mouth, understanding the situation may need some nudging, he asked, "May we see some specific art or music, that you like?"

Nar glanced at Rhodes and her eyes proceeded to sweep across the crew members sitting at the table. A cultural exchange was not out of the question, but there had to be more trust earned before the Starfleet crew could be allowed into the alien's civilization to view and study their unique accomplishments. "In time," she replied. "Small progress for now. First interaction. Then diplomacy. Then exploration and study."

Theron smiled and thought, Yep. She dodged the specific question, totally.

"By the Twins," Allyndra thought to herself. This was one of the most frustrating people she thought she had ever encountered.

Rhodes took in a slow deep breath controlling his emotions. He was becoming as frustrated as the Doctor. He knew something about isolationist societies. Tandar Sector had been that way for many centuries prior to meeting those from the Federation. He turned to face their guest, but not a clear question or comment would come to him without frustration in his mind.

As the discussion progressed, the implant on the back of Nar's neck suddenly began to pulse and glow in its typical methodical fashion, a sign that she was receiving data and knowledge from somewhere. Her body became erect and her big dark eyes swept over the away team before eventually settling on their leader. "There is a problem," she informed Scarlet with a neutral voice. "We are unable to locate your crew members on the Borg vessel. We must investigate. I will return." She lithely turned away from the away team and headed towards the exit, then vanished from the room rather speedily.

Rhodes looked up and down the table with concern and watched their guest leave the room, "Sir, I fear that this is not a good sign, based on her previous actions and responses."

Allyndra almost laughed at Rhodes comment. That was a neat way of saying things, but they were alone for a moment and though they might and could be recorded, it was time to voice at least some concerns.

"Yes Commander. It is not a good sign, but so far my impressions are that nothing about this race shows a good sign. Here," Allyndra took the medical tricorder and brought up her readings on the aliens and pushed it over to Commander Blake. "Germaphobes for a reason, suspicious and hidden culture, we are in my opinion on shifting winds."

Scarlet nodded, frowning as she took a tight breath, her gaze still on the wall that Nar had left through. Was this the beginning of treachery? Somehow - her instinct told her no. There had been some kind of notification through the device, that was clear and not made up. Perhaps there really was a problem. "They have been alone a long time," she pointed out. "And suddenly, we've come in with all these questions and different looking bodies and faces, germs and illnesses, anger and demands. While I'm as angry as everyone else about our crew and their seeming to think it acceptable to assimilate people, this is just as overwhelming to them."

Stace shook her head in disbelief. It almost shocked her to think that they had dined with the people responsible for the utter devastation caused to two ships, despite their sudden turn around and epiphany. "Overwhelming?" she questioned with a sort of snort. "They claim to have explored the galaxy like us long ago. And now they sit here, hauled up with a barbed wire fence in the guise of Borg? Destroying any sentient life that crosses their borders? Something's not right here." She broke off and then, with a look of both scorn and amazement, Norvi turned to Blake. "We're not just talking about our assimilated crewmembers, Commander. Let's not forget the hundreds that have perished in the fire-fight. Their lifeless corpses floating in space, ripped from exposed decks of my ship. They weren't so lucky to be considered as an afterthought by these people."

"Lieutenant," Scarlet said with a crisp voice, the tone of which clearly said 'watch your tone', but she didn't say it out loud. "I'm not taking away from what they've done. In fact, I believe I said I was as angry as anyone else. But part of being in Starfleet is being a part of exploration. Exploration means diplomacy. And diplomacy means being able to see things from the point of view of another race and culture.

I don't think what they did was right. I don't think the people they've killed and assimilated is right. I don't think them commanding Borg as a shield is right, no more than the Borg are right. I don't believe that their belief that it is not an aggressive act is right. But in this moment, right here and now, in a room with them after making big steps forward, I don't think it's right to ignore how it might be for them, or to ignore how overwhelming we must be to them. Or to jump to conclusions when something goes wrong. Right or wrong, an emotion is an emotion, and can't be helped. A phobia is a phobia, and no one asks to be inflicted with one. It's what you do about emotions and phobias that makes the difference.

The Doctor just said it herself, they're germaphobes. They made us strip, and took away our hair, and cleaned us thoroughly before they'd even see us. It's extreme. It means they're scared. They're scared. And you know what? Scared people sometimes make bad judgements."

Norvi's eyes widened to the point of exploding with the shock and anger at the commander's words. She almost gasped. Almost. "'Bad judgements?'" she echoed, her head cocked to one side as Stace glared across the table. "Commander, we're not talking about not inviting someone to your birthday party! This is mass death and destruction!" She now shook her head and looked around the table, glancing from each person to the next and then the next, feeling as though she was the only person in that room with a sane and logical viewpoint of anger and frustration in reaction to this. "The idea of self-preservation can only go so far in blame for what these people have to done to us. It's like using a type-II phaser rifle to kill an Alverian dung beetle! This isn't defense. It's aggression. And they're using the biggest weapon in the known galaxy to do it!"

Scarlet shook her head firmly. The amount of ill feeling and the emotional outburst from the Lieutenant could damage their diplomatic efforts, not to mention that with a click of their fingers their hosts could keep their crew in the Borg and destroy their ship into the bargain. "Enough, Lieutenant," she said firmly, holding her hand out slightly. "I just told you, I completely agree that they're aggressive, but if we try and tell them that by shouting and also being aggressive, they'll think we're the ones in the wrong. I understand your point, I understand your anger. It is noted. Now, you will regain your composure and you will get your emotions under control, or I will have to have you returned to the ship. I know we don't like what happened, but this isn't just a recovery mission. This is also a First Contact, and I made that patently clear before we beamed down. I need everyone calm and polite if this is going to work."

Stace now felt as though she was on the edge of professional suicide. It felt so alien for her to lose control of her emotions. She had spent years of training learning techniques to compartmentalize one feeling from another, one experience from another, and one life time from another. And yet something welled up inside of her belly. A vitriol explosion of fire and loathing that she couldn't quash. Her hands started to violently shake as she attempted to screw her courage to the sticking-place. But as the first tear began to well in the corner of her eye, she inhaled a breath and slowly began to rise from her chair. The tear was the first of many. She was angry at the aliens, angry at the Borg and angry at herself for losing what she had fought so hard to succeed. Stace took in another breath as her knees locked beneath her and exhaled with a guttural sob. "I know how important this is to us, Commander" she managed, wiping away the tears as she placed both hands on the table to support her slender frame. She reached over to the middle with one hand for a napkin and attempted to compose herself, sitting back down with a slow sense of grace. She glanced back up to Blake and nodded. "I'm sorry. I'll push aside my personal anger and act like an officer."

To Be Continued...



CAPT Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

Le'kt Representative
[PNPC - Lirha Saalm]

Lt. Theron Rhodes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

Lt Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

LT CMDR Scarlet Blake
Chief Counsellor/2XO
USS Galileo

Ensign Im'er Mor'an
Operations Officer
USS Galileo

Junior Grade Lieutenant Norvi Stace
Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo

Lt. Aria Rice
Assistant Chief of Security
USS Galileo

LTJG Victoria Crawley
USS Galileo

LT Delainey Carlisle
Asst. Chief Counselor
USS Galileo


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