USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - Crass and Culture (Part 2 of 2)
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Crass and Culture (Part 2 of 2)

Posted on 13 Aug 2017 @ 11:51am by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Lieutenant JG Gideon Nicols PhD & Lieutenant JG Tris Shizn & Nesh Saalm
Edited on on 13 Aug 2017 @ 11:51am

2,331 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: Earth - San Francisco
Timeline: MD 16, 2016 hrs


Gideon Nichols stuffed his hands into the pockets of his trousers as he slowly made his way around the exhibits. He liked art and appreciated it--which said a lot for a scientist--so he was quite intrigued when he had heard this particular exhibition was taking place. He walked around, taking in each exhibit, listening to the various thoughts and ideas coming from those who were also observing the art around them. Some people were quite cruel in their criticism, and others would talk excitedly about some sculpture, or some painting then there were people like himself who simply observed and didn't say much. Gideon liked to think he could tell the difference between something that was good, or bad, but honestly, it probably came down to personal taste for him. He wasn't a professional art critic, nor did he spend every Friday or Saturday evening going from gallery to gallery. He also wasn't up on the latest trends or techniques that were coming from some of the more well known, and lesser known artists of the 24th century.

He just simply liked to look at art.

Eventually, the tidal wave of the crowd had pushed him into the direction of a chamber. He was told to be careful and not to let his 'large feet muck anything up' by some older woman--who honestly was easily a centenarian but looked sprightly and colorful in her outfit and overdone make up. He just offered a small smile at the comment.

Tris just went with the flow of the congested museum foot traffic. He had been lost in thought when the throng of museum goers had scooped him up in their movement. The young Andorian had been watching two Orion girls, one almost a woman, talk and bicker a little about the artwork. He actually found their exchange more interesting than the art exhibit. Yes, Tris Shizn was an Ensign in Starfleet, trained in ship's control and Star navigation, but he found the most basic interaction between individuals to be quite stimulating. Especially when hey didn't think they were being observed.

Tris ended up standing next to a Human, that he had also noticed had been caught up as well, before escaping the crowd's forces. Looking to the Man, Tris humorously stated, "That was almost as bad as a detonative effervescent effluence through a nebula."

There were quiet murmurs and talking as people made their own comments on the piece of work. Gideon had kept his comments to himself, but what he observed was beautiful, and he was sure it was painstaking to produce such a piece of work. However, his thoughts were penetrated by a male voice, a male voice that he was fairly certain was directed toward him. He turned his attention to the voice to see an Andorian male, in uniform, at his side. At first, he had to let what the man say sink it, and when it did, he nodded. "It certainly was, but it is to be expected at these things," Gideon said in a low tone.

Tris was accepting to the man's answer. He glanced at the man, taking in his appearance. Tris knew that how one stood and dress described a great deal about the person. Tris observed him to be standing confidently erect, wearing a charcoal gray suit and a pink oxford button down shirt. He found this combination to reflect conservatism, yet distinct personality for the individual.

The Andorian smiled slightly and replied, "I guess I did not expect this large 'a throng' of attendees. I do, however, find these type of events to draw a large spectrum of the population. One should not assume that all art lovers are one type of personality."

There was certainly some merit to that. Some people simply went to galleries because it was simply something they did in their social group. He had recalled from history, about class separation and how the upper crusts of society would come to things like these just because it was the 'social event of the year' type of thing. He figured things like that still happened, despite there not being any type of class structure anymore... though there were still families who were part of 'old money' and 'new money'. Others and he included himself in this group, felt that art still needed to be appreciated in a world that was technologically advanced. Technology also opened up the art world, exposing other races to the art that didn't belong just to their own home planet. It was actually pretty amazing, and he felt glad he lived in a time like now.

"There are certainly all types," Gideon said as he looked to the old woman who made the comment earlier. She had long passed him up and was whispering to another elderly woman who stood next to her. "Some have stronger personalities than others."

A quiet bustling of stronger personalities slowly crept closer and closer to where Nicols and Shizn were standing. Casual chatter and background noise were usually normal within exhibit halls, but it reached its peak when Lirha saw the Human and Andorian side by side and walked up to the two strangers to briefly conceal herself from Nesh. She craned her head up at the very tall man then looked towards the blue-skinned officer next to him. "Hello, I'm sorry for interrupting," she started, "I'm Lirha and...well, do either of you want to adopt an aspiring artist?" Her eyes quickly flicked back over to where Nesh and Mimi were. "She's young and a little crazy, but I've been told that's what makes an artist great? I've been her caretaker for the last two years and I can take care of all the paperwork," she offered, wondering how much Nesh had just heard.

Tris had been cordial enough when an Orion woman stepped up to him and the Human next to him and she began talking. But Tris became very confused at the audacity of someone wanting him to take responsibility for another person, with no fore-knowledge. Tris' antennae pulled and lay on the side of his head, and then thought, 'she even used the word adopt'. Looking directly at the Orion woman, Tris finally replied suspiciously, "Ma'am, I'm not quite sure if I understood you correctly. Are you trying to find a home for a child?" He then looked to the man next to him for some verification of the situation.

Gideon's left eyebrow raised as he regarded the Orion female. Did she seem... desperate to unload a child? A teenager? He wasn't entirely sure. It had been a strange request, that was for sure, but why someone would unload another humanoid being at an art gallery was beyond him. Just like the Andorian male who stood beside him-why was he even still at his side?-had seemed to be just as perplexed about the situation. He also wondered if the woman had assumed he and the Andorian Starfleet ensign were together, a couple. However, that was neither here nor there, in the long run, who came up to strangers and tried to off-load someone?

He decided to go in a different direction, even though the question that was already asked was an important one. "Is everything okay?" Gideon asked, "did you possibly need help?" There was also that, was this woman desperate because she needed to be out of a bad situation, or... was this Orion woman trying to peddle something? He didn't feel different, and his objectivity was still in tact, so no pheromones were at play. "Or is this some type of joke? A prank?"

The antennae closest to the Human turned and then Tris turned his head to look at him before looking back at the young Orion woman, anticipating an answer. The Human had asked the next thing that Tris was thinking to ask her. This was such an odd situation. His eyes then glanced away, toward the older Orion woman, trying to make a better determination or judgement about her.

"A joke? No, no," the older Saalm replied to both the tall man and the Andorian with a dismissive wave of her hand. Both of their confusion was probably understandable given the circumstances. "She is right there. The young Orion that looks sort of like me," she pointed in Nesh's direction. "...Apparently she thinks I can't properly understand art, but you two gentlemen seem to be able to appreciate it."

"Oh, I know you can properly understand art, you're not thick. You're just too lazy to put the effort in." Nesh snarked back, enjoying being able to accuse her big sister of the same personality flaws that Lirha frequently levelled at her.

Tris looked to the tall man, still somewhat confused, but at least someone was beginning to make sense. He was beginning to understand the humor of the situation. The younger one wanting to, in a humorous way, dispose of her older sister for not appreciating art as she. The Andorian looked at the older Orion and then to the younger, trying to explain, "Appreciating Art is an 'Art' unto itself . . if you get my meaning." He smiled at the two women, "As they say, it is truly in the eye of the beholder."

Gideon looked between the two Orion females and a bit of a smirk formed on his lips as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. "It is certainly easy to appreciate art if, as you say, put in the effort," Gideon said, indicated the younger female's words. "However, even putting in effort doesn't mean one has to like art or even understand it. As my Andorian friend here said, it's in the eye of the beholder. Though, it's been my experience some people don't care, nor will they ever." He kept his attention on both women, his gaze shifting between the two. "If you'd like a break, Lirha, I can help you out," he looked to the younger Orion, "I'd be happy to discuss art with you, that is if you'd like my company."

Oh thank the dear spirits, Lirha rejoiced in her head. Her master plan had quickly come to fruition. The older Saalm then smiled up at the tall man with appreciative eyes. "She would be delighted to have your guidance, and you will have my many thanks. Mister...?" she waited for him to introduce himself.

"Gideon Nicols," Gideon replied. "But please, call me Gideon." He again looked between the two Orion women. He certainly didn't want to leave the younger woman to be left out of the discussion. "That is if it's okay with you miss?" He didn't mind to be taking this on, he had come to an art gallery to look at art, so discussing it just seemed natural to do.

Nesh looked him up and down, and developed an expression that would normally seen on a cat who had realised the canary cage was open. "Nesh." She could feel her pheromones starting to ramp up just contemplating the solid side of beefcake in front of her. "It is an absolute pleasure to meet someone this place isn't wasted on."

Gideon didn't know how to take that, it certainly was a compliment to him, but a slight to Lihra. "Well, don't give me too much credit, I can appreciate the art, but frankly I don't know too much about the artists who are presented here."

"You know more than me, and that's all that counts," Lirha chimed in with a light laugh. " you two go. It's nice to meet you, Gideon. I'll see you both back her in a half hour?"

Nesh rolled her eyes. As if thirty minutes would even scratch the surface. "Yes Ma'am," she replied, Sarcasm dripping from each syllable. She slipped her arm into Gideon's "Hey handsome, talk artistry to me."

At that, Gideon chuckled softly. "I'll certainly do my best, Nesh, I'll certainly do my best." He allowed himself to be lead away, perfectly okay with being able to talk art.

Tris noticed an obvious reaction by the older Orion to the offer. He watched and listened intently to their conversation. He then felt somewhat urged to participate within this continuing interaction, and spoke up looking to the older sister, "If, I too, may be so bold, I would be willing to walk with you for conversation while they," gesturing to the younger Orion and Mr. Gideon, "have their own complex discussion of 'Art'."

Despite her desire to pull out her PADD again and play Space Trek Online, Lirha was flattered by the Andorian's offer. It wouldn't do well for her to pawn Nesh off on some poor unsuspecting Human while she herself refused an invitation of her own. "I think I would like that," she said to the light-blue-skinned man. "My name is Lirha. Lirha Saalm." She extended her green hand for him to shake.

Tris accepted the handshake with a smile, "Ens. Tris Shizn, pleased to meet you, but please call me Tris." He looked at the clasping blue and green hands for a second and found it odd, yet saying something unto itself, but he was not sure what. Releasing the clasp and looking about once more. Looking to Lirha, "Where do you think we should begin our 'non-appreciation of art' quest?" He smiled again at the ridiculousness of the statement.

"Perhaps the bar?" she proposed. She wasn't even sure if the gallery had one, but at the very least, maybe one of the replicators could make her a stiff synthehol beverage.

A questioning white eyebrow rose over his left eye, as did that side's antennae, then a big smile came across Tris Shizn's face. "What an interesting concept for interpretation?!"



RADM Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Gideon Nicols, PhD
Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo

Nesh Saalm
[PNPC Derani]

Ensign Tris Shizn
USS Galileo


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Lake ir-Llantrisant on 13 Aug 2017 @ 9:41pm

ROFL for Lirha trying to give Nesh away for adoption. Tris and Gideon’s reactions were priceless!