USS Galileo :: Episode 14 - Statecraft - No Man's Land (Part 5 of 10)
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No Man's Land (Part 5 of 10)

Posted on 21 Apr 2017 @ 2:39pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Commander Marisa Wyatt & Ambassador Soral Varro & Chief Petty Officer Crispin Snow
Edited on on 21 Apr 2017 @ 2:55pm

2,660 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 14 - Statecraft
Location: IKS DuJa'Q, Klingon Neutral Zone
Timeline: MD 11, 2318 hrs

Previously, on No Man's Land (Part 4)...

Aren nodded, as he stumbled over to the command chair, pressing the button for the 1MC. "All hands, I repeat all hands, this is the XO. There has been an attempted mutiny on the bridge. The mutiny on the bridge has been dealt with, but be prepared to deal with potential rouge Klingon elements. XO, out." Aren said, the world started to spin. He grabbed onto the command chair and turned to face Lirha.

Aren's head was pounding as he moved over to help Lirha. Aren gave her a quick triage to make sure that she was wasn't severally hurt. "Sir, please stay still." He said, with as much iron and compassion that he could muster. All obvious wounds appeared to be superficial but he didn't know if there was something internal. "How are you feeling sir?" Aren asked. Aren tapped his combadge. =/\= Bridge to Medical. We need a doctor on the bridge. =/\=

And Now, the Continuation...


Deck 9, Forward Section - Sickbay

Half a dozen Klingons suddenly burst into sickbay, weapons at the ready. One fired a shot into the ceiling to get everyone's attention. "Surrender and we spare your lives," the lead Klingon ordered.

Marisa glanced at the others in the room. Surrender? Weren't they supposed to be on the same side? Clearly not. She worried, briefly, about the crew on the bridge and in engineering, then she quickly did some mental calculations. If this was a mutiny, they could not surrender or people would die from lack of medical attention.

"What do you want us to do?" she asked, moving over to one of the triage stations. "We have no weapons, as you can see. We are only here to treat the wounded."

A Klingon spat in her direction. "Vulcan coward."

The disruptors she and Allyndra had been given before were still safely hidden. If she could get to one, she might get a surprise attack. She'd have to be very careful, because she would only have one shot at this. If she failed, it would be her life, and the life of everyone in sickbay. Then again, she doubted they'd survive if they surrendered anyway. Sickbay wasn't high on the Klingon's list of priorities. Allyndra might be of some worth, but Marisa, as a Vulcan and a counselor, was less than worthless in the eyes of the Klingons.

"Federations doctors take an oath to preserve life," she said, slowly moving over to the side of the room.

"Stay where you are," another Klingon ordered. Marisa recognized him as the one she'd treated before. The one who threatened her. Great. She wouldn't be able to get to a disruptor. Hopefully one of the nurses would figure out what she was trying to do.

Instead, Marisa reached for a large container of alcohol and threw it with enough strength to break the glass on the face of a Klingon. It splashed two other Klingons in the face.

The Klingons fired, but the medical staff had already hit the floor.

Nurse Balon pulled out one of the sickbay's disruptors and shot one of the two temporarily disabled Klingons. He dropped behind a biobed, but not before he got hit in his shoulder.

Another nurse hit the lights, plunging the room in darkness. The Klingons fired at random.

Balon fired again, using the light from the disruptor fire to locate a Klingon.

Another nurse also returned fire.

The lights came back on. There were still four Klingons, one who was wiping his face to remove the alcohol.

Marisa used the darkness to maneuver closer, mentally picturing the layout of sickbay. She had her knife ready when the lights came on and threw it into the throat of a Klingon, mentally thanking her brothers for the years of practice.

More disruptor fire filled the room. Three nurses fell, the gravity of their wounds unknown.

Marisa was aware of the injuries, but until they removed the immediate threat, she could not help them. "Hey, buddy!" she called to a Klingon, "How do you feel about being beaten by pacifists?" An angry Klingon was a dangerous thing. But she hoped he would also be more concerned about her than the others. That might give them a chance to do...something.

Allyndra stood blinking hard. It was sort of the way Akkadians expressed surprise. She was not about to do anything as the group shouted at the assembled personnel. That is just before everything suddenly went south. Unlike most others, her reaction was not to duck but to fly. Even in the old days when most males still had wings, the sky was the area of refuge. There was not a lot of room but enough and the beams passed just below her feet. She grabbed instinctively the hypo out of her med kit and as the lights came back dropped like an eagle on the middle Klingon jabbing the hypo into his neck. She was pretty sure she remembered the setting for a powerful sedative. The man shouted and struggled with her on his back before folding up. His compatriots turned startled but drew their bladed weapons.

Marisa grabbed a bedpan and threw it like a discus at a Klingon to distract him from Allyndra. It hit him squarely in the chest, causing his shot to go wide.

Unfortunately, another Klingon pulled out his knife, hitting Marisa in the shoulder.

The bedpan startled her as well and Allyndra and one Klingon looked at each other for a long second before he shouted and lunged with his blade. The blade went along rib thankfully rather than plunging in. It hurt like the devil and Allyndra winched but did the only thing she could think of and bit the Klingon hard in the neck. He seemed even more surprised than ever and pushed her away.

It was then that a shower of sparks erupted from the back of the warrior that'd attacked Warraquim. The Klingon's eyes went wide while he let out a final grunt of defeat and fell forward into the floor, dead.

Behind him stood an older, graying-haired Klingon with a lieutenant commander rank insignia visible on his uniform. He surveyed the rest of sickbay while three other Klingons sprinted into the room and swept it clean of any remaining mutineers. "Are you alright?" he loudly asked the doctor, turning back to her and then to look at Sandoval. "Chorag is attempting to commandeer the ship and we have many wounded," he began to explain. "If you can walk, we need your assistance."

Marisa sighed in relief. "I can walk. We have a couple of nurses down." She grabbed a sticking plaster and slapped it over the wound on her shoulder and then grabbed a medkit. "Where do you need me?"

Balon moved slowly over to where a nurse stared blankly at the ceiling. "I'll take care of the wounded here." He closed the nurse's eyes and moved on to the next person.

Allyndra spat the purple blood out. She went to her medkit to patch the long scrape along her side which had made a mess out of her uniform. Having taken care of that she finally responded. "Very good."

A call came into sickbay. =/\= Bridge to Medical. We need a doctor on the bridge. =/\= Aren's voice called.

Allyndra grabbed her kit and looked back. "I suspect we will have a lot of people. I am off to do what I can. Thankfully a rib seems to have deflected to main blow." She looked down at her top and shook her head. "Worse looking then it really is but it does hurt."

=^=Allyndra here, on my way.=^=

"I'll come help," Marisa said.

Balon waved the two off. "We'll be fine here."

The Klingon lieutenant commander waved his gloved hand to indicate for Sandoval and Warraquim to follow his lead. "We must leave at once. Stay behind me at all times...there is no way to know how many men Chorag still has alive and patrolling the vessel," he instructed, then stepped toward the exit. With the rest of his team flanking him on either side, they burst out of the medical bay and into the corridor while sweeping both sides for possible insurgents. For now, there were none, and the warrior turned back to the two doctors to motion for them to follow.

Marisa had paused just long enough to grab her disruptor. She nodded to the Klingon that she understood.

Deck 6, Engineering Section - Main Engineering

The sound of disruptor fire had filled the corridors outside of DuJa'Q's primary engineering chamber just moments ago. Within mere seconds, the sounds of Klingons crying out in battle spilled over into the room when the door burst open and an armed team of four warriors rushed the console stations -- Chorag's men. They began firing without hesitation at every Klingon and Starfleet person in the vicinity while moving to secure vital consoles in order to take control of the battlecruiser from below.

It was the sound of disruptor fire that gave Snow enough warning to knock Varro to the floor and take cover behind their monitoring station, where they'd been watching the not unexpected wobble in the warp field for anything that was unexpected.

They crashed down together as the disruptor fire passed through the spot they had been inhabiting a moment before, and Snow looked at the Vulcan. "Are you armed?" he hissed urgently. He wasn't sure whether being armed or not would improve their chances, but they may as well list their assets.

Varro was caught off guard by the tackle but recovered quickly. Klingons were a predictable lot. He gave a nod. "To a fashion Mr. Snow. I am trained in several forms of Vulcan defence and Engineering tools can help."

"I'm on the squishy side for going toe to toe with a Klingon," Snow muttered. "We need something better than the Marquis of Queensbury and a wrench."

Varro didn't understand the Queensbury comment but he understood the wrench. "Perhaps this is a good time to retreat."

"They're between us and the door." Snow pointed out.

"Well are you not just a ray of sunshine," Varro said. He though for a moment. "However, there is a small hatch way just around the corner. If we can go into it and come out outside Engineering we can run a decontamination program that should knock them out." He looked at Snow.

Snow gave him a thumbs-up and headed off to the indicated panel, head down, and crouched low trying not to be seen. He reached the panel and pressed at the release spots. It popped out with a sharp click and he froze, wondering if the Klingons had heard them.

Varro stilled waiting for the Klingons, seconds, a minute...nothing. He motioned to Snow and the two crawled into the opening. Varro took the end and closed the hatch. Both crawled in silence and he heard the hiss of Snow opening the other end. It was all too easy. Those were the last thoughts he had before he was roughly pulled out of the tube. Four Klingons. Varro looked at Snow. "I guess they are smarter then they look." He whispered.

"Not hard," Snow muttered, "Where's the thing?" Maybe they could make a last ditch jump at it.

Varro looked at Snow. Before he could say anything he felt a Klingon go for his throat. He reacted with his training. Varro managed to get a hold of one of the Klingon's fingers and bent it back until he heard a sickening snap. The Klingon howled. Varro staggered back. "We fight Mr. Snow."

Not what a squishy human wanted to hear. Snow dodged a Klingon's lazy grab and smacked him with the panel they had removed, using all his strength. The Klingon fell back, more from surprise than any real damage. "Not what I wanted to here." He raised the panel as a make shift shield as a second Klingon came on.

Varro side stepped the enraged Klingon with the broken finders and gracefully turning he managed to use the Klingon's momentum to shove him hard against the wall. Seeing that Snow had the other two in hand he went after the one that seemed to be running away. Varro stopped sighed and turned back towards snow. He couldn't leave him. He grabbed the disruptor that was on the ground from the knocked out Klingon and setting it to heavy stun he fired off two shots and then a third at the unconscious one. He looked over at Snow. "That should hold them. We have to get the one that ran back into Engineering. Are you alright Mr. Snow?"

Snow glanced down at the vanquished Klingons, then back at Varro, slightly surprised at the way the retiring Vulcan had dispatched them. Surprised, and a little impressed. "Peachy. Shall we go?"

"Of course." He said as he began hurrying towards engineering.

They entered engineering and looked around. Varro hadn't seen the Klingon's face that had run away but there was a familiar energy about him. He gently pushed Snow against the wall. "Keep the wall to your back. This one....there is something familiar about him."

"He can be Chanceller Gowron for all I care, as long as he doesn't come back." Snow looked around. "Let's get this place locked down. We don't want them coming back."

"Mr. Snow I..." Before he could finish that the Klingon jumped from behind knocking Varro to the ground.

Caught off guard Varro could not deflect the blows that came at him. Coiling his strength like a snake he jerked forward launching the Klingon into the air. Varro was on his feet in in seconds. His eyes trained on the Klingon. A wave of familiarity washed over him. Why could he not place him.

Varro deflected another blow as the Klingon beast came bounding towards him. He stepped to the side allowing the Klingon to pass him and then grabbed the Klingon's arm twisting it hard until with an audible pop it snapped in two. Quickly he administered a nerve pinch upon the howling Klingon's neck and the wild pain crazed man slumped to the ground. "Mr. Snow I do believe we need to tie him down and secure the room, as you suggested before."

"I think I'll leave the tying down to you." The human jogged over to the main doors, and quickly worked to seal them shut from the outside. "Hopefully he won't wake up for a long time." with deft fingers he reconnected a handful of wires, and reset a breaker. "Get through that without a plasma cutter, you ugly sods."

Varro made short work of hog-tying the Klingon. He finished just about the time Snow finished securing the door.

To Be Continued...



GEN Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer

Commander Chorag
First Officer
[PNPC Saalm]

Ensign Miraj Derani
Chief Flight Control Officer

CPO2 Crispin Snow
Operations Officer
[PNPC Derani]

Ensign Mimi
Operations Officer

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical and Second Officer
IKS Duja'Q

PO2 T'Lin
Science Officer
IKS Duja'Q
[PNPC Warraquim]

Lieutenant JG Marisa Sandoval
IKS Duja'Q

Petra Varelli, PhD
Forensic Anthropologist
IKS Duja'Q
[PNPC Sandoval]

Ambassador Sorel Varro
Chief Diplomatic Officer
IKS Duja'Q

Petty Officer Eviess
Medical Officer
IKS Duja'Q
[PNPC Varro]

Lt. JG Eelim Galan
Security Officer
IKS Duja'Q
[PNPC Varro]

Commander Aren Ban
Executive Officer
IKS Duja'Q

Lieutenant JG Amaranai Franklin
Assistant Chief Security / Tactical
IKS Duja'Q

Lieutenant Commander Luke Wyatt
Strategic Operations Officer
IKS Duja'Q

Ensign Abbey St James
Security Officer
IKS Duja'Q
[PNPC Wyatt]


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