USS Galileo :: Episode 14 - Statecraft - The Vulcan Mind
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The Vulcan Mind

Posted on 15 Mar 2017 @ 5:48pm by Commander Marisa Wyatt & Ambassador Soral Varro
Edited on on 21 Mar 2017 @ 3:05pm

1,713 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 14 - Statecraft
Location: IKS Duja'Q, Counselor's Office
Timeline: MD 04, 0800 hours


Varro looked down at the data pad. He had to see a counselor and get cleared for duty. He hadn't seen a counselor since...

Varro shook his head. He chastised himself and told himself to get it together. He was new, rescued from what he'd called the prison colony by this crew so he knew nothing about them. He found himself hesitating at the door before he hit the chime. He took the time to compose himself and slam his well perfected Vulcan mask into place.

"Come in." Marisa had taken one of the small rooms around sickbay as her "office" so she could have some privacy if any of the crew needed to talk. It was close enough to sickbay that she could easily be found, but separate enough to not be in the way.

Varro entered the room. He noted the Vulcan features on the woman. He saluted her in he proper Vulcan fashion. "Live long and prosper, madam." He added. He then inclined his head in a gentlemanly gesture. Suddenly Marcus' words filtered through his mind and he supressed a smile. His eyes drifted to her Vulcan ears. Even though he was half Vulcan and had the height, strength, and facial features his ears were El Aurian, plain, like human ears. It had been a sore point for him that he didn't dwell on too much accept when in the presence of a Vulcan.

Marisa returned the Vulcan salute. "Well met. How may I be of assistance?"

Varro gave a nod in acknowledgement of Marisa's question. "I am here to get my duty clearance." He motioned towards the chair. "May I?"

"Of course," Marisa said. "Make yourself comfortable."

With a nod he waited until she sat and then followed suit. "So, where do we start?"

"That depends on you," she said. "Where do you want to start? Although your name might be a good place."

It then occurred to Varro that he didn't properly introduce himself. "That was rather rude. Humble apologies. I am Soral Varro, Starfleet, AB-077-5802, Diplomatic section,Ambassador rank. I am here to be cleared for duty."

"And I am Marisa Sandoval. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Tell me of your journey to this ship."

"Well I spent the last few years on a Romulan colony on Minos Tureth Moon colony 1 aka New Romulus as Ambassador. I was to be transferred to the Galileo and I took a few months off to rest prior to that but on the way to the starbase for rest my assistant and I were captured by a ship and taken to that prison planet and now I'm here and my assistant, whom I had to fight to keep with me, decided to stay and help the locals. Rather dull journey." He said. Although he spoke calmly there was so much he wasn't saying. The clenching of his fists, the crease in his brow, the glimmer in the eyes told of so much more that was not being said.

"And how did you find Kreanus?" she asked.

Varro sighed. How to answer that. The diplomatic response would be interesting, the Vulcan response would be fascinating from an experiment perspective, the personal would be it was as if he was thrust into Dante's seventh level of hell. What to say... Varro mind whirled at light speed. "It was interesting," he finally said.

"The Chinese have an old proverb," Marisa said. "May you live in interesting times. Is that the interesting you refer to?"

Varro studied the woman silently. She was sharp. He sighed. "Let me ask you something Counselor."

"Of course," she said.

"Have you ever read Dante's Divine Comedy," Varro asked.

"No, but I've read Dante's Inferno," she replied.

Varro continued, "Well I would say that it reminds me of the nine levels of hell he describes."

"An apt description. Which level of hell were you in and why?" Marisa asked, curious to hear his comparison.

How to answer that. He'd been trapped in a private hell of his making for years. "Well the violent storms the planet was prone to remind me of the second level but the water reclamation and mining sections were like the flaming tombs in the 6th level." He stood and walked over to the window watching the stars fly by. "I apologize. That wasn't a very diplomatic discussion was it?"

"I'm more of a counselor than a diplomat," Marisa said. "So I dont mind so much. Besides, when it comes to Kreanus, sometimes you have to be harsh."

Varro stayed silent for a moment. "So," he turned to face the counselor clasping his hands behind his back. "What is your opinion of me. Am I cleared for duty?"

"What do you think?" she countered.

Varro allowed himself a rare smile. He turned. "I think, counselor, that I have never let my wants, needs, or pain interfere with work. I think that heartache and hardship are old friends that I have learned to live with and ignore."

"As long as you deal with them as well, then I see no problem with certifying you fit for duty," Marisa said.

Varro inclined his head and then headed back to the chair across the counselor. "So what happens now?" In his experience counselors never let someone off that easy.

"As I do not have access to your personnel file, I would like to talk to you again in a few weeks, when we're back on a Starship, but until then, you should be fine," she said. "I also like giving a written test, which I will have then as well."

"A test?" Varro asked.

"More specifically, a series of questions," Marisa said. "Simply select the answer you feel is most accurate. It's a standard psychological exam."

He'd gone through that after Marcus died. He'd been put through every test they had. He kept himself from sighing. "Very well." He stood then. "I wish to thank you for your time Counselor."

"You're welcome," Marisa said, standing to give him a bow. "If you need to talk before then, I'll be here."

"Of course." As Varro turned to go a photo slipped out of his pocket. The photo was of a tall man with dark hair and a strong jaw line. He was smiling with his arm around Varro and they stood in front of a Christmas tree. Varro looked on at the other man with worshiping eyes.

Marisa couldn't help noticing the photo and the expression on Varro's face. "A friend of yours?" she asked quietly.

Varro froze for a moment. He bent down and scooped the photo up. He stood there looking at the picture. "Admiral Marcus Antonius Stadler. He... he was..." How do you describe someone who was everything to you? The good counselor had found her mark.

"Sometimes you can't," Marisa replied quietly. "BUt it can help to try. I take it he's dead?"

Varro looked over at her. She seamed to sense his thoughts. The Vulcan side of her. "He died years ago. He was...unique and he helped me find my way. He was my very breath." Varro said.

Marisa indicated the chair for him to sit down again. "How have you chosen to honor him in your life?"

Varro sighed. He took the offered chair. Maybe it was time to talk. His eyes were drawn to the picture. "Marcus was...pure sunshine. He helped me through the worst time in my life. It's because of him I am here. He used to celebrate everything." Once he got started he couldn't seem to stop. "He loved Christmas trees but he'd have a tree for any festival he'd find. I think that we had a tree up all year." Varro smiled his dazzling smile as he thought about Marcus. His eyes shifted from green to ice blue as they did when he was feeling high emotions. "He would say celebrate life when you can. I put the tree up every year. I get through the day knowing that I am one day closer to Marcus."

"Perhaps you would better serve him by trying to pattern your life after his, so that you find joy in your life. In that way, you are still getting one day closer, but you're celebrating his legacy rather than mourning his loss," Marisa said quietly.

"But how can I be happy when he's not with me?" Varro stood and began to pace. "Oh I have glimpsed happiness or a weird form of contentment however when I comes there are feelings of guilt for even the thought of moving on when he cannot." And there it was. Survivors guilt but even though he had spoken the words he refused to admit to himself that this was what it was.

"You can be happier with someone, but your happiness is not dependent on anyone but you," she said. "Remember him for who he was, and for what he brought to your life. Use that to make yourself better for having known him."

Varro stayed silent for a long time. He then got back to his feet slipping the photograph in his pocket. "I will consider what you have said Counselor."

Marisa put a hand on his arm. "I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life. I am honestly trying to help you. But I won't push. If you want to talk, I'm here. If not," she couldn't help smiling. "Well, I'm still here."

Varro studied the woman a moment and then did something he rarely did. He smiled. "I might just take you up on that offer." He inclined his head and headed towards the door.

Marisa smiled back and watched him leave. She considered that a victory. A very small victory, but she'd take what she could and be grateful for it. She hoped he'd come back. She wanted to help him find his happiness again.

As Varro walked down the hall, away from the counselor's office he felt a bit more peaceful. Maybe...just maybe he'd go back to see her of his own free will.


Lieutenant JG Marisa Sandoval
IKS Duja'Q

Ambassador Sorel Varro
Chief Diplomatic Officer
IKS Duja'Q


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