USS Galileo :: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi - Clutching at the straws of the past
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Clutching at the straws of the past

Posted on 17 Aug 2016 @ 1:14pm by Ensign Miraj Derani & Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D. & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Greg Mitchell

887 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi
Location: Galileo Deck 1 - Conference Room
Timeline: MD 24 1600


Miraj found Lieutenant Benice In the smaller of the two conference rooms, deep in conversation with one of her staff. She hesitated a moment outside. Then she took a breath, and decided to nail her colours to the mast. Though to do that, she needed her colours in the first place. Which was why she here.

She knocked on the door and went in. "I'm sorry to interrupt Lieutenant but could I have a few moments when you're free?"

"Of course," Gyce smiled apologetically to Mitchell as indicated the free seat to the other side of her. "What can I do for you Ensign?"

Miraj's eyes glanced briefly at Mitchell. "If you're sure I'm not interrupting?"

"It's fine. Really." Gyce tapped the empty chair warmly. "What's on your mind?"

Greg, who was reading through the daily report to Lt. Benice, looked up real quick as he snapped back to his senses. "Wha...oh! Come on in ma'am. I'm just doing some paper work."

Miraj entered the room fully and took a seat. "I was wondering if you were planning to go to Celes IV, after what happened. And if so, Could I come with you?"

"I've no designs planned around that inhospitable planet," Gyce noted with reproach. "Why do you ask?"

Miraj looked a bit uncertain. "When I was there, I saw a whole load of colours from various brethren. Including my mother's. I want to go back and get it. See if there's anything there which might say where she's gone."

Greg looked up from his PADD and alternated between looking at Lt. Benice and Ensign Derani for a few moments, attempting to comprehend what exactly the Ensign had just said. Having never worked with her or her species before he didn't know exactly what she was referring to by "colors".

He turned to the Lieutenant. "Do you want me to step outside?"

"It's up to the ensign," Gyce shrugged. "Did you take an off-book recently to discover this?"

Miraj looked shocked. "no ma'am. It was all authorised by the Admiral."

"Yes, I've been meaning to have someone clarify that ma'am. How does one go from a simple survey op to..." He tapped the PADD and read the report, "jumping off a cliff with the third officer?"

"Well, we were going to get a closer look at some weird readings. We didn't realise until we got there that there were people there. It's supposed to be uninhabited. But there were these people there, I think some sort of smugglers or maybe a chop shop or something I never did really find out what but they were really angry we'd found them. And it was a choice of jump or be captured and Lt Wyatt said jump, so I did." Miraj had to stop talking to take a breath. "And I didn't get to take my mother's flag but I would like to go back, but I don't want to go by myself so I thought if someone was going back then I'd try and go with them."

Gyce we still a tad lost in translation. Leave it to Luke to be part of sketchy. All the same though, she took her time to consider her words carefully.

"Small-man team into an unknown area might not be a great idea. That is, unless you know how many men and the layout," Gyce pointed out as she looked to Greg. She would not order her men into something dangerous unless more than a flag was at stake.

Miraj looked crestfallen and her bunches swung mournfully as she shook her head. "No. I don't have any of that. I just assumed that Lt Wyatt had...dealt with them all." She sighed. "It doesn't matter. I'm sorry to have taken your time, Lieutenant."

"I promise you, we'll help.... we just can't go in blind," Gyce spoke with sympathy.

"Thank you. But I don't want to be any trouble. Not for something so small." In the scheme of things, Miraj knew that. But her heart ached for the first tangible thing connected to her mother she'd ever seen. "And I don't want what happened to me happen to anyone else."

"I'm sorry. Truly," Gyce spoke with sympathy.

Greg put down his padd. "Ma'am, with respect, we are law enforcement officers. We are trained to deal with threats that you otherwise would not be. I've served on a couple of warships that have seen extensive combat action. Whatever help you need, if you can just give us a little more intel, we can help. You don't need to worry about anything happening to us."

He looked over at Gyce, "If you want, ma'am, I can get my Marine contact I told you about in my briefing to check out this area for us."

Miraj gave the head of security a wide -eyed pleading look, but stopped short of actual begging. But she knew it was probably just clutching at straws. Afterall, it was just a flag.

"Give her all the info you can, Mister Mitchell." Gyce nodded to one of her more senior security officers in the affirmative.


Lieutenant JG Benice Gyce
Chief of Security
USS Galileo

CWO2 Greg Mitchell
Security Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Miraj Derani
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo


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