USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Checking Up on a Friend
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Checking Up on a Friend

Posted on 30 Mar 2016 @ 4:15am by Commander Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D.
Edited on on 07 Apr 2016 @ 7:07pm

814 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Luke's Quarters
Timeline: MD 8- 1330 Hours


Gyce had noticed of late that Luke had not been coming in. She knew the reason why. Grief caused much anguish to someone who lost a child. She did not know that pain, but she did see her parents and brother die horrible deaths. And she joined another resistance cell in that grief-stricken rage.

For Jake, revenge was not an easy notion to take. And overtime Gyce felt Luke would regret any action he might make. Thus she decided to finally visit him and talk.

Walking without a cane, she effortlessly walked down the corridor until she found Luke's quarters. With a tap of the chime, she waited cautiously to see if Luke was going to answer.

Hearing the chime to his door Luke flicked on the main light and rubbed his bristled face with his sleeve. "Come in" He said lazily moving about the room picking things up and putting them into a box or if they were still salvageable putting them back to there rightful place.

Gyce walked in cautiously as she rummaged through her messenger bag.

"It's me," she said with sympathy when her eyes saw his physical status. "I came to see how you were holding up."

He gave a dark solace laugh which was cut short with a cough. "I am fine. Just been under the weather - I think there's a virus going around," Luke lied trying not to catch Gyce's eyes as she always had such penetrating brown eyes and ever since he had stepped down from chief allowed himself to notice more of it.

"Bloodshot eyes and your pores say otherwise," Gyce spoke skeptically, but quickly moved in over to the replicator for coffee and crumpets to sober him up. "...You'll likely see her every day, now that the command staff have released her to the general population."

She dare not give that thing a name out of respect for Luke's feelings.

Ignoring her last statement he shook himself down "I think crumpets might be a good idea, give me ten to get fresh?" he asked eyeing the shower room he had neglected the past couple of days.

"Sure," Gyce agreed with concern in her eyes.

Luke hurried away and quickly shaved and washed his face. Throwing on some fresh clothes he had cleaned up pretty well and as he left the shower room steam followed behind him. "Right, ready" he said wiping the last bit of dampness from his hair.

"You need to get out of here, Jake." Gyce looked to him with genuine concern. "At least get some fresh air and a new perspective."

He shrugged "Fresh Air? The filtration systems pumps fresh air in every second" he took a deep breath as if to highlight the fact. "See, mmm Fresh" His tired eyes settled on Gyce. "Now shall we go for those crumpets?"

Gyce nodded and handed him the tray. "Would your Abbey want to see you like this?" she asked gently.

"What does it matter?" He returned taking the tray and recoiling at his own words. "She's gone and I cant bring her back yet... She still walks the corridors." His tone wasn't bitter but more lost and confused.

"That's not her," Gyce pointed out somberly. "That one had a whole set of different life experiences. A cruel world with little love."

"When did you become so philosophical and when did you care about me?" He returned not bitterly but curiously. He had always seen Gyce more of a challenge or work colleague than a friend and it was that instance he fully appreciated her. Not just in personality of who she was but also visually and how she looked. Luke never noticed how pretty she was.

"I have a PhD, Luke." Gyce smiled slightly as if to remind him. "I've always cared. It's just my job is done best, on duty, when I am focused on my tasks... Guess that's why I get few lunch and dinner invites."

He smiled, possibly the first smile he had smiled for some time and for that alone he was grateful. "Then maybe people should offer you more lunch and dinner invites, you deserve them" Luke replied.

"I believe I could say yes," Gyce smiled at him. "Would be a nice distraction for you, I think, to get off the ship for a bit. 84 has some nice restaurants."

He chuckled, "You're saying yes before I've even asked you." Luke joked taking a more relaxed posture, and his mind easing for the first time since his daughters death. "Its like you knew I was going to ask if you would like to accompany me to 84."

"I'm an expert interrogator," Gyce winked at him. "It's my job to read body language, Luke."


Lieutenant Luke Wyatt
Strategic Operations Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Benice Gyce
Chief of Security/Tactical
USS Galileo


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