USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Stunned Awakening
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Stunned Awakening

Posted on 30 Nov 2015 @ 7:19pm by Corporal Abbey St James

2,875 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: USS Galileo- Deck 4 - Geology Lab
Timeline: MD 11 - 0430hrs probably a tuesday


Abbey's mind was dark, much like most of her life had been all these years until now. Until the Starfleet version of Galileo arrived with her father and her recently deceased counter-part, she was going to have to tell him what happened. Abbey knew she shouldn't have killed her but killing was what she did best and now... now she was hurting more people. Sgt Gaynor, The security guard she had knocked out and now Wintrow the one good thing to come from this whole situation. A light appeared on the horizon and she raised her arm to it as it blinded her, causing her body to feel numb. When did she get onto the floor?

Abbey's eyes shot open it was bright and she closed them again before they burnt out. She could feel warm air blowing onto her cheek, did she put the heating on before she slept? Her bed didn't feel as comfortable as it usually did she tested her eye sight again. She could now just about make out the bulkhead of her room but something wasn't right. The warm air increased and decreased with every passing second as if... That's when she remembered the Galileo, the fight with Wintrow the phaser going of and then nothing. Flinging her eyes open not caring for the bright light which hindered her view she could see she was now laying on top of him her arm draped across his chest her head leaning on his his cheek and to the side of his shoulder almost nestled there on purpose.

The sound of phaser fire could no longer be heard and looking around the security guard was gone maybe thinking that it was safe to leave them, or perhaps killed though the door was closed shut now and probably locked. "Win?" She called hoarsely daring not to move her body aching from the stun.

The young man groaned as he was roused by the calling of his name. He was sore, but couldn't quite recall why. "I don't want to get up yet," he murmured, trying to roll over but finding his path blocked. Somehow, he seemed to think he was back in his quarters and only just waking up for his shift. Yet...his blankets weren't this heavy were they? And what was that strange itchy feeling across his cheek?

He raised a trembling hand to swipe whatever it was away, only to encounter a tangle of hair that definitely didn't belong to him. The weight on his chest made it difficult to breathe and something very solid was digging against his ribs. His eyes shot open, revealing very dark blue irises that stared up in cold confusion. "Abbey?" He blinked a few times, trying to clear his head. He could feel her bare skin against his hand, and assumed the worst. "Why are you on top of me?"

She smiled hearing his voice, meaning he wasn't dead "We decided to stop fighting and go to the lounge to drink, you drank a bit to much and now I'm in your bed...You stunned us" She joked still not having much control over her body but she could just raise her head and now instead of talking into his neck she looked directly down at him his eyes black, or at least almost black. "Your hand comfortable there?" Abbey asked feeling his hand either moving or twitching on her stomach she couldn't tell nor really cared after being stunned.

"No...." He tried to sit up but the rest of his body wouldn't really respond yet. "And I don't drink ma'am.... I stunned us? Why? I wasn't intending on stunning anyone really...I only didn't want us to leave here... Why would I stun myself?" He couldn't recall ever having gotten stunned before, but right now he didn't really feel right. "I feel a little dizzy, and I can't move....can you at least roll off ma'am? I can't breathe..." His words came with pauses as he had to think before speaking, all feeling like a jumble to him.

Taking in a deep breath and catching his scent letting it envelop her senses she rolled over groaning over successfully her uniform leaving her more exposed than she liked. "I... hate stun phaser" She said looking up at the ceiling "You were following orders, I'm sorry" She said her bodily functions slowly coming back. "First time you ever been stunned before? Or woken up with a girl laying helpless on top of you?" She joked cursing herself for doing it, though humour was her natural defence.

"Both," Wintrow answered, "I don't recall ever having been shot with a phaser though I have shot my instructor in the foot by accident." Carefully, he tried to sit up and grimaced. "It sure burns," he grunted, examining his scorched uniform. "Are you alright?"

Abbey's body went into a self check mode very much like a built in test any machine would have, "Legs hurt, arms hurt, stomach hurts, head hurts I think I've burnt my hands too they hurt the most" She replied motor skills coming back with every passing second. "You shot your instructor in the foot?" She giggled but stopped clutching her stomach, "Stop making me laugh" She added smiling about their whole messed up situation.

"Yeah, not like I intended to, it was an accident." He examined his own hands which were red and swollen a little, especially his left hand. "I wasn't trying to make you laugh..." He rolled up to his knees and folded his arm over his stomach, groaning softly under his breath. Do you see a medkit anywhere?" His eyes traveled across her body and he reached out to her skirt, giving it a gentle tug to put it back in place. Then he caught the burn across her stomach. "You're worse off than me..."

Looking around feeling her skirt fall back into place her stomach sank, he was... kind and gentle the very opposite of what she was. "That's because you shot me" She retorted humour in her voice, "besides I am used to it by now, being shot at I mean" She said trying to remember if she saw any med kits anywhere. "I think I saw one by the workstation when we came in.

"Then we'll try to get to it." He got up to his feet, then held out his hand. "You're confused about something," he stated quietly as he studied jer, though he wasn't sure about what he sensed. "And I don't know if I shot you, you were trying to take the weapon...maybe it's you who shot me." He smiled gently as he pulled her to his feet, grimacing as his muscled protested against that action. "You're my responsibility, I'm not going to let you be in pain if I can do something about it. You're not my enemy, you've already proven that."

Abbey didn't want to move but her training her instinct knew better so taking his hand she lifted herself up of the floor. "You're not human are you?" She asked, a little scared, angry? It wasn't his fault it's not like they had time to chat between shooting Gaynor and getting to this point intact this is the most they talked to each other. "Your eyes are almost completely black and the way you ask that question as if you knew..." Her face went a shade of pink; she wasn't sure whether to run, hide or fight him again she thought taking an unconscious step away.

"No." Wintrow shook his head, almost recoiling from her sudden fear. "I'm half Betazoid. I can only sense what you feel, I can't read you like a telepath." He noticed her creating a distance but didn't stop her. Where was she going to go? "We need to find you something else to wear, you stand out like a sore thumb in that outfit. Much as it looks good on you, it might get you shot." He noticed her dagger and gestured to it. "Best give that to me ma'am."

Her face scrunched up "Humans and Xeno's... Have sex and children in your universe?!" She questioned the very thought was treasonous but then again wasn't it a female Trill who her father had been helping before he was killed? Slipping her dagger out from its rope holder she took the pointed end and handed it to him handle first "Last time I handed you a weapon you pointed it at me and shot us both" Now looking at the jacket she shook her head "Don't be silly I don't think we can even leave this place anyway and well I like my uniform and stop calling me Ma'am its abbey! I'm not even an officer!" She said slightly in frustration before storming over to where she thought she saw the medical box what was he doing to her head, maybe he was lying about his abilities the idea of which just made her more scared and angry.

"It's a polite form of adress," Wintrow answered slowly, obviously hurt by her reaction. He stuffed the dagger in his left boot, for lack of anywhere else to put it and shrugged out of his own jacket, offering it to her. "Just put this on," he suggested, "and yes I suppose they mother was Betazoid but I never knew her. She died shortly after I was born. I was born and raised on Earth." He approached her, still holding out his jacket to her. "My father taught me it's a form of respect to address a female as ma'am, that it's polite to do so. I meant no disrespect with it...please...put this on. I won't watch, I promise." To make a point, he turned his back towards her. In addition to that, it was also a gesture of trust, because with his back turned, she could do anything without him seeing.

Abbey took the jacket and placed it on the counter she was now standing at looking over to see he had in fact turned the other way her stomach twisted again. Undoing the buttons to her own Empire jacket, if you can call it that she slipped it off letting it fall to the floor making sure she unpinned the comms badge first. Having the two jackets on would have made her look silly and bulky and she already had doubts that the jacket wouldn't fit as it was. Wearing nothing but a bra to cover her top half she threw over the jacket and fastened it. Pinning the comms badge on she looked down at herself the look was actually a good mixture between Empire and Federation even her skirt, fishnet tights and high legged boots all matched. "What do you think?" She asked turning around the bit of fabric dangling on her left side coming round to settle a moment later than abbeys body some how the jacket fit but clung to her frame tighter than that of her own uniform defining every feminine feature she had.

Turning back, he cast her an appreciating yet suddenly very shy smile. "Looks good," he commented, "though you might want to hide the badge..." He joined her at the console and dug up the medkit they had discussed before. His hand trembled a little as he retrieved the dermal regenerator and held it out to her. "May I?" he asked, gesturing towards her hands, and abdomen. "I won't touch," he promised her, "are you in need of any pain relief?" There was a hypospray in the kit and several doses of painkillers, knowing he needed one for himself if he was going to be more clearheaded than he felt now.

Unpinning the comm badge she dipped it into her pocket, "I think it's safe to say I am in need of pain relief" she said moving her hair to one side of her hair and tilting her head away from him allowing space for the spray. "You can touch me" she said pointing to the hypospray and medkit, she knew she needed proper medical attention for the burns and maybe a heart scan from being stunned in such close proximity.

Guessing at the needed dose, he pressed the hypospray against her throat. "Can you use a dermal regenerator or do you want me to?" he asked, as he raised his hand to inject himself.

Abbey felt the pain subside as a warmth grew through her, "I know how to use one, but it wont be amazing" She replied taking the dermal regenerator "Will you need any painkiller's?" She asked looking at his left hand her face screwed up at the burnt flesh and began sweeping the dermal around his burnt area. Moving around his body she finished in front of him and stood back up finding those obsidian like eyes and then leaned in to kiss him on the cheek "Thankyou for not letting me leave" She said pulling back. "Now... Pain killer?" She asked still allowing herself to be lost in his eyes.

He gave the hypospray he was still holding to her and tilted his head sideways, exposing his neck to her. "Please," he managed, still recovering from the shock of being kissed, even if it was only on his cheek. He felt a little uncomfortable under her scrutiny and he looked away. "Why do you keep staring at me like that?" he asked softly

Taking and pressing the hypospray against his neck she could hear the audible hiss as it injected the pain killers into his blood stream, "Sorry, It's just I've not seen eyes quiet like it. Theyre like Obsidian jewels" She commented a flush of embarrassment burning her cheeks she was going soft and she had only spent a few hours on the ship. "I'll stop" She added quickly.

"Thank you..." He felt his cheeks burn in equal embarassment. "They're actually blue...not black. I'm still half Human." It was obvious from his reaction he wasn't really used to receiving compliments. He returned both hypo and regenerator back to the medkit, then gestured at her half-healed hand. "Do you still need that bandaged? Just in case?"

She nodded "It'll get infected if we dont clean and wrap it, like wise with yours and maybe we can actually get out of this room and see whats happening." Abbey paused, "I haven't heard any phaser fire or anything since we woke up."

"Neither have I..." Wintrow picked up one of the bandage rolls and neatly wrapped it around her hand, tightly, but not too tightly. "But we still have our orders, we really shouldn't leave this room..." He sighed, relenting. "But I suppose we could take a peek outside..." He held out his left hand to her, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt just a fraction to give her more room to work.

Taking the roll and wrapping it around his hand she sighed "Ok, you're right but a little peek couldn't hurt anyone for all we know theres no one left on the ship an the KCA destroyed our fleet or the empire destroyed their fleet or they destroyed each other" She said finishing the wrapping and turning to the door.

The young pilot paled visibly at that idea, but then relaxed in the same breath. "We are not alone on the ship," he stated confidently, "too many feelings floating around. Close by too...." He walked back -a little unsteady on his feet still- to pick up the phaser, then gestured for her to follow as he made for the door. "Coming?"

She nodded leaving the phase rifle on the side after already being shot she wasn't planning on having another fight with him. "Of course isn't that how this all started?" She joked now basically in his pocket as she looked over his shoulder.

"No, because we're not leaving, we're just having a peek." He groaned as he tried to shove the non-responding door open, and managed to slide it open just enough for them to stick their heads outside. "No-one here," he reported, "at least not within sight but..."

Abbey couldn't see but the way he had cut short it couldn't have been something good, she caught a glimps of an empire uniform and then a volley of phaser fire, as the door fully opened. "OH SHIT!" She said diving out of the way as a small metallic cylinder like object rolled across the deck... A stun grenade, she couldn't believe her luck.

Alarmed by her cry, Wintrow couldn't help but stare at the object as it came to a stop at their feet. "What is that?" he asked, covering his ears as a piercing whine erupted from the object before exploding, the force of it throwing them both backwards. He rolled across the deck, phaser falling from nerveless fingers as the shock of the explosion instantly knocked him unconscious.


Cadet SO Wintrow paragon
Support craft pilot
USS Galileo
[pnpc Tyrion ]

Cpl Abbey Wyatt
Marine Specialist
ISS Galileo
[pnpc Jake]


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