USS Galileo :: Episode 08 - NIMBUS - Skirmishcide (Part 1 of 2)
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Skirmishcide (Part 1 of 2)

Posted on 12 Jun 2015 @ 4:35pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain (HoD) D'ghor & Captain (HoD) Valkris & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant JG Drusilla McCarthy & Jynn & Lieutenant JG Manuel Lucero

1,526 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 08 - NIMBUS
Location: Sector 053 - Various Starships
Timeline: MD 02 - 1548 hrs

Previously, on War in Practice (Part 4)...

Holliday saw the battle unfolding in front of him - the Klingons had done exactly what he expected of them and had gone after the weaker Nova class as opposed to a direct confrontation with the the Fleet leader at this time. From their cloaked vantage point the Defiant-class had seen exactly where the torpedoes had come from, and had a target in their sights.

"Now!! Drop cloak - target that bird of prey and hit them with everything we have!" He shouted out, leaning forward in his chair as the orders rang out around him.

And Now, the Continuation...



Captain D'ghor sat on his darkened bridge with a smirk pulling the corner of his mouth upwards. The chair was hard and steely like his drive and he licked the spittle that had begun to form on his lips. He stared at the viewscreen as the soft red hue enveloped him, watching the chaos unfold before him. He knew he was the final weapon. The final attack that would appear from the edges of darkness and reign terror on the Federation.

He clenched his fist and stood up, the pain in his right leg reminding him that he was a victor and would always remain the victor. He stumbled over to his weaponsman and felt the muscles in his leg relax as he began to walk more fluidly and as he peered over his shoulder he gripped it tightly with excitably anticipation.

"Are we ready?" he sneered.

"Ready!" the Klingon replied with a hiss.


Whilst remaining cloaked, the Klingon's wildcard volleyed forth a spatter of torpedoes across the Federation formation. From the darkness four training spears of fire shot through the void and connected with each ship.

"Again!" he muttered as his weaponsman did so. "Now change position."

Larger in size, the prototype D8 battlecruiser was still agile enough to swing about and list. Its design allowing for its dexterity and nimble flight. "Cloak is holding!" the captain heard as he smiled.

IKS HarqSith

"Captain! Cloaked Federation vessel!" The warrior at the tactical station shouted.

"Cloaked?" Valkris let that thought sink in. "I thought they were not allowed cloaking," her mind whirled.

"They are firing!" The tac officer shouted.

"Hard up and to the right!" Valkris shouted.

"That will take us into the heart of their formation!" he protested.

"Makes it harder for them to fire. Federation will not fire if they might hit their own!" Valkris shouted. "Unleash all disruptors as we pass through! We take or damage as many as we can!"

"Glory and Honour!" The officer shouted back.

"Glory and Honour!" Valkris responded and the rest of the bridge joined in.

USS Chronos

Holliday braced himself as the Klingon torpedoes slammed into the Defiant-class' shields, a few simulated sparks erupting from one of the overhead panels for dramatic effect.

Sarah's fingers ran rapidly across her console as she tried to understand what was happening. The torpedoes had literally come out of nowhere, it shouldn't have been possible.

As anger and upset fuelled her body and mind, she ran a quick scan before running a simulation in order to identify the precise location from where the weapons had originated from. "Sir...I don't know how this is possible but we are being targeted and fired upon by a cloaked vessel. Signatures indicate it to be of Klingon origin."

At the forward-most bridge station, Cadet Yuulik manipulated her controls for both the helm and the ship's primary operations. Her sensor displays gave a good picture of the battle as it unfolded, and was now showing the large Vor'Cha-class battlecruiser changing course. "Captain, the Klingon vessel is taking evasive manoeuvres and heading straight for the rest of our fleet!"

There were too many variables right now - had the Klingons perfected a technology that allowed them to fire whilst cloaked? It had been tried a few centuries ago but the prototype had been destroyed and the project abandoned. Maybe someone had pulled it out of mothballs and enhanced the technology? Either way, the Martian could not deal with the unseen threat right now whilst the visible one got away.

"Lay in a pursuit course - tactical, fire at will - hit anything on the HarqSith you can get a clean shot at."

"Yes, captain," came Yuulik's swift reply. "Pursuit course...engaged," she confirmed, then looked up to the viewscreen to watch the small Defiant-class quickly yaw to starboard to acquire the battlecruiser and stay on its nacelles.

Adrenaline ran through Sarah's veins as her moment had finally come. Lining up the firing sequences she entered in the commands to allow their torpedoes to fire once the ship had been orientated to the exact rotation she needed.

=^=Chronos to Atlas - the vessel we are in pursuit of is heading right for you - if you can spare a few phaser volleys we'd appreciate the help!=^=

USS Atlas, Main Bridge

Holliday's transmission came in just as Lirha noticed the same manoeuvre on her chair's tactical display. There was a lot happening all at once and it was no doubt overwhelming, but her job was to prioritize the most dangerous threats. There were still two cloaked Klingon warships that were apparently firing while concealed, and while their torpedoes posed a substantial danger, the effectiveness of an uncloaked battlecruiser bring her disruptors to bear was even more threatening.

"Atlas confirms, stand by," the Orion replied, then began to issue orders. "Helm, sixty-degree roll to starboard and change course to intercept. Tactical, prepare all ventral phasers for concentrated fire, attack pattern Saalm-Alpha-Five. Lock quantum torpedoes and standby."

Without a word spoken the newly appointed CFCO confirmed the order with a few strokes of the wrist and the swift peck of console buttons. A Deltan in the zone, instead of the usual display of emotion, Jynn had seemingly become one with Atlas. Palms on the console, he was hand in hand with his colossal companion as they danced amongst the competitors on the stage.

Sixty-three degrees. Jynn was hopeful the small sliver of extra angle could perhaps give tactical even one more bank for volley without incurring any wrath for disobedience. There was always the chance and he made the call silently to himself. He swung Atlas around, careful to stay within formation and not leap forth into the limelight as he had been instructed earlier to not do, bringing her on a path of interception which felt more like a sports game charge than a dance room manoeuvre. We got this, he thought to her. Steady as she goes.

Lucero made his way along the interfaces until the tactical display was present.

After a brief moment of brisk tapping and swiping power allocation to the appropriate weapons systems, his voice boomed. "Quantum torpedoes and ventral phasers are locked! Prepared to fire!"

Lirha watched through the viewscreen as the star field in front of her rotated as Atlas rolled and changed course, and caught a fleeting glimpse of more torpedoes streaking through the void of space and impacting her other ships.

"Fire phasers!" she commanded.

"Firing!" The Lieutenant commenced the volley of destructive energy from his station.

The Sovereign-class' large Type XII arrays began to glow with bright orange phased energy pulses which then travelled along the emitter circuit until they quickly converged and lashed out at HarqSith with great accuracy. A successive barrage of phaser fire pelted the Klingon ship's shields, and Lirha anxiously awaited a damage assessment.

IKS HarqSith

Valkris gripped her chair as the gigantic Sovereign class vessel that was listed as Atlas lashed out moving into their path.

"Shields down on front port side to 35 percent!" The tactical officer called.

"Hard right, go to cloak and then cut power. We go silent running again!" Valkris admonished. She had read Terran literature and especially had found the tactics of what had been called Wolf Packs in submarine warfare to be enlightening. Games of cat and mouse. While she preferred to be the cat right now they were the mouse.

The ship went silent again as the engines and all but the minimal essentials shut down. The crew worked furiously but as silently as they could. Her goal at this point was to drift past the Federation ships since being caught between them would be a bad idea. That little defiant class had taken her by surprise.

"Targeting seems to be moving away from us. The Federation ships seem to be concentrating their attention elsewhere."

"And the Defiant class?" Valkris asked.

The officer worked had for a moment and then looked up, "I don't understand. The sensors, they are not working properly. It is like a distortion of something."

To Be Continued...



Various Characters aboard:
USS Atlas
USS Aventia
USS Nautilus
USS Chronos
USS Galileo

HoD Valkris
Commanding Officer
IKS HarqSith
[PNPC Warraquim]

HoD D'Ghor
Commanding Officer
[PNPC Stace]


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