USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Yellow Alert
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Yellow Alert

Posted on 21 Mar 2013 @ 2:34am by Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Crewman Indri Chara & Senior Chief Petty Officer Anthony Davis

1,054 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 3 - Security Office
Timeline: MD 03 - 2040 hrs


After Lt. Rhodes was relieved from his duty on the Bridge, he made his way to the Security Office on Deck 3. With a Yellow Alert there were other tasks to perform behind the scene.

Lt. Rhodes entered the Security Office and moved past several personnel to set at the main console. He reset the console to mimic the main bridge tactical console. He called out, "What is our status to Yellow Alert?"

"Lieutenant," SPCO Davis said as Rhodes moved into the office. "Getting reports in now of the other personnel. Smoak is in Engineering. I've sent Christoph to the Bridge. I'm manning Security though we're clear at this time. I'm not sure where Sidious is, though I presume he's also stationed on the Bridge. Lieutenant Stone doesn't seem to go anywhere with him."

"No." Rhodes replied and signalled for that he wanted to sit at the console. "When Lt. Stone come on the Bridge, the dog was not with him." He shrugged, "No doubt in the Lieutenant's quarters, but not my concern.

Sitting down at the security console, Rhodes glanced over the display that matched that of the Tactical console on the Bridge. "I will monitor this for now. Would you go and check on the standby security teams?"

"Not with Lieutenant Stone?" Davis said. "That doesn't seem right, that dog seems to be the only thing that keeps him from biting heads off anything that moves." Davis chuckled as he shook his head. "Yes, I'll report in as I make progress."

Rhodes looked up from the console at Davis and asked, "Have you heard from Rice or Kiwosk?"

"Not yet, Lieutenant, nor Stark," Davis said, drawing the words out. "Probably just didn't expect the offices to be manned."

Rhodes said aloud, "Hmm, this is interesting." He glanced up at Davis then back down at the console, "They have detected an area that sensors can not penetrate or determine what it is."

"Well, we'd better get ready then," Davis said, sighing, "you know how these things go. Curiosity followed by the screaming and shooting."

Theron replied, "They have not changed to Red Alert. So, I guess the Captain is not wanting to provoke what might be there."

"Yet," Davis said, "But you know captains. They think the universe loves them more than anything else."

Theron just smiled at the Senior Chief's comment.

[Calamarains identified]

"Here, Lieutenant," Davis said, pulling up the feed on the office's main holovid screen. "Whoa...that'"

Glancing down at the details of what was being searched on the computer, Rhodes saw references to a space born species, Calamarians. He said, "It looks like we are observing some kind of animal in space." He smiled slightly and asked, "Friends of yours, Davis?"

"Looks more like the wife's side of the family," Davis answered, chuckling. "Only less annoying."

Looking at the console's information, Rhodes commented, "It looks like the creatures have stopped or finished." He looked at Davis and said, "I wonder if we disturbed their activity?"

"Don't know, Lieutenant, but I have to wonder. How much would you like it if you knew a ship full of people were watching your activity.

[Mess Hall]

"Chara here, I'm in the mess hall," Chara's tinny voice wafted through the air between Davis and Rhodes. "You want me to stay here? There's a bit of commotion with the floating... gas... thing."

Lt. Rhodes pressed the comm, Crewman Chara, remain in the mess hall for now." He smiled up at Davis and said into the comm, Enjoy the show while it lasts.

"Understood," Chara's acknowledgment was succinct before the line cut.

[Moving Away from Calamarains]

Jeremy shook his head as the main viewscreen began to swivel, indicating the ship was moving away from the creatures. There had been enough evidence that they shouldn't have been around them to begin with - much less interrupting their rutting, but apparently 'sensitivity training' was not just to teach him to be fake and false, but to be a pervert as well.

He tapped out series of commands at the tactical station, connecting a dedicated communications line to the same station in the security office. "Lieutenant Rhodes," he said, expecting his assistant to be at the post he'd been assigned. "Since we're at yellow alert and everyone is activated, have Lieutenant Rice begin issuing the equipment."

Rhodes was at his station and heard the message, but didn't understand why the Lieutenant wanted them with the new weapons. There was no threat right now and they were already armed with phasers. He replied, "Yes, sir." When the link closed, he turned to look at Davis and said. "It looks like we will be drilling even further this evening."

Davis rolled his eyes. Seems like Stone figured since he never slept or ate or stopped to consider anybody else's needs - and that since he and Sidi seemed to be constantly training, everyone else should be doing the same. "Good thing I didn't have much else planned for tonight. Think he'll make it a marathon session or give up the ghost after a couple hours? But I tell you, he tries to get me to let that dog bite me again and I just may become 'injured'."

Theron understood Davis' point. Constant training can take a tole as well. Rhodes instructed, "Call in the teams currently dispatched and issue a Gauss/phaser weapon." He turned back to his station and then added, "And one of the advanced telematics body armor as well."

"Yes, sir," Davis said as he moved to the weapons storage locker to begin working on prepping the equipment for issue.

Before Davis could move away, Theron added, "It looks like the Galileo is moving away from those creatures. " He looked to Davis, "We will probably be heading to Rojar I, but let's follow through with instructions."

"Good to go, Lieutenant," Davis said grabbing a PADD and starting to record serial numbers of each set of equipment.


LTjg Jeremy Stone
Chief Security/Tactical Officer/K9
USS Galileo

LTjg Theron Rhodes
Asst. Chief of Security
USS Galileo

Senior Petty Officer Anthony Davis
Security/Tactical officer
USS Galileo

Indri Chara
Security officer
USS Galileo


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