USS Galileo :: Personal Log 001 - BEAUMONT
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Personal Log 001 - BEAUMONT

Posted on 31 Jan 2014 @ 3:27pm by Ensign K'os Beaumont

715 words; about a 4 minute read

[The sound of clothes or fabric against the mic. Feint background noise of a group of people talking]

K'os: [His voice is quiet as if trying not to be overheard] This is a personal log for PO Beaumont. Stardate...[Audible SIGH] Computer auto populate stardate. [BEEP] This is my first log since leaving the USS Mississippi. I've been transferred to the Galileo. My shoreleave seems to overlap with the crew a little and I've been able to meet some wonderful people so far. Allyndra, the medical officer that cleared me was able to note improvements in my health that seem positive. She was of a species I didn't recognize but it felt rude of me to ask. Perhaps I'll learn of it at some poin, she seemed like a person who could tell wonderful stories. Maybe PO Hudon knows? He's a rather energetic PO from ops I met today. We've made plans to go to the beach together in the next couple days. I'll have to buy swimwear and that has me anxious. [Long pause in the audio] Oh, I was also able to complete my transfer of care and met with Lieutenant Miir briefly. I was impressed with his professionalism and kindness. He asked a lot of questions, as most counselor's do I suppose but he seemed interested more in hearing my own thoughts on my therapy than reading it from the report. I liked that. I still have to report for bi-weekly visits, but I'm comfortable with that.


[When the audio cuts back in it's quieter in the background, and K'os's voice is louder, though with a slight echo]

K'os: I feel really bad. I tried hard to keep my self under control but tonight was a disaster. I met a new friend today, Chief Grayson. Which isn't unusual for me, but I was taken on a holonovel. A rather intense one at that. I thought it sounded like a good idea but I wasn't prepared and I let my emotions get the better of me. Once again I tried using those exhausting Wh'ltri techniques and it failed. The harder I tried to suppress the torrent of emotions I got more exhausted. I had to tell him to stop and I didn't explain why. I'm finding more and more success at just concentrating on the mindfulness of my feelings and choosing which ones to fade away or which to embrace. There seems to be a limit to how often I can do this and I need to find a balance. Maybe Keval knows a holonovel I can use to help me.


K'os: Computer, delete entry Personal Log Nusa Lembongan. [BEEP] Sorry, some experiences are just too private to record. [Long deep SIGH] Computer, remind me to bring up Ellsworth Hudson on my next scheduled counseling session. [BEEP]


K'os: I just had breakfast with Lieutenant Asahi. Everyone on the Galileo seems to really like eating. Almost everyone I've met so far has taken me out for food and I'm starting to wonder if they don't feed them on the ship. [CHUCKLE] He saved me a lot of time though. If he hadn't showed up to whisk me away to the ship, I would be sitting in a class room right now. I've been asked to help with the installation of the new bar and I'm rather excited to begin. I haven't done much to help out yet, but there are obvious opportunities for me to learn new skills. I'm particularly fascinated by the choice to have the bar installed on deck 7. Deck 6 is where the water treatment and waste recycling facilities are, you see? So it's very clever. It opens up a lot of options for setting up an efficient and energy stable recreation area. Computer remind me when I get back to my room to look up Nova class linear induction conduits. [Slight BURP is heard after the BEEP] My stomach hurts a little. I think I ate too much. [Brief pause in the audio] I need to make arrangements with Master Chief. Perhaps he knows of other courses I can register for after the Galileo gets back underway. Computer, end personal log. [BEEP]


PO3 K'os Beaumont
Matter/Energy Systems Specialist
USS Galileo


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