USS Galileo :: Perrrsonal Log 02: Rrrrepairrrs
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Perrrsonal Log 02: Rrrrepairrrs

Posted on 26 Sep 2013 @ 1:22pm by Ensign S'Ranna T'Srrr'Kharh

515 words; about a 3 minute read

The Borrrg arrre among us.

Those verrry words send a chill down my tail, but the fact we have not all been assimilated gives me some thin sliverrr of hope that we may yet make it out of this most perrrplexing scenarrrio with out implants in ourrr paws. Orrr some of us, at least: Commanderrr Holliday has been assimilated, and perrrhaps Captain Saalm too. I do not know what is going on in Sickbay, but Commanderrr Blake is in charrrge so I do not think the CO can be well. It is a most grrrim thought. Otherrr crrrewmemberrrs arrre dead orrr injurrred, and worrrse some arrre missing. I prrresume they arrre on the Cube now, and I cannot decide whetherrr orrr not I would everrr wish to see them again: even if they arrre still alive, what kind of life can they possibly be living now?

The ship is verrry badly damaged, but Chief Quinn and Lieutenant Fahad seem to have at least patched it togetherrr well enough to prrrevent it frrrom brrreaking aparrrt. Why the Borrrg have us in a trrractorrr lock is quite anotherrr matterrr, though. They arrre taking us somewherrre, and no behaviourrr I have everrr encounterrred in Starrrfleet tactical simulations can account for this. We will only find morrre when we get therrre. I have been worrrking on rrrepairrrs to the navigational systems forrr just that rrreason. If we can get prrropulsion, deflectorrrs and basic navigation back online, then we may at some point be able to attempt an escape. But that would necessitate leaving people behind - if they can still be considerrred people, that is.

At least the Flight Contrrrol Deparrrtment rrremains in one piece. Lieutenants Mialin and Rrrrrrrral, and Warrrrrrant Officers Sylverrr and Darrrius arrre all fit forrr duty and worrrking on rrrepairrrs. The rrrunabout was badly damaged in an emerrrgency landing and the otherrr shuttle was destrrroyed. Though it is churrrlish to be thinking about such things at this time given what has happened to Commanderrrr Holiday, I cannot help but be thankful forrr my immediate colleagues' safety. It also means we have a full team to worrrk on those rrrepairrrs, incrrreasing ourrr chances of getting prrropulsion back, and of salvaging ourrr auxiliarrry crrraft. Those could be an alterrrnate means of escape, although they would not be enough to carrry everrryone. But who knows how many people we will even have left to rrrescue by the time we rrreach ourrr destination?

I have decided to keep a phaserrr in my belt at all times. Although I do not usually carrry a weapon and considerrr them a rrratherrr vulgarrrr statement of insecurrrity durrring norrrmal serrrvice, in this case I have made an exception. And the phaserrr is not to firrre on otherrrs. If the Borrrg turrrn on us anyway and theirrr drrrones starrrt trrrying to assimilate I will kill everrryone I get the chance to so I can prrrevent them being assimilated, and then myself when therrre is no morrre time left.

How I hope I will have the opporrrtunity to rrreturrrn that last entrrry from this log.


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