USS Galileo :: A Sad Good Bye
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A Sad Good Bye

Posted on 22 Aug 2018 @ 10:35pm by Commander Aren Ban
Edited on 22 Aug 2018 @ 11:05pm

574 words; about a 3 minute read

Aren walked through the corridors of the Galileo. For the last several months the crew had spent countless hours tracking down, documenting, repairing, and calibrating every hic-up that a new starship had. He couldn’t be more proud of them and what they had accomplished. The crew was some of the best that he had had the pleasure of serving with.

He dipped his head in acknowledgement to a crewman that walked by before turning into engineering. Aren stood there for a moment, taking in the thrum of the warp core, and the normal hustle and bustle of the staff. “Sir, is there something I can do for you?” A Bolian with lieutenant pips asked, a worried look on his face. “No, not at all; I am just touring the ship. Please go about your duties, I will stay out of your way.” Aren said with a disarming smile. “Ah, very good sir. Please let me know if you need anything.” The Bolian said, a look of relief spreading across his face. Aren watched the small engineering team for a short while before turning to leave, shaking his head and smiling to himself.

Aren spent the better part of the afternoon touring the ship, making sure to check in with every department. Eventually he ended up on the bridge, taking a seat in the Executive officers chair, his chair. He spent some time going over daily status reports, before he handed the watch off to an operations ensign and headed to his office. He stepped in and spent some time taking in his nearly empty office, making sure to remember everything about the room. He smiled to himself as he moved to sit down at his terminal and reread the message that was waiting for him.

Subject: Transfer Orders
From: Commanding Admiral 1st Fleet
To: Commander Aren Ban, Executive Officer, USS Galileo-A
1. Upon receipt and acceptance of these orders Executive Officer, USS Galileo-A is hereby detached and relieved as Executive Officer by no later than 2359 on stardate 68586.3.
2. Commander Ban, Aren is report to Starfleet Command, San Francisco, Earth to assume duties as Strategic Operations Officer, 1st Fleet no later than stardate 68632.8.

Aren could only lean back in his chair and stare at the ceiling. It felt like some twisted means of fate to transfer him just days before the Galileo was to depart space dock. This posting would be an important step if he ever wanted to make Admiral but he still felt like he was abandoning the ship and his crew, especially the captain. But he knew that she understood, and was supportive. She had even recommend Aren to Admiral Thornbecker to the posting. Aren was packed and mostly ready to go, though he still hadn’t sent his acknowledgment of the orders. He had a couple of awards and promotions that he wanted to write and approve as his last acts as the Executive Officer, as well as record one final personal log.

It didn’t take him long to finish the last few things that he wanted to finish. He sent out the required documentation and made the appropriate recordings, before turning off his terminal and putting the last of his things into his duffle bag. He stood and took one last look around the office that had only been his for a short amount of time. With a sad sigh he turned to leave. “Computer, turn off lights.”


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