USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - You Came Back
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You Came Back

Posted on 19 Jan 2013 @ 7:05pm by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Chief Warrant Officer 4 Cyrus Kiwosk

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 3, Cho's Quarters
Timeline: MD-2 1950


Kiri was reading in her room, covering more of the telepathic rules that Liyar had given her. While she knew the main rules now she wanted to make sure she knew everything, all the details and little things that she shouldn't do. None of it she could do as far as she knew but it didn't matter. It counted as work and work meant she didn't have to think about what had happened. It was still how she escaped the day to day problems she had. Still in uniform, still dressed for work despite the time.

There was only a couple more hours before his shift ended, so he decided that he would take another patrol. Deck 4 was the busy deck, he always felt like he was doing something noteworthy while patrolling the fourth deck.

He was swinging by the personal quarters, when he realized that Kiri had been unusually quiet as of late. Had she gone to the Doctor? Had she even dealt with anything? Cyrus had no idea, and not wanting to take anything to chance, he decided he would start his ship patrol on Deck Three.

Taking the left, he walked out and found Cho's room with little trouble. He pressed the chime. "Lieutenant Cho, It's Chief Warrant Kiwosk. Mind if I come in for a second?"

Looking up from her personal work station with a slight jump Kiri answered, "Okay," Standing up she was just coming from behind the desk when he entered. The room was as bare as before but the painting Maenad had given her was now hanging. It wasn't something she had found much time to focus on lately.

The door slid open and Cyrus stepped inside. Glancing over to the wall, he noted the painting hanging on the wall. "Hey there Lieutenant. How have you been doing, I was patrolling the corridor, thought I'd stop by and check up on you. How have you been doing?"

He had seen her upset, powerless, weak, unable to do anything. Right now she still felt most of those things though muted. Swaying slightly she forced a smile, "I've been okay," Just okay, "How have you been?"

"I haven't broken anything in almost four days! I'd say I'm doing pretty good!" He tried to be light hearted

Inside that brought a small laugh but it didn't escape her, it showed in her eyes though. Taking a breath she stepped forwards, "About before," This was a topic she didn't really want to talk about, "You didn't tell anyone?"

He looked at her, puzzled before rsponding. "Why would I? " He studied her, looking for outward signs of distress. " It's not my job to say that I saw you going into shock. It is my job to make sure that you get the proper treatment for that shock; however." He looked at her, "So have you been able to see a Counselor yet about what happened?"

"No, not yet," Kiri felt rather ashamed. With everything that was going on after the launch there hadn't been time yet. "I booked an appointment tomorrow though." Though she didn't really want to be talking to a different person about those things. Burying herself in work was her normal way of coping and seemed the better option.

"That's good. I've had a meeting myself. The new counsellor...Lieutenant Merdian is really good, she's quirky, but in a good way. " He smiled. "As long as you take care to get help and cope with things properly. I gave you my word that I wasn't going to say anything. I keep my promises. "

"Thank you," Kiri waved a hand towards the sofa, "I will be seeing her too, do you want anything?"

Cyrus shook his head. "I'm alright, I have to get going soon, I'm still on duty, but I just wanted to stop by and see how you were holding up. I'm glad that it's all over though. Lieutenant Stone authorized the recruitment for a special ops team that would respond to dangers like that in the future. " He smiled. "If all goes well, than we won't be caught without our pants down the next time around."

"If I can help at all, will you let me know?" While Kiri wasn't going to be able to help them fight. She might be able to help them take over a computer system or advanced sensor readings or how to fool them. Either way if it was time for him to go there wasn't much choice, she wished she had longer to talk to people still.

He nodded, taking the idea into consideration. "I'll talk to you later, Lieutenant." He stated smiling beofre turning around and leaving. "Take care." He called over his shoulder

"You too," Kiri watched him leave and then she was alone again. For a moment she started to feel a hollow waved splashing against her insides. She was alone, she couldn't be alone. A panicked breath took her as she almost ran back to her desk. As long as she was working she didn't have to think about it.

CWO Kiwosk
Security/ Tactical Officer
Master-at-Arms/ TRT Squad Leader

Lieutenant (JG) Kiri Cho
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo


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