USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Seduction 101..In Theory
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Seduction 101..In Theory

Posted on 14 Jan 2013 @ 10:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Chief Warrant Officer 4 Cyrus Kiwosk
Edited on on 15 Jan 2013 @ 4:10am

2,295 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo: Cyrus' Quarters
Timeline: MD -01 0352 hours


Tugging down on the hem of her dress, Pola was starting to have second thoughts yes again. She was starting to wonder if perhaps this had been a bad idea. She wasn't even certain why she'd dressed this way, perhaps to show Cyrus another part of her. All he ever saw was the dumpy Doctor in uniform and even when he saw her out of it, it wasn't in anything special.

I'd been awhile since she'd even tried on clothes like these...10 years from before she'd left to start at the academy. Back then she'd done it to draw attention to herself but this time, this time it was different. She wanted to show Cyrus another aspect of her, share her complete self with him. Maybe she was crazy but after two weeks, she didn't think he'd see sleazy in this...right?

Realising she was still staring at his quarter's door, Pola chewed on her lower lip as she tried to reanalysis this. She knew that anyone reading her mind right now would probable be developing a headache from the mis-mash of thoughts which she herself couldn't even sort through. The only thought which stood out right now was the one telling her to ring the door chime, a thought followed up by the movement of her hand to press the panel.

Cyrus was far from asleep, he had been staring at the ceiling for what seemed an eternity. His thoughts were drifting to both Pola, and the Starfleet official that had escaped after killing his companion. What did Starfleet need with the data rod? And why were they willing to kill their own in order tio obtain the data siphoned by the rod? It didn't add up to Kiwosk.

Over the last day and a half, he had heard rumours of Stone's aggression in Sickbay, his mental breakdown and the threatening of the phaser, but he didn't have details. He was sure that Pola would tell him in time, but he didn't want to press the issue further than where it went. If she needed to talk to him about it, she knew where he was.

When the chime bell sung, at first he was surprised. He rolled off the bed and found a pair of pants off in the corner of his room. Stil bare chested, his hard muscles and broad shoulders exposed to the warm temperature in the room. He made his way over to the door and pressed the opening button to see Pola, her face a mix of emotions that he could tell. She was wearing a dress that barely reached mid thigh. He raised his eyebrows, but couldn't speak at first as his blood bagan to pump furiously. "P...Pola? You look....what's up? are you okay?"

As her eyes moved across Cyrus' bare chest, Pola felt a responding passion flare within her own body. Forcing her eyes up, she avoided the questions he asked as she placed a fingertip against the centre of his chest and gently pushed him backwards. "It's been a few days...I missed you." A flush moved across her cheeks but still she tried to keep up the seductive persona as her words were light and softly spoken. "If now is a bad time..."

Glancing backward, he was suddenly glad of Watt's shift being on Gamma for the time being. He allowed himself to be pushed back as his blood began pumping through his veins as desire filled his body. "I missed you too..." He could feel how much she wanted him, and he could only imagine the look on his face right now. A sudden mischievious smile etched accross his lips as he scooped her up and laid her on the bed. "Now is the perfect time." He buried his face in her neck as he spread kiss after kiss along her neck and shoulder.

As she became weightless, her first thought was his damaged hand before her mind was wiped clean as she felt a kiss against her bare skin. Moving her hands, she tangled them in his hair as she tried to tug his lips to hers, forcing them into a kiss which she poured her complete emotion and frustration into. After a few moments, finally breaking the contact, she pushed her fingers back into his hair, managing to grip the short strands. "Cyrus..." She said nothing more as he eyes watched him, portraying the intense emotion she felt for him right now.

He kissed her back and broke long enough to look at her. "Is everything alright?" He asked, concerned. "I don't want to do anything you don't Pola...I don't want you hurt."

Tempted to shake her head, instead Pola strangely found herself smiled softly before a tear entered her eye. Laughing sadly, she dashed it away with the back of a hand before leaning up to kiss Cyrus once more, this kiss so different to the last in how soft and loving the moment was, how she just took a moment before pulling back to rest her forehead against his. "It used to be easier to seduce a man years ago...when did you get to know me so well that you can see right through me?" The words were soft, mimicking the soft smile on her lips.

Cyrus chuckled and rolled over to the side of the bed, letting her sit up. "Well, one also doesn't show up close to four in the morning in a dress that's only meant for one thing, without a bit of a reason." He smiled. " Call it a habit, but I can read people pretty most of the time. " So what's on your mind, love?" He leaned back, his arms bracing himself against the bed as he looked at her.

Still on her back, Pola rolled to her side as she moved her head so as to allow her eyes to watch Cyrus closely. "You confuse me...I'm not used to waking up with someone being my first thought in the morning. I'm not used to thinking of just one person instantiation when things go wrong or I've had a bad day. One person who I want to share the happy elements of life with"

"The feeling is mutual... I'm still getting used to it myself. " He smiled. "and given the short amount of time we've known each's a nice change given what was my past life."

As her eyes looked down at the sheet she lay on, Pola's fingers started to play with the material. "When a phaser is pulled on you, your first thoughts are the immediate safety of the people around you and then the safety of the person who just pulled it on you.."

As her fingers still tied knots in the sheet, she tried to focus on getting the words out, remembering how difficult it had been before to talk to Cyrus, through no fault of his own. "Even after, your focus is still on everyone else. Healing the injured, getting help for the person not of sound mind. It takes days to realise the impact on yourself."

He let her talk...realizing she was speaking about what had happened in the Sickbay. "You're talking about...Lieutenant Stone...aren't you. " It wasn't a question, Cyrus knew without needing confirmation. "He had mentionne he had screwed up bad. He pulled a phaser on you.... " He was upset, but refused to let it into his voice.

As she waited a few moments before she could reply, Pola squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to force back the tears. "He had his reasons...he acted the way he did because I provoked him. When he demanded something I reacted by shutting down sickbay, caging him in. I put Jessica and the crewman at risk. I pushed him to pull the phaser."

He had dealt with the same self-blame that he witnessed with Kiri the past night. "You knew of his condition, but you didn't know his cues...and you reacted that any Starfleet Officer would have done. You can say you pushed Stone to pull that phaser out, but the truth is, it would have happened regardless, and you'd be a fool not to see that." He tilted her head to face him. "You did nothing wrong, nothing . " He reinforced that idea in her head. "You made a call, in my opinion, it was the right call. I would have done the same thing. "

Cyrus touch on her chin had forced Pola to open her eyes, opening the floods gates to everything she hid behind, had pretended to lock again and tried to ignore. As she listened to his words, she found herself trying to shake her head. "Not if he'd pressed the trigger and hit Jessica or her patient. You'd be the one locking me into chains as Theron locked him up. Someone could have been seriously injured or killed because of me. Liyar was right....I'm not fit to be doing this job."

"You would have reacted to the situation. You made a choice. You didn't know that if he was finished in the Sickbay that he would have run rampant through the ship. You don't know what would have happened. " He sighed. "Someone could have been seriously injured if you hadn't...what do you think he would have done had he walked out without his meds...he was already beginning to revert to himself, he probably would have been stumbling, uncertain to where he was..." He reached out to give her hand a squeeze. "He would have lashed out at the first person he saw. You have no way of knowing if someone is a condition like is can do. You're call was the right one, sometimes a decision has to be made between the worse of two evils. Trust me I know. "

Looking down at the hand still touching hers, Pola could barely see the outline as tears blurred her vision. "I was never meant to be Chief Medical Officer, I was hired as the assistant. I was never meant to be second officer, or even executive officer. People keep giving me these positions of power but look at me..." Looking up, pain clouded her eyes as she tried to focus on Cyrus' face. "I'm a 29 year old woman who can't even control herself or her emotions."

"Because controlling emotions is a completely rational thing to do as a human being right?" He chided. "Pola, you're not a damned robot, you're allowed to feel overwhelmed, over worked and you're allowed to second guess yourself. That's what it takes to be an officer, but you should never beat yourself up over the decisions you make, whether they are good or bad. You can only do what you can with what your given, but you can always find a way to make things work in the end." He looked at her lovingly.

"Do you think that, at 25 years old I have a complete grasp on my emotions? That I don't regret decisions that I've made? I made a complete ass out of myself in front of Lieutenant Cho and Lieutenant Panne, I can't change what I did, but I can certainly make sure I don't repeat whatever I thought I did wrong.

"As an officer, you know that you need to be prepared, especially in medical, but that doesn't mean you're going to be prepared to face everything single thing that is going to walk into your Sickbay, that's not your fault. You can only react the way starfleet protocol tells us, and you balance that with your own moral code, which you do." He faced her as she lay down. "That's why you deserved the position of Chief Medical and they didn't give it to someone else. That's why they made you a Second Officer when things had gotten heated. " He sighed.

Taking their joined hands, Pola pressed the back of his hand against her cheek as she tightly closed her eyes. For a few moments of silence she just felt his touch and listened to his soft breathing. Opening her eyes, she looked over to his face with a slight smile on her own lips. "You're amazing...truly amazing Cyrus. I don't know what I did right in my life to end up meeting you."

"Well, I have my moments. " He grinned mischievously. "There was a reason I decided not to be an officer you know. " He teased. " You feeling better? It's a good thing I have insomnia on the best of days or else this could have been an entirely more awkward scenario." He laughed. "You're not the only one to be considered lucky Pola." He smiled.

Laughing very slightly, Pola turned her head as she pressed a lingering kiss against the palm of his hand before curling his fingers around it. "Some Doctor I am...I should be lecturing you about your sleeping habits."

He kissed her back and smiled. "One thing at a time. You can worry about me tomorrow does that sound?" He moved closer to her.

Taking his lips against hers, Pola almost whimpered at the soft touch as her hands moved up to around his neck. Nodding her head in responce to his question, she moved back up for another kiss, deepening it as she aimed to loose herself in the embrace.

Cyrus brought his hand tenderly to her face and smiled as he kissed her deeply. He broke the kiss only once, looking at her he smiled as he said. "Computer...lock door."


CWO Kiwosk
Security/ Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant Pola Ni Dhuinn
Chief Medical Officer
USD Galileo


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