USS Galileo :: Episode 00 - Pre-Deployment - Systems Check (Part 2 of 4)
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Systems Check (Part 2 of 4)

Posted on 19 Mar 2012 @ 12:27pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Chauncey Remington III (KIA) & Lieutenant JG Robin Hilyer MD & Lieutenant JG Drusilla McCarthy & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Tarishiana Barel

1,098 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 00 - Pre-Deployment
Location: USS Galileo, Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: MD 05 - 0945 hrs


The bridge looked completely different from its previous state a couple days earlier. The overhead bulkheads were sealed and complete, all of the LCARS consoles were in functional standby mode, and the mess of wiring and gel packs which had littered the floor were all gone. Satisfied with the state of her command center, Lirha walked to the middle of the circular room and took a quick look around before issuing orders to her two lieutenants.

"Lieutenant Coleman, will you take the conn and run a diagnostic of our flight control systems?" she asked as she looked at the tall blonde El-Aurian woman.

"And Lieutenant Scuito, I need a tactical report on the status of our weapons and shield systems." she said to the shorter green eyed woman.

Evelyn took the single chair and manned the forward station. Her hands ran along the console getting a feel for it. Her fingers than darted along the console, "Propulsion system diagnostic complete. Thruster assembly and emitters are online, operating at peak efficiency. Impulse Engines too checks out. Inertial Dampeners are functioning properly and Warp Engines are online. We're good to go for flight. Everything is operating according to specifications."

Amber Rose pushed a few buttons on her console and said, "Weapons and shields systems are at full capacity. Security/Tactical station is ready to go."

Sitting in her captain's chair, Lirha turned her attention to the two small consoles attached to the armrests. Tapping her fingers on the left one, she queued up the ship's condensed tactical readiness display and quickly verified the lieutenant's findings. "Excellent," she said with a nod, "Move over to the operations console and run a diagnostic on our damage control systems." she said while motioning to one of the terminals along the port wall.

The captain then ran a quick verification of the flight control systems, linking the helm controls to the small right armrest display. Her green fingers gently played with several of the controls as she tested the manual input controls. After several moments, she smiled to herself with approval and looked up at the blond lieutenant. "Very good. Will you give me a hand with our communications array?" she asked, "I was having a few problems yesterday with the subspace transceiver array...can you run a full diagnostic for me?"

Amber Rose moved to the other console and pressed some buttons there. Something caught her eye and she looked closer, "Commander? The computer bypass system is not working at full capacity. There may be a problem with it."

Coleman moved to the Operations stations. She ran a full diagnostic on the transceiver array and the communications system. After a few minutes the diagnostic was complete, "The receiver in the array is out of alignment the computer was able to fix the error, communication system now operating normally."

Lirha nodded in approval at the status of the communications array. "That's good news, I'd hate to have to signal the old-fashioned way." she commented, referring to the visual Morse code protocols. "Run a diagnostic on the main computer core while you're still at Ops. It might help explain the problem with bypass system." she added, then stood up and walked next to her tactical officer to help investigate the problem with the damage control system.

With a quick dance around the console Coleman accessed the computer core and activated several check. "Everything is appears to be fuctional on this end Captain."

"Hmm..." Lirha commented from her position next to Amber Rose. She was pretty sure the computer diagnostic would have identified the problem with the damage control system, and she now had to pause as she considered a possible work-around. For now, she would have to move on with the other systems, but she made a note on her PADD to have the shipyard engineers check the problem before launch.

"Thank you, Lieutenant." the captain said to the intelligence chief, then turned back to the yellow-collared lieutenant next to her. "I'll have an engineering crew look over the problem at the next opportunity." she said, then gave her a pat on the shoulder before returning to her captain's chair to monitor the status of the other ship systems. Several moments passed and Lirha nodded to herself in approval as status reports began to stream in to her console. With most of the bridge systems already functional, she turned her attention to the large port alcove which housed the Galileo's multiple science stations.

Lirha moved to the closest science terminal and stopped in front of it to allow her green fingers to delicately tap the LCARS screen. It took a few moments of experimentation, but she finally accessed the ship's main science readouts, including the integrated laboratory system. Everything appeared to be in working order and all stations were responsive to her commands, yet she ran a quick diagnostic regardless. Her previous experience as an operations officer had taught her that it was always best to err on the side of caution, especially with a brand-new and untested ship in her hands.

Several minutes passed and Lirha occupied her time by casually stretching her back and neck. The last few days of administration work had forced her to be confined to the chair in her office, and she had developed a few cramps in some of the more tender areas of her muscles. A confirmation chirp finally sounded, signaling the end of the diagnostic, and Lirha let out a sigh of relief when she saw that all systems were confirmed functional. Moving back to the center of the bridge, she glanced over at the two other officers near her.

"Good work up here today, I think we can call it a morning." she said to the intelligence chief and the tactical officer. "I'll be on board the ship for the next few hours if you need me, then I have to report to the HQ for the rest of the day." she added.

To Be Continued...



CMDR Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

LCDR Jonathan Holliday
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

LCDR Chauncey Remington III
Chief Operations Officer
USS Galileo

LTJG Amber Rose Scuito
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

LTJG Robin Hilyer MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

LTJG Drusilla McCarthy
Chief Counselor
USS Galileo

LTJG Evelyn Coleman
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo

CWO Markum Quinn
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Galileo

MWO Tarishiana Barel
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo


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