USS Galileo :: Episode 02 - Resupply - Chance Meeting
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Chance Meeting

Posted on 31 Dec 2012 @ 7:24pm by Lieutenant Jared Nicholas
Edited on on 01 Jan 2013 @ 7:14pm

2,672 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 02 - Resupply
Location: Vega Colony - Athena's (planet side)
Timeline: MD 14 2330


Jared had been planning on staying on board the Galileo until she departed, but had a change of heart. He would have plenty of time to explore the ship, and her crew, once they were under way.

On the other hand, he would not have another chance to check out the people here.

So he found himself at Athena's; a nice little 'neighborhood bar' that he had checked on with the ship's computer. Not only did it have a good reputation for good, cheap, food and strong drink, it also had a reputation, albeit a bit more discretely as being at least 'alternate lifestyle friendly'

So now he sat on a bar stool still dressed in his uniform, though his tunic was open, drinking a cold beer and snacking on nachos.

Jeremy stopped just inside the door, allowing himself to adjust to the atmosphere while simultaneously hoping that he could keep the look of distaste off his face. He was not fond of taverns, bars, saloons or any type of place primarily served as a drinking establishment. It was because of reasons like why he was here now - picking up another of the ship's crew from local security forces because of an 'altercation' brought about by intoxication. Why people couldn't be happy with synthehol was beyond him, but no - everytime he was aboard a ship where shoreleave was granted, at least one person had to be picked up from local police.

This time was different only in the number of people who got into altercations. He was aware of PO Smoak behind him, coming as 'backup' in case the crewmember decided he wasn't done having 'fun' yet.

Though, where they needed to go wasn't hard to spot. The crewmember was on the ground, being quiet at least, but surrounded by local police forces. Jeremy held the inward sigh.

He hated bars. "Okay, Officer Smoak," he said, "Remember, we do have some authority here as Kilborn is Starfleet personnel. However, I'm not going to get into a pissing contest over a crewman. We've got two more days at this colony, we can work it through channels if the locals don't want to turn him over."

Justin rolled his eyes. Why he got the call to accompany the Lieutenant on this assignment was beyond him but he figured it was a punishment of some sort. Now he was being instructed like he didn't know what to do.

"If they turn him over, I'll make sure to take care of the paperwork while you escort the crewman back and to the brig."

Jeremy walked quietly over to the far corner, were the locals were keeping his crewman, brushing his way through the patrons that got in his way, shoving aside one that got too close.

After a quick conversation, Jeremy turned to Smoak, ordering him to take the crewman back to the ship and lock him in the brig until morning. Then Jeremy would evaluate his sobriety and potential release.

"But they started it! Those guys over there!" Kilborne shouted, the words slurred and perfumed with stale beer, as Smoak helped him to stand. He shook off Smoak's helping hand and turned, glaring, at Jeremy. Without much preamble or warning, Jeremy had him against the wall, his forearm just below Kilborne's throat. It would only need to slip up a few centimeters before cutting off oxygen or blood supply to the brain.

"I'm not overly fond of repeating myself, Crewman," Jeremy said, more like a contained snarl. "I don't care who started the fight or what 'honor' you thought you were defending. I don't care what reasons or excuses you have for the fight. What I care about is that these officers are being kind enough to let you go back to the ship, where you will spend tonight in the brig to sober up. If you want to keep adding charges, feel free, but I'm in no mood to be generous."

"Frikken soup nazi!" Kilborne muttered.

Jeremy grabbed him by the tunic and shoved him over to Smoak. "Get him out of here."

"Galileo," Smoak said tapping his combadge, "two to beam back, directly to the security office if you don't mind."

Jeremy watched them beam out as he stood, his hands behind his back, his body tense and jaw clenched. Soup nazi? What the hell did that even mean?

Jared looked up in mild surprise. He had obviously missed the fun. He couldn't make out the conversation from his location, nor did he want to eavesdrop mentally, but he could not miss the tension between the two men, nor the general increase in tension in the room.

To perhaps diffuse the situation, and because he thought the obvious Security grunt was a little cute, he decided to approach him. He got up from his table and walked up to the man. Knowing that security types were generally a jumpy breed he was careful to make his presence known.

When he got within a few feet of the man he cleared his throat then said, "Trouble? Then seeing the rank pips, he quickly added, "Sir."

Not aware of the dark scowl on his face, Jeremy turned to the newcomer, appraising him with hard eyes. "Nothing for you to concern yourself with, Ensign," he said flatly. "Return to your frivolity." The last was said as if the word left a bad taste in his mouth. He flicked his eyes over to the local police, aware they needed to finish with the local part of the altercation before they could fully focus on him. Jeremy reminded himself he just had to be patient.

"I was making an inquiry because I thought I might be able to help. Your presence her is making everyone in the room tense and I am afraid, sir, with all due respect, that if you don't try to relax you're going to create another altercation or two.

"As far as frivolity is concerned, I am simply eating a meal and having a beer. I might wind up having another one or two before I leave, that is the extent of it. I am hardly a party animal.

"You really are a little tense. Why don't you let me buy you a drink, or even some food. I've got a table right over there."

Jeremy's scowl deepened as he focused on the young Sciences Ensign. "How did you propose to 'help'?" he asked, "By interfering with a local police action and possibly getting yourself detained and put on report as a result?" He realized he was being somewhat sharp, but the last few days were more - frustrating - than he liked. His scowl hardened. "As for your opinion regarding my presence, your reasoning is flawed. While one could argue that my presence may become a catalyst for an altercation, it would not be the cause as there is no rational standard that a person standing in an establishment is a causative action per se. It is often the case that people do not dislike police forces or security officers due to the actual officer but rather the sense of guilt and shame that such positions engender within the person for actions in which they are quite aware they should not engage. As such, I will reject your opinion as to the 'tenseness' of the situation as I will also reject your gratuity on ethical and protocol grounds."

Jared held up his hands in mock surrender. The scowl did not look good on his otherwise pleasant looking face. He knew of course that insulting a superior officer, or being insubordinate, especially on one's first assignment was not a good career move, but he had dealt with plenty of pompous asses in the past and the man he was looking at certainly filled that bill quite nicely.

"First of all sir, I am not planning to interfere with any investigation. It seems pretty much wrapped up. Secondly people do sometimes 'tense up' when law enforcement is around because they are guilty. But you sir, conscioiusly or not, are giving off, I'm not sure how to describe it, but bad vibes sound about right. Also given the kind of bar this is, some people feel self-conscious especially the native population.

"Finally I was not attempting to bribe you. If I were I would be much more creative about it, and offer you something far more interesting than a meal or a drink."

Jeremy disliked bars. No, he hated bars. He hated people in bars. He hated drinking and intoxication and the way people seemed to think bars were somehow a great equalizer. Though, honestly, what he hated was the chance that he might lose control if he started drinking.

Looking over at the police forces, he considered interrupting their conversation with the locals - both appearing, as his crewman did, as if they'd been in a fight - and get his paperwork so he could get out of here. Away from bars. He hated bars.

"'Vibes' is irrational nonsense," Jeremy said, noticing the Ensign was still standing next to him. "I cannot be held responsible for how others feel 'self-consciously'. Nor will I be held so accountable. Whatever their problems are they should seek qualified counseling to resolve."

Jared by now was quite certain that the Lieutenant had no idea what kind of bar he was in, that or the man truly was a insensitive throw back to the 19th century.

"Okay, let me put it another way then, sir. You come off as though you are superior to these people in the bar and that they are somehow suspect in your eyes simply for being here. It is one probably shared by some of the local less enlightened authorities as well.

"They are simply reacting to your attitude. I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, I've never been in Security(though he had spent a fair amount of time dodging Security types) but wouldn't it make more sense to create an atmosphere where people like and trust you. True you might miss prosecuting trivial things like carousing, prostitution, and bar fights, but you'd have more support of your people and be able to focus on crimes that truly affect others."

Jeremy didn't think his scowl could deepen further but somehow it did. "Another's faulty perception of me is of their own making and indicative of their own failings rather than of my making since I'm standing here. You're reasoning regarding "victimless crimes" continues to be faulty. Prostitution, drinking, batteries are only viewed by weak minded people who want to justify their own immoral behavior as being victimless or insignificant. Next you will argue that intoxicants are harmless and should be allowed freely, which is also a false reasoning supported only by those who are of weak mind and disposition and which to justify their need for such crutches to get through lives they made pathetic and desperate through dependence on intoxicants."

"Well that is indeed what I would argue. I drink a couple of beers or glasses of wine with a meal. Sometimes when I'll drink just to be sociable. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been drunk.

"It's all about personal responsibility, sir. There are those that as you say are weak minded and rely on intoxicants as crutches why should their irresponsibility infringe upon my rights? Should phasers be outlawed because a few people use them in an irresponsible manner?

"What else would you like to outlaw sir, with all due respect? What about casual sex between two consenting adults who aren't married. Would you make that a crime as well?"

Jeremy chuckled but there was no humor in it. It was an outpouring of frustration at age old arguments that were resoundly put to bed but the Ensign's type always brought them back up. He argued personal responsibility but what he really meant was "let me do whatever I want but don't let others do what I dislike".

"Your argument is invalid as you are arguing logical fallacies. The argument isn't about consenting sexual encounters, but, as you postulated, prostitution, battery and intoxication. But your type always decides to go to the extremes right away because, while you say 'personal responsibility' you really mean just to let you do whatever you want. You discuss personal responsibility but blame me for 'bad vibes' perceptually 'felt' by others around me. If you had a true understanding of personal responsibility, you would understand the very large organization you represent when you wear that uniform - as well as the regulations involved in the wearing of the uniform." He gave a pointed look to the opened tunic and other indications of disregard for his uniformed appearance. "Perhaps it would be best to return to your drinking because I find your presence to be less than sociable."

Jared counted to ten in Romulan before replying, "First of all, I never included battery in my list. Battery obviously is not a victimless crime. As for intoxication, if that intoxication leads to someone being hurt then by all means prosecute the person responsible to the fullest extent of the law. As far as prostitution is concerned its a matter of prospective and resources.

"If you've got some 20 something trying to make a few extra credits and they are not being forced or coerced, then why make a big deal out of it? If, on the other hand its organized and the prostitute is being forced then by all means go after them.

"Secondly, with all due respect, how dare you judge or label me, we've only just met and you have no idea who I am, or what I've been through.

"Third in relationship to the uniform, I am off duty now. I don't have to be in uniform at all. And in any event, I hardly think that having an open collar is a capital crime.

"Finally you may not be responsible for making people feel uncomfortable, but your attitude affects your job performance. If people don't like you, if they feel you are judging them simply for engaging in behavior you happen to disapprove of as opposed to something truly criminal, if they think that you are a pompous ass, then they are less likely to cooperate with you.

"It probably doesn't help your personal life either. You're a good looking guy, you could probably attract anyone that you wanted, but your personality will just push them away."

"But it's perfectly acceptable for you to judge me?" Jeremy asked. "Which you have done since before you started this useless conversation. "Bad vibes", "judging others"? Where did that come from? Your judgment of me. Complain about my 'judging' you all you want, but don't act in a manner that makes it true. I will not debate what laws the Federation passes as that is not my job. I enforce, not legislate. If you have a problem with laws, then take it up with your representatives."

He turned on Nicholas, his demeanor going from a scowl to darkly dangerous. "My personal life is none of your concern and it will remain that way. Do not speak of it again, Ensign."

Further debate would have been not only useless, it would be career threatening. He had obviously touched on a sore subject. "Yes, sir," he replied tightly.

Jeremy considered the matter settled and turned to the corner where the police forces seemed to be goofing off with the local part of the altercation. His hands went behind his back as he continued to wait. Though his patience was wearing very thin.

Jared just shook his head and returned to his table to finish his meal.


LTjg Jeremy Stone
Chief of Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Jared Nicholas
Language Specialist
USS Galileo


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