USS Galileo :: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31 - Taking his girl out for a spin (Part 1 of 2)
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Taking his girl out for a spin (Part 1 of 2)

Posted on 02 Feb 2022 @ 7:36pm by Ensign Mimi & Petty Officer 3rd Class John Hollenday
Edited on on 15 Feb 2022 @ 7:55pm

2,321 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: Regula I - Mimi's Temporary Quarters
Timeline: MD 01, 1645 hrs


Now that the ship was docked, the core put into maintenance and everyone given general leave, John was not going to waste another minute of time.

He grabbed what he needed to get onto the station and then started up the decks hitting his comm as he went. ^Hey! Sweetie pie! They're lettin' us rats out of the cage. Got credentials in hand, a bit of jingle in the pocket and takin' my girl out on the promenade! Be swingin' past your spot in a few moments.^.

Mimi was a little delayed in responding; her combadge on the other side of her quarters. =/\= I am getting changed now, will not be long=/\= came her eventual response

John whistled as he walked along at a good pace. He knew a girl needed her time to get ready but by golly he was going to show her a good time and he didn't give a pig's turd if someone saw him with a full blown officer.

He got to the door and pressed the chime. At least she had some shared quarters, not just a bunk. Even the latter was almost a distant memory as he and Donald had been so busy in engineering that they had literally taken to having camping gear on the floor.

"It is unlocked." Mimi called from inside.

John entered. "Hey there sweetie, soon as you're ready let's blow this tin can."

"How do I look?" Mimi asked after emerging from the bathroom, she'd replicated a new spring dress from a picture she'd found; a relatively short cream floral patterned one.

John just whistled. "Dang, gonna have to pack my old great great great great grandpapies six gun to make sure no one bothers you. Ya look pretty as the morning dew on a daisy!"

Mimi smiled. "Thank you." she said, picking up a small bag with a few essentials in she headed for the door pausing only to reach up and give John a quick peck.

"You can keep doing that all day sugar, but dang if I don't want off this tin can worse. So while you look like an oasis to a parched man, how about take you a bit of shopping, then dinner. Let's go see what this place has to offer." He made a motion with his arms. "After you darlin'."

Slipping her bag over her shoulder Mimi left her quarters with John in tow. "So, where to?" Mimi asked turning to John.

"Depends on you darlin'. Hungry or want to shop first?"

"I think something to eat first would be good." She replied. "I hope this base has some non-replicated food. I really want something fresh."

"Well then let's go find out," John wanted to hold his arm out but until they were off the ship he would refrain. "Seafood let me guess?" He chuckled a little.

"Or a nice big steak." Mimi said, trying not to lick her lips.

He waited while she left and followed. They took the route to where the Galileo had the docking port to the station. PaDDs in hand it only took a bit to get clearance. Once they were away though, John took Mimi's arm in his and whistled walking like the cock of the walk.

"Alright, there is a directory ahead, let's see what's on the offerings for restaurants. I'm a' guessin' probably main promenade level but if you see somethin' else just let me know."

Mimi checked the Lcars screen John had indicated. "Looks like there is not much to choose from, only mess halls and a bar, probably the better choice."

"Well this one here does not look too bad. The Hind End. At least reminds me of rump roast. Come on, let's check it out. A couple of other places nearby. You use that cute nose of yours and let me know what it likes coming from the places." John gave her a hug.

Mimi purred a little as John hugged her, they'd not had too much time together recently so it was nice to be close to him again. "Let's go." She eventually said.

John guided Mimi like she was a china doll. Anyone got too close, he scowled at and with his unkempt moustache it worked. Most kept a decent distance.

They made it to the main promenade deck and he waited a moment for all those getting off and getting on so they did not have to be in the crush. That dress of hers was way too nice to have other beings be brushing against it.

"Well darlin' ifn'n I remember correct, down about twenty five spots on the right. Take your time though, you see somethin' catches your eyes then we will check it all out."

"Or catches my nose." Mimi remarked as they walked through the promenade. It was nice to see so many people milling around from the various starfleet ships, their distant companions for the last few months.

"That's right," John leaned over and kissed it. "You're the queen tonight! So wherever your heart or nose takes you."

Progressing down the promenade Mimi took in the sights and smells, there were strong hints of various fragrances in the air; the various crews getting somewhat dolled up for their first shorleave in some time. A particularly strong scent caught her attention and she stopped, looking around for where it was coming from. "This one, not sure what it is but it smells really interesting."

"Lead on darlin', iffn' that cute button of yours says good, then I am good as well." John turned to let Mimi lead him on.

Mimi led John into the bar, it was fairly busy but they were still able to find a table, she took a menu and began to root through. "mmhh, quite the choice."

John paid little attention to the menu. He was sizing up the patrons of the bar. Several had looked in their direction and as far as he was concerned let their optics linger a bit too long on Mimi. While weapons were forbidden on the station, he considered the razor he put into the toe of his boot 'decoration'.

Finally he turned back to pay attention to her. "Well been savin' up, so almost the sky's the limit. Please nothin' resemblin' catnip. Wew! That was blowin' the still up."

"That was quite the experience," Mimi said recalling her first encounter with catnip. "12oz steak, nice and rare." She said to a waiter who quickly approached them.

John nodded with a smile. "Sure was, darlin'. Says you got catfish. That right?"

"Well I will admit replicated on that. Earth is a darn long way off and we do not get that much call." The waiter mentioned.

"Ah, kinda figured, well what the heck, been eating replicated stuff for like forever, it ya got good ones, take the catfish and hushpuppies."

"Alright, ma'am, a side for you?"

"Some fries and a fried egg please." Mimi replied, they weren't a regular part of her usual diet but she was in the mood for a treat.

John raised an eyebrow at that request. That was definitely different.

"Very good ma'am," the waiter made a note and went to put in the order.

"Being adventurous or is there somethin' else goin' on?" John sat back in his chair.

"I can treat myself to something that tastes good but I cannot fully digest occasionally." Mimi smiled. "Might pay for it tomorrow but I wanted something a little different."

"Okay, you're the one that is going to suffer the worst. I might have to find somethin' on board to fix though if things get too smelly." John teased her just a little. It was nice to try things, but he had to admit he was not that adventurous when it came to foods. He was just a plain ol' Southern boy.

"heyyyy, it is not that bad." Mimi said but chuckled a little, the odd stomach ache was a small price to pay for finding out more of what she could and couldn't eat.

John just chuckled. "Ah, you know I love you. Anyway, enjoy away. I imagine it will not be long before we are heading back out. You know for a nut buster and a couple other noncoms, we managed to keep all of engineering going. As I was tellin' Donald, I don't think the higher ups even think about us except when they need more power, or phasers on line, or warp right now. Shoot you officer class and ops as well, maybe shove a report under Blake's nose sometime." He paused. "Sorry didn't mean to talk shop."

"I think about you, and Donald and the others. We know you work hard down there and deserve a break and reward just like the rest of us." Mimi replied, she knew he didn't want to talk shop but a few hours into shoreleave it was sometimes unavoidable.

"Well nice to know. Say ya think you might want to try out some of the games of chance. I am sure I could find a poker game somewhere around here. Take ya dancin' but think I have more two left feet than anything."

"I want to spend some time with just you for a while, maybe take a walk around the station, stretch our legs a little." Mimi replied, she looked away for a moment when an interesting scent caught her attention.

"You're my princess darlin'. Your word is my command..." John was saying and noted Mimi had turned her head and had her nose up. Something had caught her interest

"You get somethin' that tickles your nose?"

"Someone has a very interesting smelling dessert over there." Mimi replied, she then looked over John's shoulder and smiled as the waiter approached with their food.

John waited and then told the waiter to please fetch whatever the person was having over at the other table. "Ah heck, make it two!"

"Very good, enjoy your main meals."

"mmmmhhh smells purrfect." Mimi said, picking up her cutlery she dived into her steak.

"Hope it tastes as good." John nodded. He tried the hushpuppies first. They were fine, not like grandma made but out this far, they were good enough. He more or less ate a bit but his attention was watching Mimi. He loved that cute dress and it made her look oh so sexy. "Stop it John," he mentally admonished himself.

"mmpphh certainly does." Mimi said after devouring half of her steak in mere moments. She looked up at John. "Not much appetite today?"

"Ah guess not. Just gotten used to grabbin' somethin' quick while tryin' to keep the engines and weapons goin'. Now don't let my lack curb yours. You just go right on ahead and enjoy. Heck, think I will just dive into dessert. I have not had somethin' sweet in like ages." John pushed the main plate aside and grabbed the dessert that Mimi had found interesting. He took a couple of bites and nodded. "Madam has a fine nose, and taste. Whooeee, this is good. Nice and sweet, but not as nice and sweet as you!"

"Thanks, I am glad you like it." Mimi said as she dipped a fry into her eggs yolk. "It smells good but looks too sweet for my tastebuds."

John did enjoy the dessert but it allowed him time to just watch his girl and not be too obvious about it. She was cute, exotic, unique and he kept wondering what she ever saw in just another dumb nut buster of a ship's mechanic run of the mill human. She always was good looking even in a uniform but with that dress, *just hot damn* he thought.

It didn't take long before the remainder of Mimi's meal was devoured and she moved onto the dessert. Taking a spoon she scooped a piece off and slowly slipped it into her mouth. "mmmmhhh, that is good."

"Yeah, ladies got a good nose on her, and cute as well," he pointed his spoon toward it. "So dewdrop, when you are ready let me go show you off." He lifted his hand to catch the waiter's attention and get the tab.

It only took a few moments and the transaction was done. John just sat back sipping periodically at his drink. He had taken Mimi to meet some of the family back on Earth and they all liked her. Slow down, he thought again to himself. You already got wedding bells ringing in your head and she probably just thinks of you as just a friend. Dang, she has a whole world out there that she wants to find again and probably some big tomcat waiting. I mean, heck, just another run of the mill human. Well heck with it, John boy, enjoy her company while you can.

Mimi took her time with the dessert savouring as much of it as her body could taste, eventually she finished and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "That was good." She said then finished off her drink. "Shall we?"

"Lead on my queen. Let me promenade you on the promenade!" John chuckled a little.

Picking up her bag Mimi led the way out of the bar with a spring in her tail.

John wrapped his arm around hers and just walked out with his head high. He noted several others looking. She was cute, but she was also unusual as well. Some trying to figure out if she was Caitian, Kziniti, a mix or something else. John only smiled at the passerbys, but in his mind he always thought: "Look, but don't touch!" He would quite happily go to the station brig if need be.

To Be Continued...



Ensign Mimi
Deputy Operations Manager
USS Galileo-A

PO3 John Hollenday
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Warraquim]


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