USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - Catching the wind
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Catching the wind

Posted on 07 Sep 2018 @ 12:54pm by Commander Luke Wyatt & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

1,821 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: USS Galileo-A, Deck 3, Chief Medical Officers Office
Timeline: MD 144 - 1600Hrs


Locking up for the afternoon and leaving the security office Luke had just finished going over the ships updated manifest more specifically his security teams duty roster. He had eventually decided to finish up for the day and go hit the gym before a good nights sleep and maybe a visit to the bar between the two. Walking along deck three of the Galileo slowly taking in the hustle and bustle of the final preparations being made before their pending departure Luke caught a flash of black and blue streaked hair in his peripheral, noting the room the owner of the hair occupied it could only be one person.

Walking into her office Luke glanced around briefly before addressing Allyndra, her office was much bigger than his and didn't have to be shared with any future detainee's something he had to expect for a science vessel. "Commander," He said out loud clearing his throat before smiling in her direction. "Long time no see" He added.

Allyndra looked up. "Ah Mister Wyatt, indeed. Please though if you do not mind, I always dislike all that formal stuff. It reminds me way too much of dealing with things back home. Allyndra is fine. Have a seat, can I get you something? How are things?" The questions just rolled one after the other. It was a welcome relief not to have to handle medical records, requests and supply lists.

Luke nodded courteously as he occupied an empty seat "A glass of apple juice would go down kindly, thank you." He waited for a moment watching her and thinking of how to respond to her other question. "Things have been well in a matter of speaking, I had a pleasant time teaching at the academy and of course our little mission. Some might not consider that shore leave but I found it quite therapeutic. And yourself?"

Allyndra ordered up two apple juices. That was something she could share.
"Well there has not been much time for much of anything. Final reports on the Schofield and giving information on what little we learned about the culture occupied a more time than I liked. Then making sure the specs and supplies for the sickbay was another major time occupier. Thankfully I have not had to deal with anything from home. Thank you by the way for making sure the freighter got back into Federation territory by the way. It was appreciated."

Luke watched her and shrugged, "It's my job and I do what I got to do, I don't suppose you are anyone in medical has spoken to Abbey? I know she's leaving for the intelligence corp but what happened on the freighter, she's not exactly Starfleet material. It was a bad idea not making her attend the academy." He said, the last part more to himself than her.

"No, in fact I have not spoken to her nor did I know about her leaving. For all that rank, I am still what humans call a mushroom, left in the dark and fed excrement or something like that. Tell me more if you can."

Luke let out a sigh, "Not many people know, and if you were anyone other than, well, you I'd probably say no but your a doctor and I don't think you'd hold any judgement over the girl." He said taking a breath and a sip of his drink. “She was found in a compromising position by Miss Rice, and to elaborate on that she had essentially torn one of the raiders aboard the Freighter Apart, when I saw her she was covered in blood, some of her nails had ripped of from the punching and scratching. I don’t know what happened in that Universe but I think it messes you up.

Allyndra nodded. "Indeed, there are things that happened there and oddities that even I am not sure about. I can only wish her well and that sometime some place she finds a sort of peace. As for anything said here," she smiled, "let us call it a medical consultation and that puts anything said with doctor patient confidentiality. Now speaking of that, I wanted to ask you to keep an eye on the crew. After the incident with the destruction of the old Galileo and a very long voyage coming up it might be that certain post traumatic symptoms might arise. Most everyone including myself has more or less passed general psych tests but one does not know exactly how being away from everything will actually affect everyone. The Schofield was a relatively minor voyage overall."

"I couldn't agree more, I know even I will not be left unaffected from previous events, maybe setting up a confidential talk program for anyone who wishes to talk about it might help," Luke said thinking about the situation and knowing the counselling sessions he had done after they returned helped him a lot. "The last thing we need is for crew members to feel like they can talk to someone"

"I will take to Lake about that. What I would like to ask is as head of security to please note if someone seems....'not quite right'. Not asking to spy exactly but things can show up in a change in personality, the way they handle duties that kind of thing. Something maybe get a heads up on before something serious happens."

He nodded "I'll keep a close eye on them, I don't want anyone to not be performing at 100%, have you spoken to the Captain? If anyone I feel like she's the one we all need to keep an eye on." Luke didn't like to say it out loud but it was the painful truth.

"Not yet, there has been no time. I will do the best I can as medical officer in case there is something that needs be done. If something comes up I can bring it to Commander Blake. We worked a bit on the Schofield and I think if we both think that the captain is acting oddly...." she let that trail off. There had been the time on the old Galileo where she had medically relieved the captain then an admiral. She felt uncomfortable and somewhat changed the subject. "Of course I do not want the crew to feel security is spying on them, just be as discreet as possible."

"Don't worry I promise I won't go out of the way to look for any underpinning mental issues just observe whats in front of me." He said drinking his apple juice. "How are you doing Doc? You medical types do a lot of looking out but probably not so much looking in"

"Thank you. As for me, physically fine, mentally mostly so. Just between you and I, there are times I get lonely. My last lover left for a new assignment and seems to have disappeared from the universe. I do not seem to have much luck so guess that means work to occupy my mind and exhaust the body."

“If were keeping this between us then I think we’re both unlucky in the romantic department. I wish I knew what Scarlet was thinking or what has effected her so badly in the past that she won’t even just consider a romantic relationship, even if it didn’t work out atkeast we could say we tried” he said pausing and shaking the thought from his mind before adding “Well as the trained counsellor” Luke said jokingly “I would suggest a good holodeck experience.”

Allyndra listened. "Indeed, well who knows maybe she might change her mind. A long voyage has a way of either bringing people closer or pushing them further apart though I would tend to say the former as it is hard to avoid people in a smallish ship. As for me, I suppose I shall have to programme an Irsemia House in." She paused and then said, "Those are on
my homeworld and it is a place young unmarried or widowed ladies go to enjoy....shall we say the pleasure of the body."

Luke chuckled "That sounds like a holosuite program I could certainly get behind, what the male version called?" He asked only half serious, secretly Luke wanted real companionship, not the fake stuff the holodeck could provide.

"There is not one. I suppose because Akkadia is matriarchal though several of the infertile males obviously populate at times the Irsemia Houses."

"I can see the benefits," Luke said a grin tugging at his lips. "I mean who wouldn't want to subject to such physical pleasure?" Luke's frown tightened. "I think on Earth establishments similair were ripe before the birth of the federation. I imagine there is still buisness but I'd pay a wager people go of world for such an experience now"

Allyndra listened but she was not sure exactly what he meant. She supposed that to most Irsemia Houses were something like brothels and in some respects they were. She made a small laugh in that musical style that Akkadians had. "Well maybe one day if we get close enough to Akkadia again I shall arrange time for you in such a place. You would be an exotic for sure and though I have no doubt that you are fertile for my kind, it would be the same as infertile."

"An exotic eh?" He said sounding almost proud of the fact "Maybe if the chance presents itself I'll give it a try. If not im sure theres something in the holodecks programs" Luke thought for a moment and sighed, "Well as much as i hate to say I, Its time for me to go for a shower and get some food."

Allyndra nodded and then added, "Well all I can say is with a long voyage: 'Imi'ai melei. It means something like happy hunting in a certain type of way, if you get the meaning."

Luke wasn't too sure but he appreciated the gesture and stood up. "Thanks, Doc. It was nice to share a conversation and catch up with you. It seems we've all been so disconnected at late and I hope when we get underway we can all get together and do something some time."

"I would look forward to that. I believe I have seen something of a sign up for various groups for social activities. Perhaps might find ourselves in one of those. Anyway, I know you have a lot more to do that I do so I bid you good day then."

"Good day doctor." He said smiling with a polite nod before turning from where he was and making his way to the door and making his way towards his quarters for some well need personal time.


Lieutenant Commander Luke Wyatt
Head of Secuirty
USS Galileo-A

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraqim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo-A>


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