USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - Varro Debrief Part 2: Here again...
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Varro Debrief Part 2: Here again...

Posted on 24 Jun 2017 @ 3:02pm by Ambassador Soral Varro & Captain Amber Austin M.D.
Edited on on 26 Jun 2017 @ 3:58pm

1,060 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: Earth - Starfleet HQ, Captain Austin's Office
Timeline: MD 07, 0800 hours


Varro sat outside Captain Austin's office. Yesterday had been a real trial. He'd left frustrated and the sheer length of a six hour debrief had driven him up the wall. The only good thing had been going over to Grayson's and spending the night in his arms.

He smiled at the memory.

Now he waited for round two. He hoped that she wouldn't ask the some questions over and over again like yesterday. He knew that it was an important tactic to get all the details but he was not up for this. "Well at least they are better then Klingons..." He muttered to himself.

Amber walked out of her office holding a PADD and a glass of iced sweet tea. She sipped as she moved quickly out of her office towards the interview room where her 0800 waited. She stopped and turned "Ah Ambassador, I was just headed to see you. Please come with me."

He gave a nod. "Captain." He stood and followed the woman. He wondered what she had planned today. He wasn't looking forward to the little room again but he knew that they had to do what they had to do. He was just looking forward to concluding the debriefs. He had a bit more time now as Grayson was at the new job. They had kept in touch via com but it wasn't the same.

Amber entered the room and motioned for him to take the seat opposite as she put her PADD and tea down.

"Before we get started would you like some water or other refreshments?"

"Some water is fine." He said as he sat down across the captain. He hoped that today would be better. He organized his thoughts and knew exactly where he was going to go.

She made a note on her PADD and sent it to her yeoman. She would signal him when she wanted the interuption and he would come in with the water.

"So Ambassador, to make sure I got everything right would you, briefly, tell me what happened from the time your shuttle was captured until your returning to Earth?"

Varro wanted to let out a frustrated sound but continued, "I was taken to Krenus, interrogated, sent to work in the water plant, asked to help out the leadership which I refused, I was wounded and eventually the Galileo came and we all went on the Klingon ship, the crew found out their CO was alive, they thought her dead when they were captured. The Klingon ship was the real trial."

She nodded "Now tell me about the Klingon ship and how you and the Galileo crew effected your escape."

"It wasn't so much an escape. The crew was once again a pawn in a game. It seems the Admiral had a plan she shared with us, an Ace up her sleeve, and then on top of that there was a plan she didn't know about," Varro said with disgust.

Amber nodded "Tell me about the Ace and the plan she didnt know about. What happened to get you off the planet?"

"Well the admiral agreed to help them on this 'diplomatic' mission but she, one knew that a Klingon cloaked ship was following us, and two she had a device that could deactivate the chips that the Romulans and Klingons implanted us with."

She raised an eyebrow "Implants? Tell me about them?" she tapped a few buttons on the PADD and sent a message to the Admiral about implants which had not been included in the debrief.

He sighed, "They were implants that I believe allowed them to track us, know what we were saying, and goodness knows what. I would never have known about them if the Admiral hadn't deactivated mine and told me about them. One crew member had such a bad reaction to it that the doctor had to perform emergency surgery to remove it."

"And the implant is still within you Ambassador?"

He shook his head. "It was removed while on starbase 234. They kept it for study."

She nodded "Please do tell me when the they were implanted and when you were made aware of them."

He shrugged, "I am unsure of when they were implanted but I was made aware of them when I met the admiral a few days into our journey on the Klingon ship. She was telling me about a Klingon ship that was following us and she deactivated my ship in my lower back so we she could talk freely." He shook his head. He wondered how she'd found out about those chips...had she had a hand in implanting them?

She nodded "So they were implanted at some point after you arrived on the planet but before you got on the klingon ship? Did you have any missing time during that period?

Varro hadn't thought about that. "There was a time. My aid and I resisted and we were knocked out. I remember waking in sickbay."

"Hmmm, before or after you joined the others?"

"Yes I was stranded there before the Galileo crew but I did not find out about the chips until the Admiral pointed it out to me." He thought for a moment. There was one episode he felt uneasy about and he'd let her finish this line of questioning before he brought it up.

She nodded "Thank you Ambassador, I think that pretty well sums up my questions. Do you have anything you would like to add for the record?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I have a question. The USS Sentinel... is the crew alright?"

She nodded "As far as I am aware they were fine, just some minor bumps and bruises but nothing life threatening."

Of that he was glad. He gave a nod and waited to see if she had any other questions

She nodded as she continued to take notes and then stopped to look up at him. "Thank you for your cooperation Ambassador. I wish to remind you that you are to have no contact with any other members of the crew until the debriefs are over or the Admiral has given permission. Barring that you are free to go."

"Understood." He gave a nod and excused himself.



Amber Austin, M.D.
Starfleet Personnel Command
Starfleet HQ

Ambassador Varro


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