USS Galileo :: Episode 14 - Statecraft - Meeting the Doctor
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Meeting the Doctor

Posted on 03 Mar 2017 @ 3:59am by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Commander Marisa Wyatt
Edited on on 03 Mar 2017 @ 2:17pm

1,017 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 14 - Statecraft
Location: IKS DuJa'Q - Sickbay
Timeline: MD 01, after departure


Marisa found her quarters, the ones she would fortunately share with Petra, and took advantage of a hot shower before changing into the uniform given to her. It felt so good to be clean and back in uniform, even if it was a bit outdated.

Her next stop was to sickbay. She needed to get her physical and she needed to check in with the Chief Medical Officer to see how she could be of assistance.

She walked into sickbay and looked around to familiarize herself with the room while she waited for assistance.

Allyndra had not sought quarters. In fact, as she just stood there looking over the sickbay and trying to figure out how this whole situation was going to work, she had not thought much of anything. There was at least one thing that the sickbay had a good stock of and that was blood. She had only ever sampled just a bit of that purplish fluid that Klingons used but at least it was a bit better then Vulcanoid or similar.

Marisa recognized Allyndra from the meetings on Kreanus and walked over to her. "Hi. I'm Marisa. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Allyndra turned and nodded, "Other then trying to figure out a few markings on the instruments I think I am alright. Marisa, welcome, I am Allyndra from the Galileo....well I guess we are all sort of that now."

Marisa nodded. "We are indeed. I have training as a counselor, if you need my help. And I probably need to get checked over as well, just to make sure I'm still fit for duty."

"Excellent, I shall make a note of that. I am sure there are still many that will need those services. As to the later, well, let's see how well these biobeds do." She patted the closest one. "Hop on up and let us take a look."

Marisa sat on the biobed, knowing the readings would not be as good as she would have liked. Months on Kreanus had taken a toll on her body. "If you don't mind my asking, I do not recognize your species."

"Hmmm....." Allyndra was a bit distracted. She could not read Klingon or speak it for that matter, but most of the controls were familiar so it took her just a bit longer. "I am an Akkadian. We are an independent world but currently allied with the Federation. Ah! There we go! Let us take a look." She got the scan going.

"I normally ask if anything has changed since the last one but considering the conditions perhaps the better question is any particular complaints? Of course you are also free to ask me about anything as well."

"Well, I was on Kreanus for several months," Marisa said. "We tried to keep a low profile so food was scarce. Petra and I were fortunate. The rest of our team was not."

Allyndra nodded, "Understood, yes things there are very thin. I pointed out to the administrators that the place was on a slow downward path. In my opinion even if this is a successful mission, unless they give up their presence to the Federation, they are going to fail. In my opinion they cannot raid, capture, or lure enough supplies. Eventually someone someplace is going to figure out a lot of ships go missing near the nebula and investigate in a major way." She spread her hands, "Just a matter of time and Romulan and Klingon elements operating in Federation space is not going to sit well."

"Or someone takes over," Marisa added.

"Now then, let us have a look at the what the scans show." Allyndra could not read the symbols but they beds were close enough in design to Federation ones that she could more or less figure what each control did. "Yes, yes indeed, you are short on calcium and copper levels. I will give you something for that. Have you been feeling a bit less then energetic lately?"

"Yes. It's to be expected with the lack of food and lack of sleep," Marisa admitted.

Allyndra nodded. "I have not been there any where near as much time and feeling the effects of lack of sustenance and definitely lack of sleep. I suspect this voyage is not going to be much different, at least for the former."

She went though the rest of the scan. "Well other then that you are not in bad shape health wise. Any particular complaints?"

"Several, none about my health," Marisa said with a half-smile. "But now that we are away from Kreanus, those will improve."

"Let us hope so. At least it is warmer. I thought I would freeze to death there."

"Indeed. Proper nutrition helps with that as well. Another thing I will not miss about Kreanus," the half-Vulcan said.

Allyndra did not bother to explain that nutrition had very little to do with that for her. She was not endothermic, it had been more a matter of trying to stay active and not slip into a torpor but then that burned calories as well so perhaps the Vulcanoid was not incorrect after all.

"As for now, we will call you fit for duty and a pleasure to meet you." Allyndra made a note on the console. The Klingons did not seem to use PaDDs very much.

"Anything else I can help with?" Allyndra asked.

Marisa shook her head. "However, if it's all right with you, I'd like to spend some time here every day in case I can be of help."

"Of course you can," Allyndra replied. "I will double check with Commander Ban so he knows but you are most welcome."

"Thank you." She gave the doctor a brief smile. "In that case, I will take my leave and come back tomorrow."

"Then we shall see you tomorrow," Allyndra replied.

Marisa smiled and left to explore the ship and learn more about her temporary "home."

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
IKS Duja'Q


Lieutenant JG Marisa Sandoval
Chief Counselor
IKS Duja'Q


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