USS Galileo :: Episode 13 - Rogue - Waking Up In Captivity ... Or Not?
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Waking Up In Captivity ... Or Not?

Posted on 11 Jan 2017 @ 4:55pm by Chief Petty Officer Torgeir Naes & Chief Petty Officer Crispin Snow
Edited on on 12 Jan 2017 @ 3:22am

1,085 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 13 - Rogue
Location: Kreanus Colony - Infirmary
Timeline: MD -02 1132


Torgeir had drifted in and out of consciousness since the Galileo's untimely arrival to ... well, to wherever they were now. He could remember Klingons, and there was that one Romulan, but that was about the time his awareness of matters began to fracture. Now, as he stared at the variegated ceiling above him, he found himself unsure of just where exactly he was.

Closing his eyes, Terje drew in a breath and held it, his jaw locking as he attempted to push himself upright.

"Not a good idea just yet, Chief." The voice beside him was warm and comforting - female, speaking Standard with a native ease. Likely not one of the captors, then. Not that the fact narrowed her identity any within his mind. "You've been out for a while, and jumping right off the bed would only set you back again." Opening his eyes again, he found himself regarding a slim face framed by a mop of dark hair. "Besides, your friend is just as capable of speaking with you lying down as he would if you were sitting upright."

Friend? Blinking, Terje turned his head to find Crispin standing at his other side. "Snow."

"Moose." Crispin put down a device he was working on. "Back with us, or would you like a lie-in?"

Terje grimaced and tried sitting upright once more, but gave it up for lost. With a resigned sigh, the nurse offered a compromise of elevating the bed before leaving the pair to chat in relative privacy. He turned his attention on Crispin and offered a weary smile. "Feel as if I've been on 'lie-in' for some hours already. What time is it?"

"Half eleven."

Terje frowned. He hadn't been certain when they had arrived, but he had thought it was perhaps around noon. "I've been out for over twenty hours?"

"Closer to forty hours." Snow put the padd he was working on down. "Its tuesday."

"Du drite meg!" He jerked upright, swallowing back a groan as pain flared across his ribs. "Forty ... I've slept almost two days?"

"You needed the rest. There was broken ribs. And shock. And bleeding. The doctors used some very long words. Though mostly about what they thought of the length of the examining bench. It was very educational."

Muttering under his breath, Terje willed his breathing to slow down to a more manageable level as the near panic-rate put uncomfortable pressure on still-healing ribs. When he'd reached something of an equilibrium, he eased back against the bed. "Right." The over-view sounded correct for the most part. "Then perhaps I should ask what I missed. There was a Romulan woman and others ... Are we free or not?"

"Not exactly. They want us to make nice with the Klingons before Kronos comes along and wipes this place off the ...well its not on a map, but you get the idea. If we don't do it, we're free to leave. Except they control all the ships."

"Uff Da," Terje sighed, shaking his head. "Not but anything we can do ..." He trailed off before glancing back at Crispin. "And you? Are you well?"

"I'm doing okay." Snow said, tone mild, as if they were having drinks on a Risan beach rather than sitting in a grotty facility in a grotty colony. "There's a couple of Romulans who seem to be on a quest to make Romulan ale from conduit plasma, I've been helping out. It needs work."

"Joss!" Just the thought of it was enough to turn the stomach. "Really don't care for the life here, do they?" Opening his eyes again to peer about, Terje was relieved to see that his nurse had her attentions elsewhere. "Help me out of here," he murmured, as if continuing the conversation.

"Are you sure you feel up to it. Commander Warraquim wants healthy bodies. Not ones that might fall apart."

Terje grimaced. To be honest, he wasn't sure but he never liked spending more time than absolutely necessary in medical facilities of any kind Too many bad memories. "I'll do," he offered, carefully pushing himself upright as he worked to slide his legs off the bed. Fortunately, resources did not allow for infirmary attire, so he had been left his pants - albeit slit open at the site of his injury - and what remained of his over-shirt. His boots were off to the side somewhere.

Snow got up and brought the boots over to him, then helped him get them on. "This place is quite...apocalyptic. Its cold and miserable and they watch what we do. These people need help. A lot of them are fighting battles that don't need to be fought. Not any more. and not from here."

Gripping the edge of the bed, Terje eased himself to the ground, biting the inside of his mouth when his leg threatened to give out. The damage had been repaired - for the most part, at least. The wound was cleaned and closed, the damaged nerves and muscle tissue reconnected, but it was clear to see that osteo-regenerators were not in high supply; likely, they were preserved for more life-threatening injuries. Good to know they hadn't worried about his dying any time soon.

When Terje was confident that he could stand and move without collapse, he nodded. "It is the way it goes," he offered. "Saw it often enough on the homeworld to know the dynamics."

Snow hovered next to him in case the huge man fell over again. "They're putting together a ship for us to go to Kronos. Between then and now the times is our own. What will happen when we get it, is anyone's guess."

That was less than comforting, but Terje managed a wry grin all the same. "Right. Well ... if they don't mean to torture us further, are they at least feeding us?" He was starving and his mouth felt like a desert - fall-back from all the blood he had lost in the escape.

"There's something. The replicator rations are pretty thin, and their library is fairly small. But they can probably do meat and fries, and a vegetable that may taste edible.

Terje nodded. "Drink first, then let's eat." Determining that he wasn't going to topple over if he tried to move, he set off after Crispin.


CPO Torgeir Naess
Security Officer
USS Galileo

2PO Crispin Snow
Operations Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC Derani]


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