USS Galileo :: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi - Lunch after check in
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Lunch after check in

Posted on 30 Jun 2016 @ 11:06pm by Lieutenant JG Eelim Galan

408 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi
Location: USS Galileo Mess Hall
Timeline: MD01 1430 Hours


It was lunch time for Eelim.

On the whole, the day had gone well; he’d checked in with all the brass from department CO to XOs, to medical….who’d scared the living daylights out of him. The word ‘dissect’ still stuck in his mind.

He decided to have lunch, check out his new quarters and then head to the counsellor.

He’d picked up his lunch, a nice turkey sandwich with fries and some Bajoran spice tea….and a couple of helpings of hot fudge brownie dishes.

He pulled his tray towards a table in the corner. It was quiet since it was past lunch but he liked the quiet. It gave him time to think. Before he’d left the shuttle he’d managed to talk with Myra and was happy to report she’d made it well into the competition.

Galan pulled out a notebook, yes, he replicated notebooks. An avid student of history on Earth he’d always liked the idea of keeping a journal on paper and he used a notebook to doodle and sketch before he painted. He was still hoping to paint the Galileo tonight so he figured while it was quiet he’d get some sketching done.

He quickly sketched the Galileo as she was when they’d come upon her, patient and waiting, then he’d added a few things that weren’t there. Some clouds that he’d colour in purples and blues; he’d use a dark colour for the background and then add some stars, small dots that would sparkle silver and white like diamonds.

He put his pencil down and popped a few French fries into his mouth. He would start his shift tomorrow.

Gamma shift tomorrow, but he’d have tonight off and he needed to stay awake all night if he was going to sleep the day away to be ready for Gamma. He’d understood that the ship was waiting for the colony vessel to arrive and knew that they were running late. That just gave him more time to settle in and that was good.

Having wolfed down his fries he turned back to his sketching humming softly. He’d even booked some holodeck time around 2am and was looking forward to that.


Lt. JG Eelim Galan
Security/ Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

OOC: Logs for check in with medical and XO + 2nd XO still to come :)


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