USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - More surprises in store
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More surprises in store

Posted on 02 Feb 2016 @ 7:42pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D.

4,951 words; about a 25 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: House Warraquim Akkadia
Timeline: MD 40

OOC Marilyn: Thought to set up the trip and arrival on Akkadia.

The ship was definitely not Fleet design. It was sleek as a racing yacht which it almost was. It was a modified Captain's style yacht. A luxury cruiser designed for both comfort and speed that a standard Federation shuttle could not match.

Allyndra looked at the ship through the port of the station and smiled. There were certain perks to being an Akkadian representative. Her home world had arranged for this particular ship and the Federation had been more than willing to help secure the private yacht. That was one thing of course, but the other was a message that simply stated, "Please return with all due haste".

Allyndra was not sure if that was because she had said what she and Tuula had discovered, or the fact that she was carrying new life or perhaps some combination. Part of her somewhat exile was that she was not to breed. Oh there had never been anything formal but the fact that the chances of her meeting another of her kind and of the opposite sex had to have been considered when the Council and her House had sent her off world. The fact that she had not aborted had made that now an urgent situation. She needed guidance on so many things.

So she waited for the others to arrive before boarding. The route should be easy and the last she had looked Win's hand was doing much better. She wanted this as a bit of surprise.

Having been looking forward to the trip, Wintrow had spent hours preparing. He hadn't been sure what to take, or even what he'd need. In the end, he'd just packed the essentials: clean clothes - a set or two as he figured he'd be able to clean them - something light in case the place was warmer than expected, sandals, toiletries...just the essentials. All he had stuffed into a duffle which he'd slung across his shoulder as he approached the CMO. "Doctor," he greeted formally, still not really comfortable with just calling her by her name as she desired him to do.

Allyndra just took a deep breath. She knew that there had to be some formality. She might as well get used to it since when she got home there would a lot of formality. She nodded her chin toward the fancy yacht.
"How is the hand cadet? Should be easy but there is our ride and I was hoping you could pilot. She's been modified to hit an easy 9.6."

The youth's eyes lit up at that news though he gawked at the yacht. "My hand is fine ma'am," he replied, flexing the fingers of his right hand. "I've been practicing as you told me to, my hand I mean and I think I'm almost back to normal." he couldn't keep his eyes off the fancy craft but tore them away anyway. "Me ma'am? Fly the yacht, oh I'm sure I can ma'am....if I have a manual to read though it shouldn't be much different than a shuttle..."

"It should be set up close enough to those you are familiar with and I am sure that once we our outside of controlled traffic there will be enough time to get the full feel. You have quite a record of picking up piloting," Allyndra smiled. "I know I looked it up. Consider it a sort of physical therapy when you get full duty again."

The boy blushed at the compliment and nodded. "I will ma'am," he replied.

A few moments later, Tuula approached in her chair, wearing a long, dark pencil dress, accentuated by a number of silver chains criss-crossing down the front. Her arms and upper chest were covered with fishnets, exposing her tattoos. Striped stockings and knee-high leather boots completed the ensemble, along with a spiked collar.

But the most striking aspect of her outfit was her hair. A black mohawk with a bright red undercut, her hairstyle exposed not only the tattoo on the back of her neck, but also a couple fresh ear cartilage piercings. With a skull-print messenger bag on her lap, the only thing not fitting the stereotype was the pink tribble on her lap.

"Allyndra," called out Tuula. "I didn't know what to wear, so I went with formal wear."

Allyndra raised a brow. To her formal meant something else but she appreciated the fact that Tuula had thought about things. "Very nice," she said. "There will be other clothing that will be provided when we go before the Council." She and the other doctor had agreed that part of the data belonged best to the Akkadians and the other, well perhaps wiser heads might decide. The worse would be that since much had been derived from her counterpart in the mirror universe then all those findings would be tucked away in the great library and forgotten for now. Of course there was the matter of her eggs and then the usual argument of pushing the Council to change course. That was another thing she had asked Tuula to along for, to back up her story of what the other Akkadians had managed.

"The pet might be the biggest problem. I found that they do not seem to like me. I am not sure yet how it will react to other Akkadians, if we are like Klingons in that respect. I am sure we will work things out though." The tribble was going to be the least of problems.

"I'm sure Gilbert will be all right," replied Tuula, "he's very well-behaved..."

Wintrow turned at the new voice and couldn't help but openly gawk at the woman in the wheelchair. Then sense took over and he (somewhat shyly) approached. "Ma'am.. I'm Cadet Wintrow Paragon and I'll be your pilot." He hesitated for a few seconds. "Shall I take your bag ma'am?"

"Sure," replied Tuula, handing off the messenger bag. She could tell that Wintrow was staring; in truth, she expected a few odd looks with this 'formal' of an outfit. "What's the matter," she asked, looking up at him, "have you never seen a doctor before?"

Taking the bag, Wintrow stuttered a reply. "Y-yes ma'am," he answered, shifting his gaze to Allyndra for a second, then back to the other woman. "Just...n-not like you ma' a chair I mean and...uhm..." His cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry ma'am..."

"It's all right, just be careful with my bag. I have my makeup and colour wand in there." Tuula placed a hand on her tribble, who was vibrating uncontrollably. "It's all right, Gilbert," she said, "He doesn't seem too scary..."

Wintrow blinked in surprise to the scary comment but swallowed his retort. "I'll put this inside ma'am..." He smiled uncertainly at Allyndra before heading towards the yacht. "I'll also start pre-flight checks."

Allyndra said, "Probably just me, or perhaps a new environment. Anyway, shall we?" Allyndra followed after Win down the corridor to the yacht. Once she entered she smiled again. To call this thing a shuttle was an understatement. Everything reeked of luxury, the fittings gleamed with polish and seats were definitely not standard shuttle fare. The equivalent of a private jet back in the old Earth days. A fancy if small bar was against one wall, along with a top notch replicate. Toward the back was a two person tansporter and opposite was a comfy looking bed like couch whose extra purpose was given away with large monitor. It was obviously designed to function like a biobed if need be. In the very back behind a door was from the universal symbols the restroom facilities.

"Welcome aboard the Sun Chaser," Allyndra waved a hand. "I know a bit spartan but we all have to make due."

Tuula just looked around in wonder at the opulent mixture of hand-crafted chrome, leather, and wood that was the interior of the yacht. She had never been aboard so luxurious a vessel before. "Wow... it's amazing..."

"Spartan?" Wintrow exclaimed as he stared around, "if this is spartan I wonder what luxurious is ma'am..."

"Alright Win, mind if I take co-pilot? Tuula you can sit between us or relax in the cabin. Even with this yacht it is going to be a longish flight."

"Make sure you beam my luggage aboard," replied Tuula. "I didn't feel like carrying it all the way down, so I tagged it with a transporter beacon. Code 429-Gamma. Or was that 492..." Tuula shook her head. "Whatever. I think I'm going to grab a coffee," replied Tuula, eyeing the leather couch. "Allyndra, Wintrow, would you like anything?"

"Coffee please ma'am," the boy replied politely as he slid into the pilot's seat and adjusted the chair for his own comfort then smiled at Allyndra. "Please," he said, gesturing to the co-pilot seat, "you know where to go, would you mind laying in the course while I get clearance for departure?"

Allyndra turned and shook her head in the negative. "I am fine thank you. Win let's get what luggage there is an be on our way. I will put in co-ordinates once past Saturn, we can jump to warp then."

Wintrow nodded and acknowledged the order of transport. "Your luggage should appear any second doctor," he called over his shoulder. "Also...if I may ask ma'am, how do you secure yourself should we hit any storms along the way?"

"I'll transfer myself to the couch," replied Tuula at the replicator, figuring that being strapped in somewhere would be safer in a storm than rolling around everywhere. "Computer, one Vietnamese iced coffee and..." she glanced back at Wintrow, "actually, make that two."

But as the coffee appeared in her replicator, Tuula heard the sound of the transporter bringing her luggage, and then a loud crash. She quickly spun around to see her suitcases, one of which was split open, with her clothes everywhere. Apparently it had materialized in midair, fell to the floor, and cracked open.

Tuula froze as she stared at the mess strewn across the floor. Leather boots, studded belts, and torn fishnets were everywhere. She blushed as Allyndra and Wintrow turned to see what the commotion was, only to be met by the sight of her unmentionables out in the open.

Hand still frozen over the controls, Wintrow stared at the scattered clothes, eyes wide and mouth half open. "M-ma'am?" he managed, "do you require assistance?" He did his best not to look at the doctor's personal items but he couldn't help but stare.

Allyndra just managed to keep from laughing but the mirth was right there. "Perhaps instead you should guide us on out and try not to scrape the paint. I or rather my government only rented this ship, they do not own it." She started to get up. "Tuula let me help get things more.....secured."

"Yes ma'am," Wintrow replied, forcing himself to turn back to the controls. He requested and received permisson to depart and eased the yacht out of dock. "We'll be clear of the system in a few minutes ma'am," he reported, "but I'll take it easy."

"Thanks, Allyndra," replied Tuula, leaning over and beginning to toss some of the items strewn all over the floor back into her suitcase. Jewelry, underwear, socks, and personal items.

Seeing a glint of metal, Tuula quickly pushed herself towards it in an effort to put it away before Allyndra saw it. But it was too late; as she picked up the item, she could see that Allyndra had seen it as well.

"Hmmmm," she said, blushing slightly as she twirled the handcuffs around her finger, "how did this get in here?"

"Maybe the transport got a few things mixed up. I can just see some 2 meter Nausican finding some frilly lacey things in his." She took it in stride. She knew that some like some odd practices. It was not for her to say. "Still they might come in handy if you decide to visit an Irsemia house."

Allyndra quickly folded items and repacked things. She turned her head, "Win if you want to test the handling feel free to do so. Got the asteroid belt coming up and this is a racing yacht underneath. I specifically requested it so you can have a good try. Might be the last until we get into system, then I will show you the parts that few ever get to see."

Unaware of the questionable personal item that was quickly hidden away, Wintrow focused on his controls and banked the yacht left and right a few times to get a feel of the inertia dampeners. "Hang on ladies, I'm going to try and roll," he warned, and quickly took the sleek craft into a roll before easing her level again. "Heading into the asteroid field to get a feel for her capabilities. It may feel a little unsteady but I'll be careful."

Allyndra helped get all of Tuula's belongings carefully packed and then made sure everything was secure. While nothing shifted due to the dampners and the artificial gravity kept up, it was weird none the less to stand there and watch the scene out the front window move around and around. She was normally used to being able to handle such things but then she was not normally carrying either. She was glad she had little earlier and made her way once the roll was finished back to the seat.

"Well what do you think?" she asked taking deep breaths to settle herself.

"I love this vessel," Wintrow smiled gleefully, a happy sparkle in his dark eyes as he turned his head. "She responds smoothly." His expression sobered as he watched her closely. "Are you alright ma'am?" He looked over his shoulder at Tuula before looking back at Allyndra. "Do you need assistance?"

"I am fine," Allyndra replied. "Sorry, I should do more water dancing. One gets out of practice feeling the movements." She should be fine now sitting back down. "Alright, let's get a quick response check through the belt and then on to Akkadia."

"On it ma'am," Wintrow smiled, turning back to his controls, dismissing the odd feeling of unease that he sensed.

The jump was easy, hardly even a shudder as the yacht went to warp. The hours passed but at the warp they had been given permission to go it seemed as if it had not been quite as long. Soon the buoy warning of the system and restrictions interrupted.

Dropping the yacht out of warp, Wintrow looked over at his co-pilot. "Do you want to take the controls ma'am?" he queried, "you know this system better than I do."

"Approching vessel, this is a restricted system. You must have pre-authorization to enter."

"No, enjoy," Allyndra responded. She did transmit the authorization code though and few moments later a different feminine voice came on.

"Guild Warraquim Mother named, we welcome your return, a retinue will be ready and your ship has priority over any other."

Allyndra stiffened at the words. "Mother Ryialdi?"

"Has not gone to the Twins, Mother named."

Allyndra let out a deep breath and singed off. She shook her head. There was already complications and now another had just been put in place.

"We're getting an escort?" Flying in formation was something Wintrow was actually good at, and used to from his time as a fighter pilot-trainee. "Or are we getting a reception when we doc?"

"What's happening?" asked Tuula, seeing the look of distress on Allyndra's face. "Allyndra, is everything all right?"

Allyndra sat for a moment taking in the implications of what she had heard and knew that she needed to say something. Her friends did not know the culture and what had transpired.

"First off, no Win, the escort will be at the port, we do not have ships," Allyndra replied. That was technically not quite correct but for another time.

"As you know Tuula we regenerate quite well. However, it does not last forever. At the final months to year of our lives comes, we suddenly age rapidly. I had feared......" Allyndra trailed off a pinched look on her face. "The title, that one used, it means that Guild Mother Ryialdi has named me her successor, however she has not passed yet so perhaps time to set things on a different path."

Nodding, Wintrow kept the yacht on course for port, slowing down the nearer they got. Quietly he requested permission to dock as he listened to the conversation next to him. "What happens if you are named successor?" he asked, not quite sure he even wanted to know the answer. He didn't look up as he asked his question, instead keeping his eyes on his controls to keep the docking procedure as smooth as possible.

Allyndra shook her head, "One reason I am glad Mother Ryialdi has not gone on yet. There is time to change the course of things." She wanted to think about other things and tapped Win on the shoulder. "They can wait a bit longer," she nodded to Hulibria coming up on the approach. "Take us down, we do not have to land just skim a bit. That world is Hulibria, a class P. A lot a megafauna but developed with six legs. You have to watch the herds of large animals run. How they keep from tripping over themselves I cannot fathom." She turned her head and said, "Tuula come here between us, I think you will like to see this as well and better than the port windows."

"Maybe we can lift her in the co-pilot's seat?" the teenage pilot suggested. He would've relinquished his own seat, which was the gentlemanly thing to do, but he doubted Tuula knew how to pilot a yacht. He piloted the yacht as directed and descended over the plains. "That's a.....well it looks like a panther," Wintrow pointed, catching himself just in time as he spotted a large black-ish creature.

The creature looked up and snarled before it bounded off. The gait looked ungainly with the six legs moving but it covered ground quickly and disappeared into some brush that dotted the plain. The sound and the flash of the predator had already spooked the other creatures. Great lumbering beats with twin trunks that dwarfed the rest of the herd animals. Horned creatures akin to gigantic six legged elk leaped along taking bounds an easy two meters into the air. Flying feathered creatures with double wings took flight as the stampede flushed them from the tall grasses.

"Wow..." whispered Tuula, transferring herself from her chair to the co-pilot's seat. She had assumed that Akkadia would be very different, if only because of Allyndra's unique anatomy. But she wasn't expecting anything like this. "It's amazing..."

"Wow is an understatement," Wintrow breathed, craning his neck to see too. "Shall I lower our altitude so we can get a better view?" He banked the yacht a little, tilting their forward view just a bit.

"As you wish," Allyndra replied watching the animals. Hulibri was one of the first worlds that they had tried but the climate had proved way too cold. She decided that it would not be all that odd to mention it. "If you wish, there are some ruins to the south." She indicated the co-ordinates. "Not much left there, some very eroded walls and structures. My ancestors came here long ago but we do not do well in the cold so the foot hold was abandoned and the world left to on its own. Pristine with no touch of outside. The Council allows a few expeditions to observe and record since it is one of the few humanoid habitable planets that have been left untouched."

"What about environmental impact of visiting craft?" Wintrow asked as he slowed down the yacht's speed a little when they approached the ruins. "Can we land to have a look?" It gave him an opportunity to practice landing and taking off again.

"Very little. Trust me, none enters the system that we do not know and well......" Allyndra trailed off. "Leaves again without permission. We protect this world, ours and Anesidora as well. Ah!" She pointed. "There they are," she wanted to change the subject.

A series of very low mounded walls covered in moss and grass appeared. There was barely more than anything a few feet above the ground so eroded and untended had the ruins become.

"If you wish to take a look feel free. Remember though while summer it is still cold. The wind of the glaciers carries across the plains."

Steering the yacht towards a clear space to land, Wintrow looked sideways at Tuula. "Want to go have a look doctor?" he asked quietly, "we could cover ourselves with blankets or replicate something warm to wear..."

Tuula waved her arms in excitement. "That sounds great! I've got my hoverchair in the back. Hmmmmmm..." she paused for a moment and pulled up a database. "I didn't bring a jacket, but I do have a pattern in the database for quite a fashionable number... I suppose I could input your sizes and replicate a couple more..."

"If you expect me to leave the yacht then mine better have heaters built in. Remember we are not homothermic like you two are. I do not relish going into torpor in some long abandoned ruins." Allyndra replied. She was thinking that they should have stopped at Anesidora rather than here. At least that place was warm. The Twins loving rays did not touch this world as much as she would wish.

"Can you replicate heaters doctor?" Wintrow addressed Tuula, "it just seems impolite to leave our host here in the yacht while we go out. It feels wrong."

"Hmmmmm..." Tuula browsed through the database. "There is a pattern in here for a heated jacket; it's powered by a power cell from a phaser. Would that be sufficient for you, Allyndra?"

"Should be," Allyndra replied and looked out. There was already light snow blowing in the wind. She wrinkled her nose but then again she had offered them the chance to be here. "Alright, Win, take us in. Oh, and by the way we should arm ourselves as well. A precaution but as you have seen there are predators here."

The yacht was eased down and gently parked, and Wintrow powered the small craft down as he waited for Tuula to replicate their winter gear. "I should probably tell you that I am not fully qualified to use a phaser," he confessed slowly, "I mean, I can use one....but supervised... I'm still learning to properly use one."

"Me neither," replied Tuula. "I haven't even touched one since the academy."

Allyndra shook her head, "That was Federation rules in Federation space. We are not subject to those here anymore. You take one, set to heavy stun but we need to be watchful."

Tuula sighed as she accepted the phaser, turning it over and over in her hand as she familiarized herself with the controls. It was the same as the hand phaser that she couldn't for the life of her shoot accurately to pass phaser quals. "Okay," she said, "but I warn you, I'm much better with a laser scalpel than I am with a phaser."

Smiling anxiously, Wintrow rummaged through a spare medkit and returned with said item. "For your close protection ma'am," he offered, then checked her phaser for her just to be safe. "I'll promise to aim away from you, if you do the same," he chuckled, trying to keep things light as the hatch opened.

"Hopefully we will not encounter anything," Allyndra said and took a phaser as well. She was no expert marksman but still could qualify fairly easily. "Now let's get warm coats on and let you explore what remains of this long ago place."

"I'm looking forward to it," the youngest of the three replied, while taking one of the warm coats. "How long ago did your people inhabit this, and for how long? Can we take pictures?"

Allyndra thought about what she had read. "A few hundred, if I get the translation correct. As for how long, maybe a few decades at most. The world was cold then, and has not changed that much. We do not like or deal with it well. Also, the seas are too cold and too frozen to breed, so no real reason to stay here." Well there was a reason but that was something she was not ready to talk about. "Sure if you wish. These are not unknown and have had Federation scientists here before. There are a few on nearby worlds as well. Because they existed and within a relatively short time frame
the only way there was with some sort of faster than light travel. That is why we could be contacted by the Federation."

While Allyndra and Wintrow went over the plan, Tuula went to the back to get out her hover-chair. Normally, she preferred her old-school chair better -- it was lighter, easy to control once you got used to it, and it was more firmly connected to the ground than the hoverchair, making it easier to do delicate procedures like eating or surgeries without the chair moving around unintentionally. But, she didn't know how wheelchair accessible a planet where injuries such as hers are healed quickly would be, so she brought both her chairs just in case.

A few moments later, she returned from the back with her hover-chair, and made a beeline towards her freshly replicated winter clothing -- a thick black coat with faux fur linings and metal studs and skull-print patches on it for reasons of style. "Let me just get my coat and pants on," she said, "fishnets aren't exactly known for their insulative properties."

"Really? I think it is no worse then a mid-summer artic day on Earth out there." Allyndra laughed. She got the heaters in her clothing going and nodded to Win. "Ready?"

Wintrow nodded, while pulling up the collar to his own coat. "Ready." He preceded both women towards the hatch like any gentleman would, and went outside first with his phaser drawn, camera stuffed in his pocket. "Doctor Voutilainen, do you need assistance in getting outside?" he asked carefully, not wanting to offend her by offering assistance in the first place.

"Just steady me on the ramp," replied Tuula as she headed towards the ramp.

Offering his arm, Wintrow led the disabled doctor down the ramp, making sure her means of transportation remained steady.

As the hatch unsealed a blast of cold air mixed with bits of snow swirled in. Allyndra shivered though the coat kept her warm enough. She stepped down the short ramp and circled around to face the low wall of the ruins. They were made of native stone, but precisely cut and fitted that which remained. Wind and ice had rapidly taken their toll.

"It's amazing," whispered Tuula, as she pushed forward on her joystick to move a little closer.

"Really? It looks like a bunch of tumbled down masonry to me." Allyndra replied. "Built almost on the equator and still well to cold. I suppose it was heated and all but in the end, I don't think it was worth trying to keep a foothold here." She made a vague wave toward the south. "Ocean is that way and it was too cold for younglings. Thus one would have to return home in order to have new ones. The home world could not support both a population here and there without overdoing the resources.." She made a tight smile. "An advantage that you have over us in the physiology department."

Taking the opportunity to shoot a few pictures, Wintrow roamed around a little but didn't stray far. "I think our anthropologists on the Galileo wouldn't mind having a peek around," he commented as he rejoined the two women, "or the archaeologists for that matter. I'm taking pictures for my roommate, who's in science."

"There have been some here before. Still take pictures but be careful, one is never sure what has moved into this place and made it their own." Allyndra said, "While still not evening, if you look there," she pointed toward the horizon toward the east. "There are a couple of the moons."

"I'll be careful," Wintrow promised yet again, following her pointing finger. "They're gorgeous, just as everything else here. If it weren't so cold I wouldn't mind living here you know..." He turned back to Allyndra. "Is it safe to camp here? Can we see the other moons when it gets darker or should we be out of here before it does get dark."

Allyndra shook her head. "No we are expected so must depart in a bit. I am sorry."

"Can we come back here later?" the youthful pilot asked, reluctant to have to leave already.

"Perhaps if there is time. I did ask to arrange for you to take a trip on one of the sky ships to the outer islands. I think you might enjoy that." Allyndra smiled coyly. "And no, I won't say what they are, it will be a surprise."

Allyndra led the way back to the yacht glad to be out of the cold even through the heated coat. "We are expected but another time." It was a sort of promise.


Cadet SO Wintrow Paragon
Support Craft Pilot
USS Galileo
pnpc Tyrion

Lieutenant (J.G.) Tuula Voutilainen
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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