USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Science Geeks
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Science Geeks

Posted on 15 Dec 2015 @ 10:09pm by Lieutenant Wilhelm Von Haeften

1,118 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 4 Corridor, Port side
Timeline: MD08 - 0922 hrs

Lieutenant Junior Grade Wilhelm Von Haeften exited the turbolift after meeting the Skipper and the Admiral to find his office and settle in to the routine as a new CSO. His steps were measured, his hair neatly and freshly cropped, his shoes shined to a high gloss, and his pants creased sharply...he was totally out of place so far as he had seen.

While none of the enlisted men or officers Wilhelm saw were slovenly or out of shape, neither were they as sharp as he felt he had made himself out to be. Maybe Von Haeften was a bad man for noticing, but he couldnt help but see that most of the crew did NOT shine their shoes to a high finish, nor did they have pressed uniforms, nor did they keep their hair as short as the Reservists Von Haeften had seen.

The German New Berliner felt an odd mix of pride that was snappily groomed, and a sense of aloneness, of being out place...of not belonging. Willie had no idea right now if it was better to conform or to stand out as he was.

The New Berliner was so lost in his thoughts that he almost ran into a NCO in the corridor.

"Oy! Watch where yer goin'!" The accent was southern Australian, and belonged to a dark haired Human wearing science teals. The Human staggered back, scowling before his expression turned to one of shock and horror. "Oh...I'm sorry must be new here?" He held out hs right hand. "I'm Rheneas."

"At ease Obermaat*." Wilhelm said to the Australian NCO, unconciously using the German word for his rank. The New CSO took the proferred hand and gave a solid, but not overly hard squeeze.

"I'm Lieutenant Wilhelm Von Haeften**, new Chief Science Officer. I was just on my way to find the Science labs and the CSO office to settle in, Petty Officer....?" Wilhelm let the question hang in the air, as he was not comfortable calling the NCO by his first name.

"Malachy," Rheneas supplied automatically, while running a mental pronounciation of the DH's name. "It's good to have someone to bring some order to our chaos." He grinned at him. "What's your specialty?"

"History." The CSO replied. "You?"

"Archaeology," the australian grinned, "so...somewhat similar. You study what I dig up?"

"I guess you can say that I...dig it." Wilhelm said, using the age-old joke.

"A sense of humour..." Rheneas' grin broadened. "You'll do..."

"An uppity NCO...I suppose you'll do as well PO." Wilhelm shot back. "Care to show me around the SCIDEP PO?"

"If you mean the department? Sure, but I've not been aboard all that long either sir and I've mostly been cooped up in engineering during that time. Maybe...explore together?"

"Why not?" the German said with a wry chuckle.

The two men went into the first door marked "Science", and found themselves in what the layout stated was a science lab. The central computer console took up the majority of the central area of the room, and it was of a type Wilhelm had never seen before.

"Gott im Himmel!"*** the German cried out "Is that the new Model 17V8!?" Haeften asked, walking briskly up to the console to touch it and activate its program. A holographic display appeared and showed a model of the Galileo in wireframe, with its various decks outlined in Red, Blue, and Yellow based upon function and department specialization. In the Reserves, Wilhelm would have had to see this data in two-dimensional format; the common gripe of the Reservist was that the Active guys always got to play with the latest and best toys.

"I believe so. While I'm also an engineer, I really only fix things...I've no idea about the latest technology sir." He held up his hands. "I prefer to get these dirty when working and rely on what I see and feel, rather than what some screen tells me."

"A point." Von Haeften admitted. he toyed with the screen for a few more seconds then switched it to sleep mode. He looked around a few more times, nodded to the handful of crew members he saw there, and exited out the door with the NCO in tow.

The next door contained a similar lab, and the next one beyond that contained an office marked with 'CSO' on the door.

"I guess this is my office." Wilhelm said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. truth was, his mind was blown by how large and relatively cushy this office was, but the German supposed it made sense being on a vessel dedicated to science to give luxurious offices to its Chief of that department.

"You think?" Rheneas arched an eyebrow at the spaciousness of the office. "It looks very comfy. A bit in tatters but that's to be expected."

"Yeah, I heard about the adventures you guys had before I got here." Von Haeften said.

The German was intensely jealous when he had read the reports on that front; he had always longed to see new dimensions and see possible other versions of himself, just to see what might have been.

"I'll have someone from engineering stop by, and if no-one calls in just let me know and I'll give it a go. I'm a better scientist than an engineer, I'm afraid."

"Well, anyway, I guess I'll start unpacking my things for the office. Thanks for exploring with some poor lost LT." the New Berliner said to the male NCO.

"Poor indeed," Rheneas chuckled, "handsome, sure."

Wilhelm was a bit taken back by the comment.

"Uh...thanks." the German was not homosexual in any way, and liked women as much as the next guy (well...heterosexual guy anyway); he was unsure if the NCO was making a pass at him or a joke. The CSO decided to let it slide since he couldn't tell.

"Anyway...I'd better get to unpacking." Wilhelm said, picking a certificate that stated he was an Eagle Scout out of a box.

Taking it as a dismissal, Rheneas just smiled. "Have fun," he quipped cheerfully, then walked away, whistling a happy tune.



PO2 Rheneas Malachy
USS Galileo
[pnpc Tyrion]

LT (J.G.) Wilhelm Von Haeften
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo

*Author's Note: in an attempt to have the reader "hear" the foreign words Wilhelm speaks, I will include translation guides as needed for non-stock phrase German.

*Obermaat - Oh-burr mOt: German equivalent to PO2 (Lit: Senior Mate)

**For those wondering, its pronounced Vill-Helm von HAif-tin

*** Gott im Himmel - Got Im Him-Mull: God in Heaven


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