USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Mending The Broken Things
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Mending The Broken Things

Posted on 07 Oct 2015 @ 4:40am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Keval zh'Erinov & Lieutenant JG Tinaro Cyi

3,561 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: Tinaro's quarters
Timeline: MD??

It had been a long day. Operations and Engineering had both been stretched to the breaking point, but of course they couldn't break. The ship depended on them to keep things running.

They still didn't know where they were, or exactly what had happened, which would have worried Keval if he'd had a chance to think,but he hadn't had a chance to think, and barely had a chance to at, wolfing down a sandwich in between assignments.

Now here he was at the door to yet another cabin. He'd lost track of what this person's complaint,or problem was, but he figured he'd know soon enough.

His hair was disheveled, his uniform wrinkled and if Andorians sweated, ti would no doubt be pretty rank. Thankfully, it was only dusty. He blew out a breath and pressed the chime.


That is all that is left.

Tinaro Cyi sits outside alone in the dark. Legs crosses, hands resting on his knees... his redden eyes turned downward. A sigh escapes his lips, sinking into the darkness heavily. The only remnant is a small cloud of steam rising up into the hyper cool air.

Another tear escaped and followed the salty trek down his cheek. So filled with work and duty, Cyi had busied himself as much as he could to avoid this moment. Now it was upon him and he had to confront his loss. His grief. Like a Good Betazoid, he cried, tore his robe, cried some more, remembered and cried again. Now he was left with only the crushing weight of his sadness and loss. Ti looked out the viewport in the darken cabin he once shared with Akar. Only faint black shapes can be seen against a deep black sky. Fitting somehow Cyi thought. He pulled the small blanket even closer around himself. With the temperature control malfunctioning and only emergency lights, Ti knew he should have relocated to temporary quarters. But he could not leave. His room was a small island amidst a sea of darkness where the stars still shine. Somehow he felt they shouldn’t with her gone. He knew ship life was dangerous but the possibility of losing her had never seriously crossed his mind.

Slowly, hesitantly, the pilot reached over to the commbadge laid on the table next to him. Slow careful fingers traced its familiar shape, and Cyi confronts the heavens with both eyes open. A small sad resemblance of a laugh escapes his clothed lips. "No matter how many times I try, how close I get to achieving it..." he whispers softly, "I cannot obtain happiness...." He closes his eyes and remembers. He does not speak until much later. "Why?" he asks, his high voice nearly breaking. "Must I lose everyone and everything I love?" The stars do not answer. Cyi tossed the commbadge across the room. The chime sounded almost immediately afterward, so quickly afterward, Ti thought it might be in response to his action.

"Enter," the Betazoid responded, his voice barely above a whisper.

Keval thought he'd heard a voice giving him permission to go inside, but he couldn't be entirely sure, it was the faintest of noises. But the door hissed open so he guessed he must be correct.

He was no telepath, but it didn't take one gifted in that fashion to determine something was wrong. Very wrong and it went well beyond what was happening mechanically.

Of course that played a big part in it, as soon as he stepped inside he was hit by a blast of freezing air. It felt refreshingly good after such a day, but he didn't think the room's occupant would think so.

The room was dark, with only a hint of ambient light. His eyes adjusted as the doors slid shut behind him and he spotted a man sitting on a couch wrapped in a blanket. He set his tool belt down and slowly approached the other man.

"Are you okay?" he asked, " what's wrong?" It registered on Keval's subconscious that the man was attractive, but this was a stateroom and a professional visit, not some Risan bar, so he quickly let that though slip away.

"I am well. Thank you." Tinaro replied softly, his voice still thick with emotion. "Mourning a loss." Ti unfolded his legs and stood, still almost half a foot shorter than the Andorian. Ti the blanket tighter around himself like a shawl, not that from the chill of the air against this shirtless torso, but because of the sudden realization of being so emotionally exposed before this unknown person. His wide-legged pants billowed about his short legs as he walked over to where he cleared the access terminal for the engineer to work.

Ti tried to gather himself and put on a brave face amidst his grieving. "I tried to clear the area around here a bit. Everything was tossed around during the ordeal and I haven't yet had opportunity to straighten everything." Ti said as he pushed most of his mop of hair out of his face, unrestrained as it usually was when he was off-duty.

Keval cut his eyes between the short shirtless man and the terminal. He put a blue hand on the Lieutenant, "I can fix this anytime, "he said with empathy, "but you seem pretty upset. What kind of loss, do you want to talk about it?"

"My cat... Isotope... she died during the transition during the vortex." Ti replied, tears streaking down his cheek anew. He turned and looked at the towards his sleeping area and could see the blood stained where she was crushed under the bed where she sought refuge in his mind's eye still. He closed his eyes to the memory.

Keval did what just came naturally to him and seemed like the thing to do. He wasn't really thinking, just acting on instinct. He reached out and caressed the other man's cheek then wrapped his arms around him. "I'm so sorry," he said, "but you can cry on my shoulder if you want."

Tinaro usually hated to be touched my non-telepaths or people who could not block their thoughts but in this instance it was exactly was was needed. The concern ebbing from the Andorian consoled Tinaro's battered soul. Ti did not know who this man was, or anything about him other than the fact that he was there and he was concerned. Tears flowed like water and Tinaro released his grief to the universe in sobs.

Keval, who under different circumstances, would have been hard pressed to keep his libido in check when holding a rather attractive man in such a close embrace had no trouble at that time. He patted him gently on the back and let him cry. He didn't lie and tell him it was going to be okay, or that he would get over it. He really didn't say much at all. He just held him until he stopped crying.

After several minutes, Ti pulled himself together. He pulled back ans started to wipe his face, not caked with the dust from the engineer's uniform turned to mud from his own tears, with the blanket he unwrapped from around himself. "Sorry to burden you with that, Mr... Sorry I didn't even give us a chance to properly introduce ourselves." Ti looked up at the Andorian. "I am Tinaro Cyi. Lieutenant JG and Asst. Chief Flight Control Officer when not crying like a baby." Ti smiled weakly.

"I'm Keval, Chief Petty Officer Keval zh'Erinov," he said, "and I'm basically just an operations flunky." Now that the crying jag was over and the Betazoid seemed to be feeling a little better, the Andorian took a step away.

His eyes flickered down a the the other man's naked torso, though only momentarily, before traveling back up to his face. "I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. I know how special animals can be. Maybe you want to go get yourself cleaned up, while I fix your climate control system and whatever else is messed up. Then I'm done for the day, I've pulled a double shift. Maybe we could go get a drink, or something to eat, or both." Keval said.

Ti smiled at the offer. "Yes, that would be nice. Thank you for your kindness and concern over my lost. Isotope was a very dear friend. Yes I think I will... clean myself up, as you say. I am sure I look a horror at the moment." Ti grinned before heading towards the bathroom to wash his face.

Almost of its own volition as smart ass reply came to Keval's mind, something about the Helmsman being cute, or maybe hot, as opposed to horrible. But he wasn't even sure if the other officer were gay, and even if he was the remark would have been inappropriate because of his grief.

So he set that thought aside. The repair was an easy one and by the time Ti had returned, looking even better than he had before, Keval said,"Well, you clean up nice. I'm done here. I can go back to my place and meet you in half an hour, or if you let me use your shower and replicator I can be done in about fifteen minutes. It's up to you."

"By all mean, avail yourself to my humble facilities." Ti replied searching for his misplaced comb subtly. His hair hung about his wildly still, though now washed in the shower he just took. Fresh white linen pants of his favorite Betazoid style was paired with a form fitting shirt whose sleeves fell almost to the tips of his fingers. A blue vest and blue sandals finished the outfit.

This time Keval let his eyes linger a little too long over the senior officer, before he made his way to the bathroom. After a quick, cold shower, and finger combing his hair in the bathroom mirror Keval emerged a towel wrapped around his waist.

Using the replicator he in the bedroom he came out into the main living area he was wearing a pair of white chinos and was pulling a short sleeved polo shirt almost the same color as his skin over his shoulders.

"What are you in the mood for?" Keval asked.

Ti took the opportunity to appreciate the Andorian's body as he put on in shirt.

"I am flexible." Cyi replied, "What do you have a taste for?" He finished running his comb though his hair and walked over to the taller man.

"Well if things weren't such a mess, I'd invite you back to my place and fix you something, maybe a pie or something. But why don't we go the lounge and get some comfort food. Do you like Mac and cheese?"

"I've had it a few times when I was on Earth." Tinaro replied. "From what I remember, I enjoyed it. It is somewhat similar to a Betazoid Dish called Fetza. Yes, lets go to the lounge and see if they have to up and running with replicators yet."

"Sounds good," Keval responded,"Do you know where it is, have you had a chance to go there yet?"

Ti smiled. "Yes I have. Like any good pilot, I have to check out the Lounge to make sure they are properly stocked. Would hate to fly this baby COMPLETELY sober." Ti joked. He knew a great deal of pilots who didn't drink, though they were horribly dull.

Keval chuckled at the remark, "Maybe I should get you drunk, so I can take advantage of you." Almost instantly he regretted the words, "I'm sorry, that was probably highly inappropriate."

Tinaro laughed off the comment. "That was probably highly inappropriate. I'm proud of you." Ti chuckled again as they exited his quarters and made their way down the corridor to the lounge. "Trust me I am harder to get inebriated than it look. I may be small but I have LOTS of practice." He laughed again.

Keval's left antennae arched forward, "I'll keep that in mind. And I'm glad you can brush off my comment. I mean I have to admit that I think you're cute, but I don't even know that you're into guys and even if you were, I'm not really the nice shoes let's fuck kind of guy."

Keval held the lift door open for his companion, "So sorry again, and I'll be on my best behavior the rest of the night."

Ti smiled at the Andorian. "No problem. I may not be your typical Betazoid, but being able to sense a person's meaning does make us pretty hard to offend accidentally. Thank you for the compliment as well. I think you're cute too."

Keval's face turned a slightly deeper shade of blue, but he managed not to smirk, "Thanks," he replied, as the lift came to a stop, "after you." He held the door for him a second time.

Tinaro exited the turbolift and headed towards the lounge. "So tell me about yourself, Keval zh'Erinov." Ti asked in an attempt to start a conversation with the Andorian.

Keval frowned slightly as the walked towards the lounge not sure where to begin. "Well," he said after a short pause as they neared the entrance,"What would like to know? I love to paint and the theater, if it weren't for my father, I'd be living in San Francisco or maybe Paris or Risa, in some studio apartment, going to endless auditions, and trying to sell enough paintings to pay my rent.

But instead I am here in Starfleet working with my hands, which I am pretty good at by the way. What about you, what's your story?"

"Sound like a very interesting person. I would love to see some of your art work sometime. I can understand living up to parental expectations. Never done it myself, but I can understand the drive to." Ti smiled, his bitterness in not fulfilling his parent's dream for him well hidden. "My story you say? Its a bit unconventional to say the least. Only son of my mother Ambassador Ivaian Cyi, Betazed Ambassador to the UFP and my father Dr. Feanin Cyi. My father is the Dean of the College of Psychiatric Studies at the prestigious University of Betazed and everyone expected me to follow in his footsteps. Unfortunately I am a horrible Counselor and lack the... tact... for politics so what can you do?" Ti shrugged as the entered the lounge and sought out a table.

Keval nodded, "Well there is one more thing you should know about me, especially if we become friends, or something more, not that I'm suggesting anything. You see my father and I, well to say we no longer get along would be an understatement. He'd like to kill me and has actually tried a couple of times. Becoming a friend, well you might be putting yourself in harm's way."

"Well I am sure you are excellent company and therefore the risk would be well worth it." Ti smiled. He did not pretend to understand the interpersonal dynamics of Andorian familial structures, but he knew it would be a substantially mitigated threat while they were on board a Federation starship.

Keval smiled and his right antennae quirked forward slightly as they found a table near a viewport, but away from most of the traffic. "I'm glad you feel that way. I mean embarrassed by the compliment, but I'll take it. Is this table okay?" Keval said.

"Wonderful." Ti said as he sat down across from Keval. He pulled up a menu from the PADD on the table. "What do you think you'll be having?"

"The chicken walnut salad is good," I love the caramelized onions. And it pretty filling, especially if you get the full plate. Are you in the mood for anything special?"

"I was thinking of the Mac & Cheese you mentioned earlier... perhaps with a Risan Cheese. G'earm for instance." Ti said as he scanned though the menu.

"Oh, now see I was trying to be good and now you're tempting me. How am I going to keep this trim figure if I give into you?" The grin that accompanied the words was slightly cheeky.

"Ahh well we all have to sacrifice in these trying times..."Ti replied as he keyed in his order to the remote replicator. "Now the REAL question is what to drink...."

Keval chuckled slightly, "I guess you have me on the sacrifice thing, I guess I'll have the Mac N Cheese too. I'm off duty now and am supposed to have the next twenty-four hours off. So I want something alcoholic. I think I'm going to have a Rum and Coke. What about you?"

"Um...." Ti thought about it for a moment. He had a shift tomorrow but one drink wouldn't hurt. "A triple scotch neat."

Keval cocked his head slightly to one side and both antennae curled forward slightly. "Are you okay,"he asked, "am I going to have to help you home?"

Ti grinned devilishly. "Oh... I can hold my liquor. Don't worry I will try not to out out pace you too much."

"That sounds like a challenge to me. I do love a challenge, I guess I'll make mine a double. I'd have what you're having, but I don't like Scotch."

"Not a challenge. Its an... observation." Tinaro smiled again and sent his order in.

Keval sent his order in as well, "I really don't want to talk business now, just relax and have a fun time, but what do you think happened to us?"

Ti shrugged. "I am not sure at all. I know enough about spatial physics to know that just about anything is possible and the few things that aren't possible are probable under certain conditions. I am just glad it wasn't worse."

"Well we're not dead, if that's what you mean. But we still have no idea as to where or when we are, or which direction home is. That sounds pretty bad to me."

"That is exactly what I mean. Death is pretty... permanent. Everything other state of being is pretty negotiable when weighted against it. I'll take 'lost' over 'dead' any day." Tinaro smiled.

'Well I suppose you have me there," Keval admitted, "but I do think that lost gives us a little liberty to drink the real stuff and maybe even get drunk."

Tinaro smiled. "And here I was planning on using my 'Its Friday somewhere in the Universe' excuse. I think yours is better."

Keval chuckled good naturedly,"I have my moments." he said as their food and drinks arrived. He drank half of his glass in one swallow before putting it down on the table and picking up his fork.

Ti smiled and began eating his meal as well. "So how long have you been on the Galileo?" He asked in between bites.

"About a year and a half now," the Andorian replied, "Long enough to deal with the Borg, an infestation of Tribbles and some zombies." He took another drink, this time more of a sip and continued,"Where have you served before?"

"Let me see... I had my Cadet cruise on the Yves. It was the Minnow before a desk job.. then got back out into space on the Agamemnon.. then another desk job now here." Cyi said munching on his food. " So zombies you say? That must have been interesting. We are talking about actual undead beings or druggies?"

'Not druggies, but not exactly undead. I guess maybe the best way to describe it is animated, mindless, killing machines."

"That sounds.. unpleasant." Tinaro replied in between munching. How do you feel about Tribbles?"

"Well," Keval said, his right antennae curling back,"you're probably going to think I'm crazy, but I don't like them.Sure they're cute and furry and I guess if you keep them contained they're decent enough, but they almost destroyed the ship and are probably more dangerous than any Klingon."

"I have to respectfully disagree." Tinaro replied before taking a pause to sip some of his drink. "Tribbles can become a nuisance at best. The Klingon Empire has proven to be outright dangerous and untrustworthy. I believe Tribbles have never incited international war."

"No, tibbles have not incited any war, "Keval conceded, but they literally almost destroyed this ship. We came very close to losing all hands."

Ti nodded. "I am glad was avoided."

"Me too," Keval agreed with a smile," then I wouldn't have met you."

"And that would be a unimaginable tragedy." Cyi smiled in return.

"Indeed it would,"Keval responded, mock seriously. He finished his drink and rose to get another. "You want me to get a bottle?"

Tinaro shook his head in the negative. "I should play it close to the cuff tonight. I have a early shift tomorrow and have to finish... pulling myself together before heading out."

"I understand, I need to relax myself. How about another time then, when you don't have to worry about getting up in the morning. Maybe when some of this mess is cleared up?"

"That sounds awesome." Tinaro smiled.

"Good, I'm looking forward to it myself, we'll figure out what we want to do."


LtJG Tinaro Cyi
Asst. Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

CPO Keval zh'Erinov
USS Galileo


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