USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Test Subject #37
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Test Subject #37

Posted on 29 Jul 2015 @ 3:49am by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & First Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen

1,138 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: Facility 731
Timeline: Sometime in 2388


Wincing in pain, Tuula walked towards the biobed on which her latest test subject was lying unconscious. She had gotten a lot of valuable information out of this subject, even moreso than the previous ones of her species. This subject's species was rare, but extremely valuable. The regeneration ability of her species was not only the most promising avenue for her research, but it had the added benefit of making her more resilient than most other subjects.

And given the nature of her experiements, said resilience was most valuable to her research. She could cut her open, deliver painful injections, and amputate appendages over and over, and she would regenerate every time. Most subjects you could only vivisect once; this one was an exception.

She took a moment to tighten the subject's restraints before pulling out a hypospray and injecting it into the subject's neck. "Good morning, subject number 37," she said as the restrained Akkadian came to.

There had been a dream or was it a memory. She remembered a soft warm night, the rings shining from horizon to horizon like some titanic silver rainbow. A handsome man, gentle and with those fine delicate hands of an artist. Words, words had come with it, "Look the Lock and Key align." Then the sound of wings, the whirring and a dark sea capped with silver topped waves. K'tareth, precious ones, that was what she going to sea for? The thought seemed to bounce in her head but then a bright light and then someplace else. Someplace dark and filled with pain. The dream or memory faded and there was pain. A face loomed there, a face that she had come to associate with the pain.

"Pu'haliaa'uhanlie Ma'hoe!" the words tumbled out.

Tuula let out an evil grin. She had learned a few words in Akkadian as a result of her experiments, but so far, neither her nor the universal translator had developed a complete catalogue of their language.

Still, even if she didn't know the words, she could hear the distress in her subject's voice. And that was enough. Hearing the screams and protests of her subjects as she inflicted pain upon them made her feel powerful. It was an exhilarating feeling, quite possibly like no other, to slice off a limb and watch the subject scream in pain, or to perform a vivisection with the patient writing all the while.

"And how are we feeling this morning, number thirty-seven?" asked Tuula, looking down at the broken body before her. Allyndra's wings had been cut off, along with all the fingers on her left hand. An IV kept her pumped full of a cocktail of chemicals, constantly changing as Tuula tried out new catalysts for the regeneration process.

"Untie me and I will show you!" Allyndra showed those sharp inner teeth. This was one person she would be happy to feast upon. "I am hungry."

"Now, now," replied Tuula, staring down at her subject, "don't make me extract those pretty little fangs again. It took a while for them to grow back last time, remember?"

"Yes, perhaps this time they won't I can starve to death. Do you know what will happen to you if Akkadia ever finds out? There will not be a place you can hide, no rock, no crack, no spot and then well, we have not killed a sentient by the old way in a long time but they would make an exception for you."

Tuula laughed maniacally. "For what, for my research? Your miserable life was forfeit the moment you trespassed into Terran space. I salvaged something from it -- medical research which will save lives and cure pain and suffering. You could have been simply thrown out of the airlock and forgotten; now, you will live on in my reasearch."

She paused for a moment and brushed the test subject's hair and her face turned into a frown. "But, if you wish to die, then unfortunately today is your lucky day. I'm being transferred, and unfortunately, my new assignment has no provision for keeping test subjects around long-term." She sighed softly; she was angry at the Imperial government for meddling with her research. In spite of all her progress, her superiors had started to balk at authorizing her to continue with her experiments. They claimed there were "ethical concerns" but Tuula figured that they must have gotten tired of the screams emanating from her facility.

"So," continued Tuula, "I'm going to have to liquidate all my test subjects. But don't worry, I'll make sure to gather enough tissue samples to continue my work."

Allydnra narrowed her eyes. She was not scared but one slip by the doctor or rather butcher and she would relish the taste of her blood on her lips. She bid her time hoping the Twins would grant her one chance.

Tuula walked away, to prepare a tray of instruments for her final procedure on this test subject. Whistling a little tune as she worked, a couple minutes later, she arrived in front of Allyndra again and filled up a large syringe, in view of the subject.

"You know, I am really going to miss you," she said as the liquid was drawn into the syringe. Placing it down on the tray, she gently rubbed her hand upon Allyndra's cheek. "Of all my test subjects, you, number thirty-seven, were my favourite..."

Alyndra tensed at the touch. She suffered it hoping and then with a lunge tried to bite the wrist.

"Augh!" Tuula cried out in pain as Allyndra's fangs sank into her wrist,
then with her other hand, quickly pushed Allyndra's head to the side, freeing her hand from her grasp. For a moment, she was transfixed by the sight of the blood trickling down her arm.

Bandaging herself up, she licked up some of the extra blood, savouring the almost sensual taste. "Feisty right to the end, I appreciate that," replied Tuula before picking up the syringe again. Then, without warning, she jammed the syringe as hard as she could into Allyndra's chest, injecting the preserving compound directly into one of her largest arteries and allowing the final beating of her hearts to distribute the preserving compound throughout her body, preparing her corpse to be flash-frozen, cut up with her bone saw, and picked apart for samples.

Tuula stared into her eyes, making sure that she would be the last thing Allyndra would ever see. "Good night, number thirty seven."

"M'ahoe mal'ahima, Twins preseve" It was all that she managed to say though fading sight she rejoiced in the sight of her tormentors blood. Perhaps the gods would grant that she would herself learn the pain of that which she had inflicted.


First Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen
Medical Officer
ISS Galileo

Allyndra illm Warraquim
H'ammah A'lai
Ha'li Warraquim


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