USS Galileo :: Episode 08 - NIMBUS - Forbidden Love
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Forbidden Love

Posted on 20 Jun 2015 @ 3:24pm by Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Jynn & Ensign Jaana Voutilainen

1,965 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 08 - NIMBUS
Location: USS Galileo, Deck 3, Tuula and Jaana's Quarters
Timeline: MD02 - 1730


..."and here it is," exclaimed Tuula, pointing towards the bone saw mounted on her wall. It was the centrepiece of her little collection of antique medical implements, surrounded by various instruments that would not look out of place in a medieval torture chamber. The bone saw was her pride and joy, but she was also excited about her new orbitoclast.

"You can touch it if you want," said Tuula, in a calm, quiet voice. "Just be careful, it's sharp and made for hacking off limbs."

Jynn had placed his hands behind his back as a kid in a museum would, trying to keep his desires, both for the exciting individual and the exciting implements, in check. It certainly was not easy for him as he stood close by her side. But when he was given her consent, he almost couldn't contain himself, though the second part of what she said had narrowed his options. He felt as though holding this archaic implement was a privilege not given to just any visitor.

He carefully picked up the bone saw as though it where a baby, very careful as not to drop it or damage it in the slightest. He admired its condition despite its antiquated appearance. "I'm sure this must have quite the history," he spoke inquisitively.

"It was used on Earth, about five hundred years ago," explained Tuula, as though she might be describing a model ship or a piece of art. "In those days, they fought wars with weapons that would shoot lead bullets. They would shatter bones and cause infections, so amputations were very common in field hospitals. It was really a gruesome time."

As she tried to contain her excitement, she decided to change the subject away from gruesome civil war surgeries. "I started collecting antique medical instruments when I started med school. The other students used to make fun of me for it; they called me Liz. Which was short for Elizabeth Bathory." She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I hated that nickname."

"The bone saw is special," she continued, bringing the conversation back to something a little more positive. She pushed herself a little closer, beside Jynn, and placed a hand on his, staring up at him and the intricate tattoos visible on his neck and head. "It was a gift from my parents, and it reminds me of home even when I'm far away."

Jynn held on to her hand in a gentle grasp as he looked over the saw in his other hand intently, bringing it close to his face. It was as though he was reading the story of its life as he examined each tooth as though it were a notch in its timeline. "How interesting that such a tool would remind you of home. Though I suppose family heirlooms must hold special significance. I have nothing physical to remind me of home. Only the defining feature of our species reminds me of where I come from. Our love." He placed the saw back in its spot amongst the others and looked into Tuula's eyes as he spoke. "Beautiful." Perhaps it was not obvious to anyone but himself, but he was referring to both the saw and Tuula as he spoke.

"It is," added Tuula. "My tattoos also remind me of home," she said, as she slipped out of her jacket, revealing a tight-fitting sleeveless tank top underneath. "These butterflies represent my family," she explained, tracing a pattern on her shoulder over the black ink. "And my dagger here..."

Tuula trailed off and stared up into Jynn's eyes, captivated by his gaze. Whether it was his body, his ink, or some sort of Deltan pheromones, staring up at him, she forgot completely about Mott. "But your ink is just... wow..." she added, totally melting in front of him.

"Beautiful," Jynn said again as he looked over the artistry he suspected existed beneath her garments but could not see at first. He ran a hand over the tattoos as though he was reading braille, his sensitive senses picking up even the smallest details of her skin. His thoughts were set into a motion that could not be stopped. Love? Lust? To a Deltan it was all of the above, and to Jynn it didn't matter whether he took an oath or not. He could never betray real love.

He leaned in closely and whispered into her ear, "I can show you the universe."


A short while later...

In the bedroom, Tuula and Jynn were one, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The act was a complete union of body and mind, and the two of them became intimately familiar with each other in every way. It was as though they were in their own little universe, with only two souls in it, becoming one.

It was almost overwhelming for Jynn, the heights of excitement he had reached being something he never even thought possible. How wonderful to wrap his mind and body around another being. It felt different than being with other Deltans and though he certainly missed his kind, this was something entirely new. It must no doubt have been overwhelming for Tuula, but for the moment Jynn had not a worry in the world. Love and pheromones were in the air and they had melted together for what felt like an eternity of bliss.

For Tuula, it was an indescribable experience. Waves of emotion crashed over her, taking her away to somewhere beyond time and space. Transcending their physical bodies, it was as though they were in an oasis of pure bliss, their feelings and emotions swirling around them like desert sands picked up by the winds of raw passion.

Which, of course, meant that Tuula didn't even notice the door opening and the lights being turned on.

Singing a happy tune Jaana hadn't noticed her sister's empty chair or the strange clothes spread out on the floor. Having her room for herself for four days it didn't even occur to her to check if there was anyone present. She threw her jacket on the chair and headed for the bedroom to grab a new tshirt. Upon entering she saw her sister and a guest. "Tuula," she said, shocked at first. Not because of what they were obviously doing, but of the fact that someone was in their quarters. She quickly turned around trying to forget the image she had now embedded on her mind. She loved her sister, but certain things she preferred to keep private. "What are you doing? Never mind. I uhm... Damn Tuula, what had we agreed when we got assigned quarters together?" Jaana stammered. "All you needed to do was speak the code word over the comm. How hard can that be? You can't tell me you couldn't find a second to let me know you need privacy."

"I..." Tuula was brought right back to her quarters by her sister's sudden entrance. Pushing Jynn off of her, she quickly grabbed a sheet in an attempt to cover up. Red-faced, all she could do was stammer a few words. "I'm sorry... it happened so fast..."

With the sudden separation Jynn felt as though they had been torn apart, his mind still swirling with her thoughts and emotions. All he could do was stare at them, and as his mind began to regather into its normal state the fear began to set in. As Tuula talked all he could do was look into her and wonder just what was going on in her head. Had their heights of excitement become damaging to her, or was her mind still alright?

''oh, you just... Awhh,'' Jaana stammered and walked out of the room, not being able to stand to be there anymore.

"Tuula," Jynn questioned slowly. Concern was an emotion that Jynn did not experience often, but at that moment he was almost silenced by it's strangling hold on him. There was a sense of shame, but it had been so amazing. There was no reason to be ashamed of something so beautiful. But if he had harmed her? "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, it's just..." Tuula paused for a moment, attempting to gather her thoughts. "Jaana wasn't supposed to be home until late. What time is it?"

Jynn rubbed has face with his hands a little then looked over to the viewport nearest to them. "Not sure. There doesn't seem to be a day star to go by at the moment," he said with a bit of a smirk. She seemed to be fine, at least for the moment, so he allowed his feelings of happiness to return. She was a most wondrous being, after all.

Tuula smiled back at Jynn and glanced over at the door. With her sister gone, she embraced the tattooed Deltan once more and kissed him passionately. "Oh, Jynn," she moaned, embracing him once more as her embarrassment at being caught in the act by her sister melted away, replaced by her longing for him.

At that moment, everything was perfect for Tuula. All the cares and worries in her life dissipated as she fell into the throes of passion. Normally she wouldn't trust a partner like this during their first encounter, but through the bonding of the mind, body and soul of Deltan intimacy, Tuula felt a certain familiarity with Jynn, as though she had known him all her life and trusted him completely. Reaching into the second drawer of her nightstand, Tuula pulled out a couple silk scarves and leather blindfold.

For Tuula, the remainder of the night was a journey to ever-increasing peaks of bliss, far beyond anything she had ever imagined...

And for Jynn it was the forbidden fruit of another's mind. A non-Deltan mind. He had delved into the deepest recesses of an alien psyche, and though a part of him felt it inherently wrong, years of teaching him it was a dangerous monstrosity, he could not stop himself for penetrating the depths of Tuula's consciousness. In those moments safety was of no concern, only love. And he couldn't stop himself.


A short while later...

Like two souls becoming one, Tuula and Jynn were intertwined in body and spirit. Tuula had no idea how long they had been together. It had felt like both an instant and an eternity, when they began to drift apart again. "No..." she moaned, feeling his presence drift away. With her mind, she tried to hold on as long as she could.

Then... silence. The connection had been severed and Tuula was alone in her thoughts again. Faintly, she began to hear a familiar sound...

"Is that the yellow alert?" she gasped, trying to focus on the blaring sirens. Brought back down to earth, she tried to reach for her head but her arms struggled against their restraints. "Quick, untie me!"

Jynn focused for a moment on the return of his own consciousness. It was an incredible feeling being with this most amazing (and most adventurous!) human and it was very difficult for him to let go. He wanted so much more. But then the call to stations was repeated.

=^=All hands - yellow alert. Report to stations and await further instructions.=^=

"We gotta go," he exclaimed as he removed the restraints Tuula had so seductively suggested they use. "Quick!"

With her hands free, Tuula ripped off her blindfold and reached over to the side of her bed for her clothes. "Grab my chair," she called out, panicking, as she quickly began changing into her uniform. As she changed, she sighed deeply.

"Always when I'm busy."


Lieutenant JG Jynn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutentant JG Tuula Voutilainen
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

and a cameo by

Jaana Voutilainen
Stellar Cartographer/Shocked Sister
USS Galileo


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