USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - Masquerade! Part 5/5
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Masquerade! Part 5/5

Posted on 28 Feb 2015 @ 4:52am by Lieutenant JG Wakeham Paul Alasia Ph.D. & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Ensign Jaana Voutilainen & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant JG Drusilla McCarthy & Commander Scarlet Blake & Verity Thorne & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver

3,777 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: Starbase 84 - Holosuite
Timeline: MD 07 - 2200


Having little success striking up conversation near the bar, Paul wandered through the middle of throng, striding slowly and smiling at his costumed co-workers. In the distance he spotted the Voutilainen sisters holding court near the left side of the entrance. Paul smiled at his twin acquaintances and carefully slid to their location. "You all having any fun?" He smirked.

"Oh, this is just wonderful!" exclaimed Tuula, holding onto her sister for support. In truth, the exoskeleton that Jaana had made for her was causing a bit of back pain, but she didn't care. "And it's all thanks to Jaana!" she continued, leaning over and giving Jaana a little thank you kiss on the cheek.

Jaana touched her mask another time. She didn't like it that he recognised them right away. Although it might be a bit obvious. It's not like there are that many twins on the ship. She shrugged her shoulders at her sisters remark. "All I did was ask someone to build that for you."

"You did more than that," replied Tuula. "You made this night just perfect." Holding out her left hand to show off the controls to Paul, Tuula manipulated her fingers to take a couple steps to the side and back. "See, it's controlled by this glove here; I just have to be careful what I do with my left hand, right, Jaana?"

"Holy... wow." Paul huffed a laughed of surprise and delight. "It didn't even occur to me you weren't in your chair. That's unbelievable! So is this, like, how you're going to do it now? Are you out of your chair for good or is this a one-night-only thing?"

"I don't know, we'll see how it works," said Tuula. In truth, she was having difficulties with it. The controls were a little awkward, and more than once throughout the night an inadvertent motion of her hand sent her off in a random direction, nearly falling to the floor. She was definitely a lot more graceful with her chair, that's for sure. But given how much work Jaana put into it for her, she was determined to make the best of it for her sake.

"So, where did you all get your outfits? I never thought Starfleet would bring me opportunities to re-live my prom." Paul laughed. " I feel so underdressed. Did you just replicate something that ornate or are these, like, outfits you already had?"

Jaana couldn't help but chuckle at the question. "No this is definitely not something I would have in my closet or would even be found dead in." she shrugged. "I thought it would be fun to change colours for a change. I wear her favourite colour. And she, well, she's wearing a colour, period." Looking at Tuula, "although black isn't a real colour."

"Yes it is, it's the happiest colour there is!" she shot back. "Whatever. I'm just happy that I have such a wonderful sister who made these outfits for us. And let me do her hair."

Jaana just looked at her sister. This bickering was so not useful to anything. She was starting to feel sorry for Paul. Finally someone dared to approach them and talk to them and they were boring him with stuff about their transformation. A transformation that wasn't as successful as planned. On her part at least because everyone seemed to recognised her.

"Well, I think you both look lovely." Paul responded with a sincere smile. "Maybe one day one of you could teach me how to program the replicator so I can get a little more... I don't know, creative at functions like this? I just bust out this old tux at anything formal. I've had since I was in college."

"Don't look at me," said Tuula. "Jaana here is the expert tailor. Unless you're into cool stuff like fishnets and chains and skull jewellery."

The ship's captain had deliberately kept himself away from the ball - socialising with the crew wasn't exactly high on his list of priorities - after all, a commanding officer had a position of authority to maintain. However, in this instance he felt that discretion may have been the better part of valour. It had taken him a little while to sift through the holodeck's costume database, but eventually he had settled on something a little more comfortable. Thus after a visit to the replicator, and a few uncomfortable moments getting changed in his quarters, Holliday joined his crew in the holodeck.

The trousers had taken a little getting used to, being rather tighter than the standard Starfleet requirements, and the tricorner hat that perched on his head felt a little alien. Looking around at his assembled crew in similar costume however, he started to relax a little, before looking around to try and track down a holographic waiter with some form of alcohol.

Allyndra noted as she had circled back to the sidelines a newcomer. Dressed similar to some of the others. He did not seem to be looking for anyone particular but she saw him try to get a waiter's attention. She was close to one and grabbed an extra glass of bubbly something off it and made her way over.

"It looks like you were looking for something like this," Allyndra said and handed the glass over already forming dew on the cool glass.

John took the glass from the ship's Doctor with more than a little thanks and quickly brought the cold, bubbly content to his lips, savouring the flavour for a moment before offering his thanks.

"Much appreciated Doctor. I...don't often attend these sorts of events."

"Ah! Well I figured that I would not be able to disguise these very well Captain," Allyndra brushed a hand down one wing. She pretty much had figured out several people by now but had gone with flow of pretending all were strangers.

"This is a first for me as well sir. However, I think it is good to remember that one is a person as well as being an officer." She took sip and then decided to be bold. "If I may could I convince you into a dance? I believe that is waltz that is playing and I have been trying to practice Earth style dancing."

John stuttered in reference to the Doctor's request - it seemed that people around him were simply trying to force him into dancing. Whilst he might have learned the more formal dances during his time at the Academy in preparation for their use during diplomatic events, he wasn't exactly the most enthusiastic participant.

"Do you think that wise Commander? I believe the risk of your feet being crushed to be rather high..."

Allyndra laughed, "Not at all." She fluttered her wings slightly. "I am rather light on my feet. Besides," she looked over the crowd. "I seem to be the odd one out." The tone had a wistfulness to it but she turned her attention back to the Captain. "However, if you are uncomfortable sir I will understand."

John took a moment to think, looking down into the contents of his almost-full champagne flute, before speaking again.

"Perhaps after a little more time with this glass - and the following one - and I might be in a better position to accept the offer. The crew appear to be enjoying themselves however."

Allyndra nodded and then made a small curtsey. "I will hold you to that promise," she said and then moved off to let the Captain enjoy his drink or drinks. She watched the others dancing and enjoying and felt all the sadness of being alone yet again descend upon her.

Drusilla had finally managed to extract herself from the crowd as she moved through the holo deck doors. What she hadn't expected was the strange man who always toppled her as he came out of nowhere and hit against her arm unexpectedly. The tricorner hat he wore have her a vantage point as she picked up the skirt of her dress and moved to run after the man, allowing her to give him a piece of her mind.

Taking a step back towards the crowd, an overwhelming tiredness almost overcame Dru as she staggered slightly. On second thoughts, maybe she would let it slide and just head for her quarters. It's been a long day and the man wasn't worth the hassle...even though there'd been something familiar about him.

Moving for the table of constantly replenishing drinks, Scarlet smiled to herself as she picked up the champagne glass. She decided the highwayman outfit had definitely been the right pick. She was more comfortable in the breeches than she would have been in a dress. And she rather liked the boots, they were pretty swanky. Perhaps she'd keep them. She wondered briefly what the Captain would think if she turned up on the bridge wearing the kneehigh heeled boots. He'd probably just write her up for a uniform violation.

Scarlet chuckled softly at the idea of it, sipping her sparkling wine with a gentle sigh. It wasn't often she let her hair down at an adult soiree. Between work and Lily, there wasn't much time left over. And as for the sparkling wine? Well. She hadn't had much chance to enjoy the real stuff. She didn't exactly come from a champagne lifestyle between growing up in the Maquis, care and then straight into the Marines. It felt...decadent, to be at a grand affair like this, enjoying the luxuries in life. She wasn't quite sure how she had steered her life to this point, but it was nice.

Holliday however was closed than perhaps Scarlet might have thought. The breeches were certainly unusual, and the cut of the garment, of course more popular with males, looke a little unusual on the body of a female - but suited her nonetheless. Approaching from behind, John waited until he was within earshot before speaking.

"Miss didn't feel the pull of ruffles and bodices for this event I see?"

Scarlet turned to watch him with surprise, laughing softly at the comment before taking a few moments to look him over and take him in. Seeing Holliday in the Navy get up seemed strangely natural and completely the right choice for him. It oddly suited him too. "Why did we end up with this boring fashion in the 24th Century? We should be working to bring this back," she tutted and sighed as she motioned to his outfit before pulling a fake pistol free and aiming it at him. "Who wants to be a Lady when you can be a rogue, hm?" she deliberately played risky with not calling him Sir. Afterall, she could in all innocence claim not to know who he was behind the mask. Well, that was rubbish actually....she could claim it, but not in innocence.

John could not help but laugh - the detail that his XO had gone down to, including the ornamental projectile weapon seemed far in advance of requirements - if anything Holliday felt grossly unequipped to defend himself if that weapon had indeed been real.

"Starfleet uniforms are functional - I believe there was a little more requirement to be...flamboyant in the earlier centuries. That said feel free to submit a dress code update request to Headquarters - we might all find ourselves in breeches before we know it?"

Scarlet gave a soft chuckle, watching him with mischief in her eyes behind the simple silk tie mask over her eyes. "Should be careful what you wish for," she tsked, shaking her head as she put the pistol back into her belt. "So are you enjoying yourself, stranger? A night to let your hair down after the storm?"

John had to let out a laugh of his own, albeit stifled rather quickly. The last time that he had let his hair down with his XO, as she so adequately put it, they had ended up emptying a bottle of whisky in the ship's bar out of the sight of the crew.

"Enjoying myself? Perhaps - enjoying seeing my crew relax however, most definitely. It's a little more social than the last time you and I shared a drink, wouldn't you agree Commander? Or 'Mysterious Lady I Have Never Met Before' if you would prefer?"

"I would indeed prefer," she smiled with appreciation of his catching on to the game. "And I would also agree. Although there is plenty of drink to be had, should you with a repeat," she said playfully, pausing. "Enjoying yourself, perhaps?" she repeated what he had said, moving closer to keep her voice low. "You know, you are allowed to enjoy yourself. Even more so behind a mask. You can deny all knowledge in the morning," she teased.

John leant into speak to his colleague, albeit at a closer distance than perhaps he would have usually done.

"Very well...Yes. This is rather...pleasant....consider that classified - Level 9 and above. Understood?"

"Completely," she nodded seriously before offering her hand out with a positively warm and bright smile. "Care to dance, Royal Navy Officer?"

Holliday sighed and shook his head, raising a hand to his temple as he took another sip from his champagne glass.

"Why is it that everyone is trying to get their Captain to dance tonight? I suppose...if I am to partake in this sort of event, it would seem the least...inappropriate, for the Commanding Officer to be acccompanied by his XO?"

"Of course," Scarlet replied with a mock serious nod. "Although, you're not *my* Captain at the moment, you're just a Royal Navy man, harm done," she gave an expectant smile, her hand never wavering.

"Very well Commander. Bear with me though - I'm a little rusty."

Scarlet laughed softly as she pulled close to him, resting one hand gently on his shoulder and the other clasping his hand. "That's what they all say...."

"Steady there Mysterious Stranger - we all have real lives in the morning." John replied with a smirk as he placed his hand gingerly around her in order to complete their dancing partnership. Taking a breath he listened for the tempo of the music before pushing off and doing his best to remember the waltz training his mother and the Academy had given him.

"Thankfully should I stand on your toes, 24th century medicine can handle that with ease - and discretion."

"I believe in you, sailor," Scarlet assured with a soft laugh, letting him lead as she moved easily with him, holding on to him as they moved across the paving. She was pretty impressed that they even managed to be somewhat elegant between the two of them. In truth, they were both more fighters than dancers. Although a little playing was nice now and then.

John let a small smirk escape his lips before turning his partner to keep up with the flow of both holographic and organic dancers making their way across the dancefloor. The waltz was thankfully not overtly extreme in it's tempo, and with a little counting in his head, the Captain felt like he was managing to keep up and not make a complete ass of himself in public.

"You aren't too bad at this yourself Commander - since when did the Marines teach ballroom?"

"Who says I learnt in the Marines?" she replied softly with a small, playful smile, offering no more information. A woman had to maintain some air of mystery afterall.

Holliday raised an eyebrow at the comment - he had made sure to read his crew's personal profiles as soon as he received his promotion, and thought he knew his XO pretty well, which to his obvious dismay, was a fallacy.

"Commander Blake - don't tell me you had a life outside of Starfleet? How is a Captain meant to command without a complete picture of his XO?"

Scarlet shook her head with a soft tut at herself. "Scandalous, I know. I have a daughter too, I'm pretty sure she wasn't Starfleet issue," she said with a straight face until she couldn't help it anymore, smiling with a soft laugh. "They taught you well, though, Starfleet that is. They really got their money's worth out of you, didn't they. Do you plan to take on the legendary Kirk style of diplomacy, negotiation and technique?" she teased with a small but innocent smile. Everyone knew the sort of games Kirk got up to as a Captain with all the lovely women he met on his journey into the unknown. It was a different time, that was for sure.

Children in Starfleet was something that John had never agreed with, it just didn't seem to be the smartest idea to take one's offspring into potentially hazardous situations, or indeed force the Captain of said vessel to have to interact with said children. The reference to the great Kirk however, was enough to snap Holliday's mind out of the repetitive thought cycle of how much he disliked children.

"I don't think I'd be the top candidate for a promotion again if the Admiralty found that my offspring were scattered across every planet I had visited under the flag of exploration. However - there was a man who was happy to use his fists. You have to admire someone like that."

Scarlet gave a small, fond smile at the genuine admiration in him, nodding gently as she swayed easily across the floor with him, her hand resting comfortably on his shoulder. "You sound almost wistful that you can't follow suit anymore...."

Holliday retorted through the medium of dance - using his superior strength to manipulate his XO into a brief pirouette before bringing her back into hold.

"There was a certain beauty to that era - sometimes I think that there are still occasions where that behaviour had it's advantages - don't you think XO?"

Scarlet caught her breath as she fell back into step with him, the expression on her face making it clear she was impressed. "Let's hope it's not too obvious that we think that way. Although I shouldn't worry, you're clearly a man full of surprises..."

"Clearly." John replied with a smile. Ever since that late night drinking session, the Captain had felt more at ease with his XO than anyone else amongst his crew - perhaps because they both came from a tactical background - albeit with her training likely superior to his own - or perhaps they had both been thrown into the roles they now held and had been reuired to muddle their way through. The music was slowly coming to an end, and Holliday realised that he had just danced in front of almost his entire crew with very little in the way of inhibitions. Something about knowing his XO would make sure any insults were kept well out of his earshot following this little soiree was enough to keep the Captain relaxed.

Waiting until the final bars of the waltz came to a close, the captain brought his dance partner to a halt.

"Thank you for your company Commander. I...enjoyed that. Very much."

Scarlet took a step back with a small but genuine smile on her lips, lowering her body in a curtsy and holding the edges of her cape out in the absence of a dress. She was glad she'd decided to come in the end; it had been a relaxing evening, a good way to start the shoreleave and loosen some collars. "No, thank you, Sailor..."

Allyndra had watched the Captain dance with another whom she had figured out was Blake. She wondered why he had been willing with her and not with her. Another one of those mysteries that seemed to elude her understanding. Sometimes, I wonder if I am just invisible or maybe I just don't smell right," she thought. One day she would figure it all out but tonight was a night for not worrying overly much.

Some Hours Later...

Letting out a long, slow breath, Verity smiled as he stretched out, looking around at the empty garden. The guests of the ball had all filtered out and taken themselves home or to carry on the party at one of the many bars on the base. The chaplain was sat on the grass close to Oliver, his legs draped over his lap as he leant close against his body, comfortable as they relaxed in the quiet after the storm. "I think that went well."

Oliver smiled as he nodded, watching him before leaning to kiss his hair. "You did amazingly. This was a success..." he said and took his hand, to hold firmly as he relaxed.

"Couldn't have pulled it together without help," Verity tilted his head up to him with a soft smile, kissing him gently. "Thank you," he whispered.

Oliver smiled as he returned the kiss, stroking his cheek for a long moment. "More than welcome," he said softly, holding his eyes. "You've made this a special shoreleave for me."

"Question is, will you still have the nerve to kiss me in the open without the masks?" Verity said softly with a playful chuckle, his fingertips caressing up the strong line of his jaw.

He watched him before nodding, holding his eyes with a smile. "I'd kiss you at Starfleet HQ with my dress uniform on," he teased before kissing him tenderly.

"Might hold you to that one day," Verity laughed warmly, leaning up to steal another kiss as he felt down over his chest, enjoying the strength in him before sighing. A soft groan escaping at the thought of the work still ahead, his forehead dropping against his chest. "I really should start clearing up. It's not all holographic."

Oliver watched him before tugging him closer, his eyes dark as he watched Verity with hope. "Maybe we can wait a little bit...we have our costumes, I do not want this fairy tale night to end, Verity Thorne."


LT JG Wakeham Paul Alasia
Diplomatic Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant (J.G.) Tuula Voutilainen, M.D.
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Jaana Voutilianen
Stellar Cartographer
USS Galileo

CAPT Jonathan Holliday
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Drusilla McCarthy
Assistant Chief Counsellor
USS Galileo

CMDR Scarlet Blake
First Officer
USS Galileo

PO1 Verity Thorne
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]

Staff Warrant Officer Oliver Sylver
Flight Control
USS Galileo
[PNPC Devin]


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