USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - When the fog rolls in
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When the fog rolls in

Posted on 11 Oct 2014 @ 8:42pm by Captain Jonathan Holliday
Edited on on 12 Oct 2014 @ 3:20am

1,008 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo, Deck 1 - Captain's Ready room
Timeline: MD10 1500 hrs


Abbey was feeling a lot better thanks to the medicine and to the number of operation's she had undergone, she now no longer needed that outrages back brace that she had been wearing. She was so happy to be walking around again even if it was to see the Captain and explain her actions to him. She had been going through a million and one things to say to him but everything came out stupid and childish. Walking onto the bridge she gave an uneasy smile to the crewman on shift.

There had been a lot of talk about Captain Holliday, soulless, heartless, emotionless were some of the few things she had been told prior to her 'debriefing' She had even be told to avoid standing next to any destructible furniture as he had an unmistakable anger control issue and often hit things. She hoped he didn't find her 'breakable' but she couldn't help but wonder how anyone could be so cruel and maybe they were just trying to scare her. She could only hope. Taking several strides across the bridge she hit the control panel next to the captains ready room and waited.

"Come!" Followed the gutteral command from inside the door. John, seated in his usual place behind his desk patiently reviwed the latest reports from HQ - nothing of great importance to their current mission, mainly diplomatic updates, low-key fleet movements and an update from the Federation Council, but still the sorts of material that a CO should keep abridge of.

Hesitating before pressing the controls once more to open the door Abbey stepped across the threshold and into the Captain's ready room. He shoulder tensed from anxiety.

"Yes Crewman? What can I do for you?"

Looking at the man he was neither frightening or scary he did have a scar on his right cheek but Abbey had seen things like that before on Aleron and if anything it made him look vulnerable. Squaring her shoulders she now stood at attention across the desk from him "I came to apologise for my actions in the mines sir" She said her body still aching ever so slightly from her operations.

John stopped what he was doing and sat up straight in his chair, turning off his console monitor before folding his hands neatly in front of him after gesturing to the chair that sat opposite him ; an indirect order for the Crewman to take a seat.

"Yes....I understand your actions didn't exactly sit well with some of my senior staff - especially our CoB....not an auspicious start to a career in Starfleet now is it Miss Wyatt?"

Abbey looked to the chair and if she wasn't in any discomfort she may have stayed braced to attention but instead took to the seat and sighed as she did. "No, not at all its just time was running out and people weren't acting quick enough I'm just glad it was only me who got hurt." He said looking down to her hands which were not staying still as she picked at her nails.

"Such behaviour won't be acceptable under my command - I've served with Chief Quinn for several years now and I know full well he has just about as much patience for insubordination as I do."

John signed and leant back in his chair. He could sometimes find it difficult to discipline a crewmember for not following orders - he had taken the decision to ignore one or two over his own career and sometimes there was merit in thinking outside the box.

"You are still very young - I would not want to see a career burned out without having a chance to see the stars - reign it in."

Looking at the captain she was surprised... no shocked by how easily he deflated her obvious breach of protocol. "Urm - I" She was lost for words, had everyone been only teasing her and making her worry for no reason. She couldn't help but wonder if any of it was true. "Thankyou sir" She whispered. "If there's anything I can ever do for you! Do you need a personal Assistant" She blurted out uncontrollably, another suggestion from another helpful crewman. 'Gods, what am I doing' She asked herself mentally kicking herself and chewing the inside of her cheek.

John cocked his head at the comment - he had seen young officers and enlisted crew being more than a little over-ambitious but to recommend oneself to be the PA to a Command officer was a little further than the Captain found personally comfortable.

"Err...perhaps not quite yet Miss Wyatt. A little more experience might come in handy first I would imagine. Agreed?"

Turning several shades of red Abbey nodded wanting to bite her nails, something she donewhen she got nervous what made it was captain Holliday was actually the opposite of what she thought and also was particularly handsome. "sorry sir it's just I feel like I need to make something up to you" she finally admitted

"Knuckle down, impress your department head, and appear in their reports. That will be quite sufficient Crewman. Now if there is nothing else?"

John feigned a smile as he looked towards the young woman, in reality just desperate to get her out of his offie and to get back to work.

Abbey could feel the tension in the air, "No, nothing else" She said retreating back inside herself as if she was in a head teacher's office getting scolding but in reality he was just offering help and only annoyed by her presence, which in turn annoyed her. Biting back a remark she turned and walked to the door pausing before exiting, she was going to try and speak to him more despite his very, very, very hard exterior she could see that he was... She couldn't quite describe it.


CAPT Jonathan Holliday
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

Crewman Apprentice Abbey Wyatt
Scientists Mate
USS Galileo
(Pnpc by Jake)


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