USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - I, PaDDs
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I, PaDDs

Posted on 29 Jul 2014 @ 7:09pm by Commander Luke Wyatt
Edited on on 29 Jul 2014 @ 9:08pm

1,852 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 2, Mess hall
Timeline: MD08 - 1725


Luke was looking over some of the old intelligence reports and was mostly dissatisfied with them, tapping his comm badge he waited for the audible beep before speaking "Can someone from the 'intelligence' department come down and go through these reports with me, in fact can they meet me in the mess it's near lunch" he made sure to put a sarcastic emphasis on intelligence, being a marine he never saw eye to eye with them.

"Murray here, if you can put up with a ten minute wait then I'll meet you in the mess." T'Vanna rolled her eyes as she picked up on the sarcasm.

Picking himself up from the chair he gathered together the numerous PaDDs and then hurried his way to the mess hall wondering what he would have to eat. Before he entered the mess he nailed it down to one of two things; a lasagna or a Caesar salad. Picking a table facing out of the large panel window where he placed the PaDDs on the top and pulled out a chair and sat himself down "lasagna or salad" he said to himself.

"I hope you ordered for me too," came a somewhat pleasant and chippery voice from behind the marine, "because I'm ravenous and I really could eat a horse."

The pregnant Vulcan sat down opposite of the marine, her blue eyes all but seeing right through him as she studied him. "You jarheads are really an impatient lot you know...."

"And for a department that say they deal with the intelligence side of the fleet you aren't very intelligent" he countered with a smile and reached across the table with his hand "Luke Wyatt, I don't believe we've met and you're just in time I haven't ordered yet" he added.

"Well that must be the hormones then," T'Vanna shot back, almost crushing the offered hand. "T'Vanna Murray. And I'll have a large portion of fries, a double cheeseburger and a very large rootbeer."

Luke didn't reply as he stood up and walked over to the replicator tending to his slightly crushed hand. Ordering himself lasagna with a side salad and T'Vanna's fries and cheeseburger with a root beer he strolled back over with a tray full of food. Carefully setting down the food he say down himself and smiled "you can't have long left then? The cravings go haywire when your just about due" he said recalling when Abbey was born.

"I can't say I got any cravings," the Vulcan replied, digging right into the cheeseburger, "I've always liked this kind of junkfood to be honest. So...what did you want help with?"

Taking a bite of his salad he crunched down the green leafs before replying "Straight to business then, well either I'm dumb or or the person that wrote this was simply insane but these reports do not correspond with anything we have in security and furthermore the individual isn't here so I'm stuck with a great guessing game." He continued to eat before noticing the woman's slightly "for a Vulcan to eat junk food and not to talk like a complete robot you must be a little human! No offence"

"Yea, my dad's Human. Is why I got a last name too," she smirked, wagging her finger at him. "Didn't they teach you that for there to be offense, one has to take offense?" Reaching, she snatched the PADD from his fingers and scrolled through it. "You're right, whoever wrote this is a complete eejit...though I only just got here so why don't you fill me in on the security part of this?"

"Well look at this one" he said picking up one of the PaDDs from the bottom and handing it to her "it says here that the Gorn had taken control of a Borg cube and were under the command of some unknown civilization the Gorn weren't even there!" He said almost in a laugh "and here they mention something about... The Jem'Hadr!" He shook his head.

"I've never heard of a Jem'Hadr," T'Vanna mused as she raked her hand through her hair, "and a Gorn taking on a Cube...really? I'd love to see that happening, because I really can't see it. Have there been any computer viruses lately? Any updates that weren't properly cleared?"

"Well the tribbles are infecting every damn section of this ship" he said noting the pink fluffy one that had snuck itself onto the table and purred gently. "I mean it's getting ridiculous now!"

This time, the woman arched an elegantly slanted eyebrow at him. "Tribbles? That's the first I hear of tribbles..." Her eyes followed his and the second eyebrow followed the first as she too noticed the pink furball. "Interesting...they are everywhere you say?" Her hand went to the purring creature, which only purred harded upon her caress. "Well, if you can determine whether somehow they gained access to certain systems, then you have your answer marine."

Thinking over the possibility he leaned back into his seat and sighed "So maybe you're not all completely useless, I just hope I can get the files intro the correct reports otherwise we'll have a ball trying to explain this to headquarters!" Stretching, he lent forward again and cut another price of lasagna of before tacking another bite "So is the father on the ship with you to?" He asked.

"There is no father involved, I haven't seen him since this here
happened. He doesn't know."

Luke swallows his next bite hard "Sorry I just assumed that... You know" he bit his tongue before he made matters worst.

"Everyone does, I'm used to it now." She smiled slightly, stuffing
several fries into her mouth. "What about you...wife? Husband?

Luke forked a price of salad and spoke before eating "I have one daughter Abbey, she's on the ship. Her mother died on deep space five during a terrorist attack. I was away at the time" he said sadly before slowly biting his forkful of food.

"I'm sorry to hear that. How old is she now, and how are you both coping with the loss?"

Sitting back in his chair Luke shook his head "Abbey is nineteen now and in terms of coping I think it's in the past, it's a horrible thing to happen and I think the past is the best place for it" he smiled.

"She's my age then, though I graduated a few months ago. What track is she in?"

Luke looked at the half Vulcan, puzzled. "Sorry I don't get all this starfleet lingo yet, I was dragged up through the marines, what's track?" Luke had a general idea but didn't want to guess wrong.

"Is she into command, science, medical, something else?" She arched an eyebrow at him. "Honestly? You don't know what a track is...what rock have you been hiding under. Sir."

Laughing, "The green one which usually get shot at a lot, she's going science or at least that what she had originally decided but after being on the Galileo she's taken interest in flight, and engineering I'm not sure where she got them ideas but at least she's not going down the same path I did and please don't call me sir it's just Luke" he said still getting used to the new rank.

"You outrank me, sir is appropriate," T'Vanna argued, stuffing another fistful of fries into her mouth.

"To be honest yes I do but I've never been one to like the rank system everyone are equals in my eyes well except for marines, they're better than everyone" he joked watching her eat the fries "I imagine you don't get on well with vulcans?"

"Now what makes you say that? I get along just fine with my mom and I had some Vulcan peers at the academy that I got along with just fine. Don't you think it's a little prejudicial to think I might be shunned simply because I choose to be emotional?"

He shrugged "Well isn't that what vulcans want the most out of their own kind? To be able to stop any and all emotions I don't say it to be mean I just find it interesting how you deal between the two lifestyles"

"Most Vulcans yes. But those are mostly the followers of Surak. There's other wise men from the past too, who preach a balance between emotion and logic, or even the ones without logic, the Vrekash K'atur. I suppose, I'm considered to be one of them, but my mother doesn't love me any less for it. She's all logical but she did marry a Human."

"I guess I can't argue with that logic, excuse the pun" he smiled. "What does your mum think about your situation?" He asked "I can't imagine how it would be to look after a child by yourself on a ship"

"I haven't spoken to my parents in a while. My mom would think it illogical, my dad would support my choice. Either way, they wouldn't judge me. I chose to keep the child, it's not his or her fault now is it. Being responsible, I guess. "

Luke smiled "It sounds like you've got an amazingly supportive family. I thought being so close to the birth you'd know the gender unless you don't want to know yet? That's nice I think! But who cares what I think eh?" Luke smiled with a shrug.

"Nope, didn't want to know and I had to tell doctors with every check up too. Forgetful people, those doctors. I once suggested they just make a note in my file but noooo, did I get an earful about that!" She smiled softly, her hand over her belly. "Boy or girl it's all good to me, I have no prefence. Which is another thing people seem to judge me on, apparently I'm supposed to have a preference?"

"No I don't think you're meant to have a preference though some people would prefer a boy it a girl for a number of reasons for example a boy to carry on the name of the family or to take over the family business and some just prefer girls it's all a matter of opinion really" like explained.

"Oh true. But I really have no preference, as long as he or she will be born healthy. And even if not I will love him or her."

Luke nodded in silent agreement "I commend you T'Vanna and if you need any help im always around if you need me!" He offered.

"That's most appreciated sir, I will try to remember when the need arises." Her smile turned grateful. "Was there anything else you needed from me?"

Smiling Luke sat back in his chair "No Thankyou for your assistant you've been most helpful!" Luke pushed his chair out and stood up picking the PaDDs up in a pile "Thanks once again and it was very nice meeting you T'Vanna!"


LTJG Luke Wyatt
Acting Chief of Security
USS Galileo

Ensign T'Vanna Murray
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo


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