USS Galileo :: Episode 05 - Solstice - Dark Skies
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Dark Skies

Posted on 17 Feb 2014 @ 9:18am by Commander Norvi Stace & Petty Officer 1st Class Oliver Morris

1,052 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 05 - Solstice
Location: San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: MD 34


Stace had now spent a full three days on Earth after her trip back to the Trill homeworld and was now leisurely enjoying her shoreleave hanging about San Francisco. The previous day, she had transported across-world to New Buenos Aires, and had socked up the southern hemisphere's summer sun at a beach just south of the river plate.

Her skin now a little sun-kissed, Norvi was dressed in casual wear with a bag resting over her right shoulder and her hair, rarely let out of its grip of a ponytail, cascading loosely down the back of her neck and shoulders. She loved this city, and decided to explore the shops and coffee shops still open.

Walking along the stores, a man in his mid twenties stood next to Stace. He is Oliver Morris, Yeoman and rather good looking. He stopped next to a window shopping Norvi. "That dress would look good on a Targ," he said as his eyes grazed over a rather hideous dress. "This must be the Klingon Haberdashery.

"I've never been one to admire the Klingon traditions," she replied, shooting a look to him and then back to the shop window. Her brow furrowed as she slowly retuned her head back to to look upon him. "You were on the Gally, weren't you?" she asked inquisitively. "I was a survivor of the Venture but have just accepted a commission to join the crew formally as their Chief Science Officer. Norvi Stace."

"Oliver Morris, Commordore's Yeoman." He shook her hand. "I am new to Galileo too. Took the job after a few months away when Tiberius went down."

"We're all orphans one way or another, aren't we? And I thought that after the Dominion Wars we would have enjoyed an era of peace." Norvi remained looking at the dress in the window, her philosophical response was more for herself than her gazing companion. "But, at least we've both found a home on the Gally.

Oliver didn't feel at home, not yet at least. He always felt that a place was home when you could kick off your shoes, toss your clothes around and still feel like something is missing. A bit of drapery, perhaps, or a picture of his family tucked away in some nook to make it feel less lonely.

"I think the Ferengi has a phrase for it, 'There's always a price for peace.' Or something like that." He waved off his words, "We always think we're safe but in order to feel that way we need to see the bitter before the sweet."

"Trust me, I'm two hundred I've seen enough bitterness. I just want a nice relaxing stint on Risa. Or Bajor. One of the more peaceful planets. Still," she pondered, now turning to face him, "I suppose seeing the universe from the bridge of a Federation starship is not the best place for an idyllic life, however." She smiled a small, uncompromising smile.

"I agree with you there." Was she flirting with him? He never thought of a relationship with a woman before. In all his life it never occurred to him or passed his mind. He always knew who he was and a moment this Trill woman had Oliver questioning his identity.

They started walking past the stores and stopped a bench. Oliver sat down and watched people pass by. The winter's sun peaked out from an errant cloud only to be hidden by the next one. "I heard it's going to rain."

"There's nothing like a bit of wet weather to wash out the day though," Norvi replied optimistically, smiling to him. "In fact, it's my favourite kind. And I suppose it's what I miss most when serving on starships. Just the unknown. It's all very well observing atmopsheric conditions when stationed at the science console on the bridge, but there's nothing quite like being caught in a summer's downpour without am umbrella."

"Or, standing on the shore of an icy lake with a light snowfall with the guy you love at your arm. Holodecks can't give that justice." Oliver smiled at the memory of Joby Williams, his first kiss under a moonlit gazebo overlooking a frozen Greenwood Lake. He had been mustering up the courage for weeks to go for the kiss. But Joby went for it first. "There's nothing like winter on the American Continent."

Norvi smiled and then sighed. "Although, I'm not a great lover of the Americas," she said matter-of-factly. "There are far more wonderful vistas out there if only one should look. I suppose, maybe, because I'm not from Earth it doesn't hold much sway for me in terms of geographical remarkability. If we're talking Earth then at least Asia." She flashed a smile again.

"The last time I was in Asia, I went cross country skiing with my Academy friends. Three days in the Northern border between Russia and China. I'll never forget it. Out among the elements, we saw wildlife and ate off the land. No tech just us, tents and our skis."

"Sounds thrilling," Norvi said, turning now to face him. Over his shoulder, the looming, purple clouds weighed heavily in the sky, casting a cold darkness that was slowly sweeping over the Winter's San Francisco. She opened her eyes in wonder, and had the nip of the air not gotten to her neck, she would have longed to enjoy being washed clean by its downfall. But she slowly rose from her seat and extended her arm out to bid him farewell. "Well, it was lovely to meet you, Oliver," she said softly, curtsying in an mock old-fashioned way. "And I enjoy many more conversations aboard the Gally when we both finally return. She's a small ship and it's good to make friends so fast."

"I agree. Look me up." He smiled widely. As they departed, Oliver kept his eye on the sky. The first drops of rain started to hit his face. With his PADD in hand he walked toward the office building he was looking for with a joy in his step. The more friends the better, he thought as he entered.


PO Oliver Morris
Chief Yeoman
USS Galileo


Lieutenant Norvi Stace
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo


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