USS Galileo :: Episode 05 - Solstice - I, Take thee, My Imzadi... (Part 1 of 2)
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I, Take thee, My Imzadi... (Part 1 of 2)

Posted on 23 Feb 2014 @ 12:12pm by Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Tarishiana Barel & Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Arthur Willis & Commander Luke Wyatt & Petty Officer 1st Class Taryn Galepsie & Lieutenant Asahi Kita

2,497 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 05 - Solstice
Location: Henry's Lake, Idaho, Earth - Quinn Family Ranch
Timeline: MD 18 - 0850 hrs


*****Wedding Day: Morning*******

Quinn Family Ranch

Quinn was nervous today. He had been since this morning when he rushed to get Tyra for her morning feeding, though at the sight of daddy at 5am turned the hungry baby into a playful baby. The two played and eventually he grabbed a bottle of mommy-juice for the child to eat. By 7am she was back asleep and Quinn was wide awake, carrying a tray of Tarish's favorite breakfast foods up to heron a tray. He knew they needed to hurry as the wedding guests would be arriving soon for the big day.

Tarish loved her mornings to sleep in. That wasn't to mean that she didn't love the time she had with her daughter. She heard the doors to their room open causing her eyes to flutter open in response. A smile crossed her face as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. "I thought it was bad luck in human society to see the bride before the wedding." She smiled playfully.

"Yeah," he smiled as he sat the tray down before Tarish. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down, pulling out an apple for himself. "It is...but when did a custom ever stop me from getting what I wanted?" he asked just before he shot his Imzadi a wink and then bit into the crisp apple.

Tarishiana's eyes fluttered closed when he kissed her. A smile crossing her lips as looked back up at him. "That is very true." She laughed, "No power in the verse will stop you....not Borg, nor pissed off Betazoid family." She took a bite from his apple before looking over the food he had brought her. "I am starving....Thank you Imzadi"

Quinn returned the kiss and then looked out the window as he heard the whirling of wind and now outside. There, approaching the ranch in a landing pattern was a shuttle craft. "Looks like some of the guests are here. I'll go greet them."

Open Field Near the Barn

A soft whirr sounded across the snowy landscape and suddenly a Type-9 shuttle descended through the clouds and came into view. Headed for the nearest open area of the Quinn family property, it began a slow circular landing pattern then touched down softly next to the large barn with a crunch of the snow beneath its nacelles. After a few short moments the craft powered down, then the aft hatch deployed and Lirha stepped out into the snowy farmland hugging her coat tight around her torso. She looked back to make sure her contingent of wedding guests was following, then looked back around the ranch to survey the scene. It was quite nice actually, despite the snow and cool winds, and she noticed mountains to the north, a large frozen lake to the west, and what appeared to be a large stream flowing elegantly through the middle of the property.

Asahi may have been hesitant to get to know people on the Galileo, but a wedding was a joyous celebration where many people tended to gather. The engineer wasn't one to miss out on those sorts of things at all. Gatherings like this meant parties, and everyone liked a good party.

He hopped out of the shuttle, smoothing out his extra-large and super comfy jacket, grinning from ear to ear. "Glad I brought another layer, or I'd be an Asahi-sicle!"

Taryn was used to the cold. Which had nothing to do with where she was raised. With all the things she had been through the last week of so she was looking forward to taking some time to celebrate something. She only hoped she didn't have to actually speak to any one.

Luke and Abbey emerged from the shuttle, Abbey was carrying a silver round dish whilst Luke had under his arm pits a wrapped gift for the newly weds. "You're not to cold are you?" He asked turning to face Abbey before smiling.

"No, Dad. You can stop worrying about me I am old enough to look after myself" She returned the smile before starting to walk along with the group "Besides it's beautiful isn't it? A Wedding in the snow!"

"Yes...beautiful," Lirha mumbled as some rogue flakes of snow fell down into her coat's collar and sent a chill down her spine when they touched her green skin. She wasn't overly fond of snow and ice, but at least it made for an attractive scenery and festive atmosphere. "Where do you suppose everyone is?" she asked, looking at the different buildings on the property and trying to decide which one they should walk to.

After a few moments of silence the unmistakeable sound of a Federation transporter whined in the distance as a figure materialised not far from the shuttlecraft. As the cycle completed, the face of Captain Holliday came into being and stepped towards the Commodore and her group. Having followed protocol, the Galileo's CO was clad in his dress uniform with an exceptionally useful white winter jacket (as prescribed by regulation of course) over the top, and a white box in his hands with silver trim and ribbon, clutched closely so as to prevent it slipping from his grip.

"I thought I would go for the more direct route - saves finding somewhere to park at a wedding." He quipped as he moved towards his fellow wedding guests.

Quinn came out of the family house and walked over to his guests. "Hey, welcome to the old family homestead." he said with his breath present on the air. "Captain Holliday, sir. Lieutenant Kita. Abbey, Luke. Thanks for coming guys. Commodore, I appreciate you braving the cold and presiding over the ceremony."

Lirha waved when she saw Quinn emerge from the house and make his way over to them. "Thank you for having us...I am excited," she grinned. "And congratulations on your big day."

"Indeed....we are glad to be here Mr Quinn. Wouldn't miss it for the world" John chimed in, adding his sentiments to that of his former Commanding Officer.

Asahi nodded, grinning brightly despite his shivering. He was going to enjoy this wedding, even if it gave him frostbite.

A loud noise came from the barn and a horse whinnying, followed by a scream of terror as Willis came running out from the barn with a bucket in tow. "That damn animal in there is trying to kill me, Markum! How the hell am I supposed to fill this damn thing up?" exclaimed the CoB's longtime friend as he held up an empty bucket."

"Hello Mister Willis," Lirha waved at the engineer while musing at his plight.

Asahi peered around others, raising a brow. "Maybe you should try sweet-talking 'er! Horses like that... well, they do where I'm from."

"Or a phaser set to level three." The XO chimed in, with a joking reference to his previous past as a tactical officer.

QUinn cracked a smile and turned away so his friend would not notice, then recollected himself and looked back at Willis. "Arthur, you have to grab the horse with a firm hand and manipulate the member softly in order to get it to shoot out its milk. How many times..."

"I know, I know!" shot back the disgruntled man. "Just like you showed me with the cows." Willis stood there and shook his head with disgust, "I just don't think the horses..utter? in the right place. I swear that Pat, your old horse is one cranky girl."

Quinn looked at the gathered gustes and shrugged. "Kid has never been on a real farm before. HE didn't even realize that cows made milk.."

"And horses!" interjected Willis.

"and goats made milk." continued Quinn. "He'll figure it out eventually."

Lirha had never been on a farm before either. Well, not an Earth farm, anyway. Glancing around, the layout and concept was pretty standard to the various ones she had seen throughout the quadrant, but she was unfortunately not too familiar with domestic Earth animals. "Do you have goats here? And cows? Are they...dairy cows? Or beef cows?" she curiously asked.

John had to hold back his amusement as the Orion Commodore began her enquiries into the state of Mr Quinn's herd. It had never occurred to him that others would not be aware of what a cow or other similar creature from Earth would look like - although he doubted his knowledge of Orion farming practices would be much better.

Luke had already lost Abbey and was watching the events unfold around him, the air was still nipping at his exposed skin which only made it seem more real. He was looking forward to the wedding more so spending time with the crew outside of the always in mortal danger and death zone. "Horses don't make milk do they?" He muttered quietly doubting his own intelligence.

Quinn chuckled as he watched Willis walk back towards the house to change into his dress uniform, cursing under his breath. "Shit no, Luke. Can't milk a horse...and especially a male animal."

Markum shook his head and looked at his guests. "C'mon everyone. I'll show you to the barn. It's where the ceremony and reception will be held. The hands and I have been busy cleaning it up. Oh, and the family distillery is in there too."

"... Distillery?" Asahi's head perked up. He followed after Markum with a cheery grin. If at nothing else, he could have easily enjoyed some homebrewed booze.

"At ease Lieutenant" John replied looking over his shoulder towards the engineer, although the exact same thought had passed through his mind at probably the same time. Mr Quinn's brewing skills were well known and not to be shirked at.

"There will be plenty of time for that afterwards - no point coming to a wedding if all you can remember is the before and not the after."

Asahi's cheeks flushed, and, despite his growing grin, he nodded. "Of course. Sorry, can't help myself." He rubbed the back of his neck. If this kept up, he wouldn't have to huddle against a heater for warmth; he'd be embarrassing all the heat out of himself.

The commodore was also very curious to see this family brewery and hugged her coat tight around her while she walked close to John and attempted to absorb some of his warmth. "Do you suppose this is the beer he wants to bring to our new bar aboard Galileo?" she asked John in a whisper. "Maybe we can...sample it first?"

"Well ma'am." John replied, taking a moment to clear his throat before continuing.

"You are a Commodore of the fleet - should you wish to examine any materials here, I presume you would not have any problem doing so. After all, a flag officer has certain....privileges."

"Yes, I suppose I should 'inspect' the product before bringing it aboard Galileo. For quality control," she mused in reply.

As the group entered into the large red barn the area was extremely large and very spacious, despite the several pieces of antique farming equipment were present. On one side of the barn was a large stone fireplace made from what appeared to be hand cut granite, and a neatly stack of firewood and logs sat nearby. The temperature was comfortable and the chill was forced out from the fire brewing within the mouth of the fireplace. From the ceiling hung three large chandeliers made out of antlers with streamers hanging from them.

The back of the barn over looked the frozen lake. You could also see the mountains that looked as if they were standing guard over the area. With the fresh snowfall the entire ground was white and the snow fluffy. Just a few steps outside of the back to the barn sat a large gazebo that provided a full view of the ranch area. A red carpet was laid before it, with heaters spaced evenly, and a few within the gazebo so to keep everyone warm.

The opposite wall was the entrance into the barns stables and the horses quarters. Next to that was a large out cropping with a sign over it. Quinn Brewery. A few tables were scattered about the barn and hay bales marked the corners of a small dance floor.

Abbey scanned the room, doing so her eyes lit up "Wow, its beautiful!" She said as she continued to observe the rooms decore. "I hope my wedding is this beautiful."

"Beautiful indeed. And very homely," Lirha added, her green eyes gazing about the expansive barn while taking in all of the details. She proceeded to wander about for a few minutes and explore.

Warmth! Glorious warmth! Asahi let out a sigh of relief, as he took in the view. "Looks like the center ring of the Sumi." Definitely the best type of decoration for a wedding.

Quinn walked inside and then turned to everyone. "So, make yourself comfortable. It shouldn't be very much longer."

"I am excited. Is that gazebo where we are having the ceremony?" Lirha asked, now able to look out of the back windows and see the red carpet and space heaters.

"That's it." Quinn answered. "It'll be nice and warm out there too, Commodore. Then afterwards, all the complimentary brews you can possibly intake, and home cooked food to eat and a few of the ranch hands play some instruments and want to show off their talents. Shoot, I may even break out with my harmonica or something. It'll be a hoedown!""

Abbey looked to her father and back to Quinn "What is a hoedown?" She asked. She had never heard of such a thing and the word itself sounded funny.

Lirha was also curious as to what a hoedown was. Despite her many years living on Earth, she had yet to encounter that particular expression, and the literal translation seemed terribly out of place.

Quinn chuckled at the question and odd looks. "It's a party basically. It's what country folk call hoedown. A gathering of family and friends to celebrate something and enjoy food and drink, plus a little music and dancing."

"Oh..." Lirha quietly said. What a strange word, she privately thought. "Well, I definitely enjoy parties. And weddings. Where is the bride-to-be?" she asked, wondering if Tarishiana was around maybe hiding somewhere.



CAPT Jonathan Holliday
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

CDRE Lirha Saalm
Mission Advisor
USS Galileo

Command Master Chief Petty Officer Markum Quinn
Chief of the Boat
USS Galileo

Tarishiana Barel-Quinn
Civilian Scientist
USS Galileo

CPO Luke Wyatt
Security Officer
USS Galileo

Crewman Abbey Wyatt (PnPC Jake)
Scientist Mate
USS Galileo

WO Arthur Willis
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC - Quinn]

LT Asahi Kita
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo

PO1 Taryn Galepsie
Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC - Barel]


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