USS Galileo :: Episode 05 - Solstice - Red and Green and Gold
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Red and Green and Gold

Posted on 18 Dec 2013 @ 12:26pm by Commander Norvi Stace & Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm

1,772 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 05 - Solstice
Location: Starfleet HQ - 5th Floor, Science Offices
Timeline: MD 02 - 1720 hrs


Lirha felt a bit out of place with her red-collared uniform on while she moseyed through the corridors of Starfleet HQ's science department. She had rarely ever visited this hall during her time at the Academy, and she couldn't resist pausing to look into some of the various rooms which contained a plethora of advanced scientific and medical equipment. In addition, the corridors were populated with all manner of blue-shirted science officers including civilians, enlisted crew, and officers alike. It was a much different scene than the command offices found only two floors beneath them.

Her PADD told her that Stace was not far away, only a few rooms down, and she clasped her hands professionally behind her back as she approached the door and stepped through it when the entrance swished open. "Lieutenant Stace?" she inquired, stopping to look around to try and locate the Trill officer.

As Stace hunched over her microscope, she daren't break concentration from what she was so intently looking at and so, with an extended hand in the direction of the door, held it out for silence. As a scientist, Stace wasn't used to doors haphazardly opening and closing without prior knowledge but this wasn't her ship. Or her lab. And so she had to power through her annoyances quietly. After a moment of silence, Stace quietly said "Just. A. Second," as she finished up her observations. She straightened up and clasping at the data PaDD next to her, input the results. She then finally looked over to see who had disturbed her. Widening her eyes, her face relaxed into a smile. "Oh, Captain. Sorry. I didn't realise it was you." She placed down the PaDD and walked over to greet her, extending her hand this time in a more congenial fashion. "Nice to see you again. What brings you up here?"

The Orion captain smiled politely at Stace and shook her cool hand after having no qualms waiting for a brief moment. She couldn't make heads or tails of what was transpiring inside the lab, and didn't want to disrupt any scientific processes if not necessary. "I was hoping you had a few minutes to chat," she replied, stating her intentions while still looking around the impressive lab. Her curiosity finally got the best of her. "What...are you working on in here?" she asked, her light green eyes now fixed on the high-powered microscope the lieutenant had been using when she entered.

Stace smiled back and followed the captain's gaze, looking about her as she spoke. "It's just the final stage of a splicing experiment I was conducting on the Venture. Nothing too exciting or adventurous, but my transport back to Trill doesn't leave for three days and I need to keep myself occupied until then. Please." She held her hand out to a small table and chairs that lined the far side of the room. Just next to it, and a little above, stood a replicator embedded into the wall. "Captain?" Stace offered.

Lirha moved to the opposite side of the room and took a seat in the indicated chair, then looked towards the replicator realizing she could probably use a warm drink. "Hot chocolate, please," she replied.

"Hot chocolate and English Breakfast tea, please," she spoke to the replicator and waited for the blue ionised hue to dissipate before collecting the beverages. She delicately placed them on the table as she lowered herself into the chair and then leant forward a little, her hands interlaced before her. "What can I do for you, Captain?"

Clasping the warm mug and bringing the frothy drink up to her lips, the Orion took a long and slow sip of the creamy beverage then let out a comforting sigh and looked closely at Stace. "A few things have been on my mind recently regarding the science department," she admitted. "But first, I would like to thank you for your assistance in the Setisar Nebula. I know it was probably not easy being reassigned to Galileo so quickly after the loss of Venture, but you handled yourself extremely well...all things considered. If it is any consolation, Venture's saucer section is now back at Starbase 185 currently offloading personnel, and will be towed back to spacedock in the coming weeks. was not a total loss." Stace's mention of the Galaxy Class had reminded Lirha of the official casualty report from the vessel which she had read several days ago, and she considered it a courtesy to inform the lieutenant of the ship's status.

Norvi sat back in her chair as a wide beamed smile stretched across her lips. She nodded as a solitary tear of comfort edged to the corner of her eye. "Thank you, Captain," she replied, taking in a deep breath to steady her emotions. "I wasn't on her for long, but so many lives..." She let the thought of it hang in the air before snapping back to the present and engaging eye contact with her captain again. "I've definitely decided that a smaller ship is where I'm meant to be for the time being, and I'm actually grateful for the transfer to your command and the Gally. She's a fine, advanced ship."

"I am very fond of her as well," Lirha replied with a wry grin, then paused to take another long drink from her mug. "Which brings me to the reason I am here...myself and my XO have been pleased with your contributions, and we would like to reassign you to the position of Chief Science Officer. That is, if you are interested?"

Stace arched her head back a little and smiled; a confused yet interested smile. "Chief Science Officer, huh?" She screwed her face into a mock consideration and then, with a cheeky grin added, "Do I get bigger quarters?"

"I suppose I could arrange something for you..." Lirha smirked with a light chuckle, then returned to a more serious nature. "Lieutenant Pendleton has done a tremendous job in the past heading our science department, but I believe he is a researcher first and foremost. We would, of course, return him to his original position of Chief Research Officer, and you two will handle all operations within the Science department. I trust you two have had a chance to interact and adjust to each other's work habits?"

"Not so much, no." Norvi returned her own tone to match that of the captain's and furrowed her brow with a concerned, almost pained expression. "We've met, of course. But with the situation the way it was, we didn't really 'professionally' interact. In fact, I didn't really get much chance on even getting my hands dirty with the Research department. But he seemed like a nice guy and I don't usually experience friction with colleagues." She broke off and nodded, continuing to smile. "Chief Science Officer, huh?"

Lirha nodded in confirmation. "Indeed. It is a big responsibility. Are you having...second thoughts?" she asked, wondering exactly how comfortable Stace felt with the new position and the duties which it would entail. She wasn't too concerned that the lieutenant hadn't spent a great deal of time around Pendleton, as the large man was very cordial and approachable, but she did realize there might now be a larger learning curve while Stace adjusted to some of the new personnel and the positional obligations.

"No," Stace quickly snapped back. "Not at all. As I mentioned to you in our first meeting, responsibility is not something that causes me anguish or concern. I thrive on it. And," patting her belly, she raised an eyebrow, "it'll bring back fond memories of being in command of a department again. The Science Department is certainly no ship, but it's a step closer to perhaps getting there again... someday."

"Managing a collection of laboratories floating in space certainly does have its appeal," Lirha replied with another small smile on her gold lips. "I also have something for you which might be of interest to your career advancement," she prefaced.

Cocking her head to the side, Norvi squinted her eye. "Oh?"

"Yes, I believe I have it here somewhere..." The Orion fumbled around in her pocket for a moment then finally pulled out a small, slim silver case and placed it on the table for Stace to see. She proceeded to open it and showed the Trill woman the single shiny gold rank pip which was contained inside before removing it from the case and rising to her feet. "Please stand," she instructed.

Stace's eyes beamed wide as she glanced at the pip now in her captain's green hands. "Red and green. It feels like Christmas," she quipped as she shuffled back her chair and stepped away from her untouched cup of tea. Unable to speak further, Stace smiled her thanks as she then cupped her mouth with her right hand in astonishment. Noting the then sudden formality of the occasion, the trill dropped her arm and stood fairly to attention.

Stepping close and looking up at the red-haired officer, Lirha returned the smile with an affectionate one of her own, then reached up to Stace's collar and removed the hollow pip with signified her junior lieutenant status. She delicately replaced it with the new gold one and pinned it firmly into the fabric of the uniform, then extended her hand for her to shake. "Norvi Stace, in light of your excellent service aboard Galileo and your new position as chief science officer, I hereby promote you to the rank of full lieutenant, with all the right and privileges therein. Congratulations."

Stace's delicate, pale hand flew up to caress the golden pip that now adorned her teal collar. She blinked in astonishment and then accepted the captain's hand. "Thank you, Captain. This really does mean a lot to me. And to Janel. I'm sure that, despite his curmudgeon demeanour, he would, in fact, have been a little proud today." She released Lirha's hand and then fondled the pip again. "Thank you."

"You are welcome," Lirha happily replied. It was always a bright moment for her when she could promote those serving under her command, and she enjoyed seeing the appreciation on Stace's face. "Now, if you are not too busy, would you like to join me for an early dinner in the galley?"

Stace nodded fondly. "That sounds delight! My treat, your choice."


CDRE Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo


Lieutenant Norvi Stace
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo
NCC - 80010


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