USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Watching the Core
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Watching the Core

Posted on 07 Oct 2013 @ 8:04pm by Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Warrant Officer Vernon Banks

1,064 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 2 - Near the Computer Core
Timeline: MD 03 - 0615 hrs


During the last hour, Lt. Rhodes had made his rounds about the ship checking on the different security teams. This was his final stop before returning to the bridge. As he was walking down the passageway his stomach growled. He realized that he had probably not eaten . . . well, he couldn't remember when. He had one more stop to make, just around the bend.

Vernon was busy doing nothing at the moment. Well, it wasn't exactly nothing. He had patrolled the deck several times as Galileo's security chief had instructed, then had set up shop in front of the secured entrance to the main computer core in order to keep an eye on Borg activity. So far, his mission had been uneventful. The drones did not seem interested in the ship's database and memory files, and they had not even so much as approached the entrance within ten meters.

Vernon did a quick check of his rifle's battery cell charge then looked up when he noticed another yellow-collared man walking down the hallway towards him.

Rhodes stopped next to the dark skinned man. Looking past him first at the borg, then turned to face the man. He was almost as tall as Theron. "Are you Banks?" He of course knew this, by checking his personnel file while in route.

"Warrant Officer Banks, yes sir." Vernon replied with a curt nod. He lowered his rifle for a brief moment while he began to talk to the new lieutenant who had just appeared. His voice sounded familiar and he matched it to Rhodes whom he had spoken to over the comm, but he young features were rather surprising. Vernon guessed he couldn't be any more than 25 years old, which was rather young for someone heading up starship security in Starfleet.

"Good to have you on board." The Security Chief said while extending his hand with a sincere smile.

Reaching out with his own hand, Vernon gave the man a firm handshake accompanied by a small smile. "Glad to be of service. Nothing worse than being aboard a starship with nothing to do and no duty station to report to." he smirked. "I've been keeping an eye on the computer core as far, so good."

"Good to hear." Rhodes commented. "For now it seems, these guys are living up to their accord, and not causing us further problems." He looked at Banks, "This may be a wait and see situation for a while."

"Understood. From what everyone's told me, there isn't much we can do except 'wait and see', like you said. I'll keep an eye on everything down here, don't worry sir." Vernon replied, then glanced over Rhodes' shoulder towards a drone which was wandering across the far end of the corridor. "Kind of weird watching them up close, if you ask me. Not being able to shoot at them and all..."

"Oh, by the way," Rhodes began, "Your former shipmate Galepsie is down in Engineering."

Rhodes recommended. "If she doesn't contact you, you should let her know how you are doing."

"Galepsie?" Vernon raised his eyebrow then nodded. "Thanks, I'll get in touch with her. We both came over from Venture as security officers. She was only on that ship for a week or two but she's a good woman and does a good job." he added, giving a bit of insight into the petty officer whom Rhodes had mentioned.

"She is hurt a little, but holding her own," Rhodes commented. "She is a strong woman."

It was painful to hear that Taryn had suffered an injury, but it was unfortunately a somewhat-common occurrence when serving in the Security department. "You're right, she's a tough girl. Hopefully the docs in sickbay can get her patched up and back to duty in no time." he commented, then thought of another Security crew member who had been injured.

"How's the other woman in Security? Christoph, I think her name is? I saw her fighting off some of the Borg -- and doing a damn fine job -- but it looked like she took a pretty bad hit. I tried to get to her, but by then the drones had adapted to our phaser fire and I got cut off from her. Had to high-tail it out of there and regroup." Vernon recalled.

"She is doing fairly well, under the circumstances," Rhodes replied. It was good to hear of her heroics from another. "She is down in Cargo Bay 2 being treated there." He glanced at Banks and said, "I'm sure they will have her fixed up within the day."

Vernon once again glanced down the corridor, this time noticing that the Borg drone had wondered off seemingly to another part of the deck. He would be happy as soon as they were all off the ship, but in the meantime he remained a bit agitated and on-edge.

Lt. Rhodes looked at Banks with concern, yet serious, "Will you be able to hold out here for a while?"

"Yes, sir." Vernon nodded in confirmation. "Got my trusty rifle with me and," he bent over and lifted up his pant leg to show Rhodes the K-BAR knife which was strapped to his calf, "my backup." he grinned. "If the drones are coming to access our computer corps, it'll be over my dead body."

Theron looked directly at Vernon, "You are a good man Banks. Keep an eye on these Borg and report in regularly."

"Will do." Vernon replied, then suddenly remembered the duty shift request which he wanted to speak to Rhodes about. "Um, lieutenant...if you don't mind, I want to join Galileo's security department. Full time. There's really nothing left for me on Venture, and I want to be useful here."

The question threw Theron off for a minute. His mind clicked through the guidelines for crew/personnel changes. He looked at Banks confidently, "I am sure that there will be no problem getting those orders passed through. It might just take a little longer than ususal . . well with the Captain and XO currently not available." He smiled slightly, "Welcome aboard Mr. Banks." The Chief then turned and walked down the passage way toward the Bridge.


Lt. Theron Rhodes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

WO Vernon Banks
Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo


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