USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Man Down
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Man Down

Posted on 05 Oct 2013 @ 11:22am by Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Petty Officer 1st Class Camibree Christoph & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

2,053 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 3 Security Office
Timeline: MD 03 0510 hrs


Following the Staff briefing Lt. Rhodes went to the Security Office. It seemed to be the one place in the ship that had not been damaged. There were a few things tossed about, but no damage. Theron guessed that when the Borg attached, the Security members went out and did their level best.

He sat down at the main console in the Brig area. He thought it had better display systems that even the one in his office. Rhodes reviewed the list of security personnel. It was a hard thing to do, but necessary. All members had reported in except Davis, Christoph, and Smoak. He began to review incident reports from crew members about the boarding by the Borg. Some were vague and obscure, while others were riddled with details, but unfortunately any relevant data was left out of the report. He was able to determine that Smoak and Davis had both been in Engineering when the Boarding took place. And Christoph had been outside the Computer Core.

Rhodes activated the comm on the console, "Computer locate Petty Officer Smoak, Davis, and Christoff, including all casualty and medical reports to locate these individuals

The computer replied, "Working . . . stand by . . . There is reference to emergency surgery on Petty Officer Christoph. She currently is in Cargo Bay 2. There is no further data."

Rhodes leaned back in his chair. He knew that the hull had ruptured and crew members had been lost to the vacuum of space. He had also read that several members of the crew had been assimilated by the Borg, including their Captain. They may also have been taken aboard a cube.

The Chief stood up from the console and looked about the empty security department. No need to just sit around here. He had decided to check on Christoph in Cargo Bay 2. He turned and walked toward the door, but a picture on the wall caught his eye. It was a depiction of a projectile hitting a balloon and the physical effects that took place. It gave him an idea. The Borg were able to quickly adapt to the frequency of energy weapons, and therefore able to shield themselves. But, he was curious about kinetic weapons. Were they able to shield or block projectiles at high or even slow velocity? Defiantly something to ponder, he thought.

Cargo Bay 2 on Deck 6

Lt. Rhodes entered Cargo bay 2 and stopped just inside the door. He looked across the field of bodies that lay moaning. He wanted to turn away painful sight, but he knew that this was not the worst of it. These were the lucky ones that were still alive and not on the Borg Cube.

Rhodes saw his security officer lying on a thick mat, like many others across the cargo bay. He almost did not recognize her. Most of her head was bandaged, only revealing one eye. Parts of her pants were torn. The top of her uniform had been completely removed. Only the bandages wrapped about her midsection covered her ribs and breasts to keep things modest. He never knew she had a problem with modesty, but someone had wrapped her up. This was the first time that Theron has seen the vine like tattoos on her body, that he had heard about and read in her file. They were well defined and pleasant to the eyes. The vines came off the end of the shoulder and down the arm to the wrist. He could also see where the vines must be down her sides and under the bandages. He was curious, but this was the wrong time to ask.

Petty Officer Christoph had taken damaged to her face, broken right forearm, shattered left shoulder, and broken ribs on left side. Rhodes had learned this much from the medical report that he had read prior to entering. Looking at her, Theron could tell she had been through quite a bit. As he stepped toward her thought being a little light hearted might help in his situation, "Bree, this is the last place I would expect to find you."

She was in pain, but quips back. "Why? Have they started round 2 yet?"

The Chief smiled, "At ease Petty Officer. You will get another chance." He was pleased that she still had some fight left in her.

"I almost had him sir, but another one smacked me into the shoulder and sent me flying." After a moment she added, "I guess I'm one of the lucky ones."

They were both quiet for a moment considering those that had died in the attack or worse.

Christoph spoke in a serious soft raspy voice, "Sir, we held them off for a long time, but they finally got into the core." She looked down sadly.

Theron pursed his lips in thought, then said, "I know. You did a great job holding them off as long as you did." Rhodes then said with a more cheerful voice, "You will probably get a medal for this."

Bree simply replied without expression, "No thanks, it'll just slow me down."

Rhodes then said with sincerity, "Look, I need you. Do what the doctors say. They will have you fixed up soon. Report to the brig, I'll need you there to help coordinate a few things."

Christoph replied acceptingly, "Okay, got it." And smiled, but then winced at the pain in her ribs when she tried to move.

Rhodes then turned and stepped away, but stopped and turned back. He stepped over to her mat, knelt down, and pulled an 8 inch straight bladed knife from his left boot. It was a Kabar. The Chief flipped it in his hand and then extended it to her hilt first.

Bree was astonished, "Sir? That's your Kabar . . from your personal collection."

The Chief crossed his arms and said smugly, "Yes it is, and I want it back."

She lifted her right arm slightly in its sling and took hold of the leather grip. She turned it in her hand looking at the black blade. Without looking up at him she said, "I know exactly which Borg to stick this into."

"Not just yet." Theron corrected. "We have a truce at the moment."

She dropped her hand down to her side and her head back looking up at the ceiling. "Ya . . it will end and then I'll make good use of it."

Rhodes stood and looked down, "For now . . get healed up, suit up, and report in."

"Aye Sir." Rhodes stepped away.

Allyndra was making the rounds. Cargo Bay One had long gone, but Two was intact and again a new Triage/Recovery area had been set up. She was checking on the patients when she heard the comment. "I do not think so. You are not going to stick that into anyone and besides in your current state of health and the enhancements of the Borg your odds are not favorable." She shook her head, the black streaked with metallic blue hair swinging and catching the light.

Rhodes wanted to yank the doctor aside and straighten her out about keeping the troops encouraged and focused during recovery, but this really was not the time.

"We must be smart, not passionate about our response when the time comes. Now then how are you feeling?"

Bree's first thought was to flip the knife at the doctor, but that was not what she really wanted to do. She wanted to fight on. Christoph closed her eyes, letting her head fall back and relaxed, though still gripping the knife just below her waist. "Well, I ache all over. I can't see out of one eye, and I'm not giving up this knife." She ended by looking up at the doctor and tucking the knife under her body slightly. She knew that it could be taken away, but it was her way of protest.

Lt. Rhodes spoke up in her defense. "I am sorry doctor if I have caused an issue here with your patient. I just wanted to encourage her and to let her know the fight is not over yet."

"And what good agitating yourself will you be?" Allyndra asked sternly. "You need to get strength and health back to fight and right now as far as Borg are concerned your damaged goods, not worth assimilating and that is the good news."

Christoph replied, "Yes Ma'am." behind the Doctor she saw Rhodes mouth the words, 'Just keep the knife.' She then tucked the knife just a little deeper under her.

Her hiding the knife made Theron smile. He knew that it could be taken away, and so did she, but it was her way of rejecting the Doctor's premise.

"Now then, while I am here let's take a look at that eye shall we?" You took a nasty cut in the area." Allyndra knelt and slowly undid the bandage, as she did so she said quietly, "And if you end up poking yourself with that thing, you are on your own." Allyndra made a faint smile, "Compound eye structure is good at detecting movement."

Bree replied quietly, "I didn't figure I put one past you." She then tilted her head slightly, and smiling while looking up at the doctor, "They are rather beautiful eyes, too." meaning the doctor's eyes.

"Thank you. Now let's see if yours are as well." Allyndra was down to the last and said, "Now keep it closed for a moment, a sudden glare may hurt." She waited a moment and then took the bandage off.

Bree squinted slightly and wanted to turn away, but held her head still. The cold air on her face almost hurt. She felt a tingling and then pain began to creep in to where the lasseration was located.

"Alright, slowly now, open." Allyndra made sure to shade the lights in the room with her form. "Can you see anything?" she inquired. There had been some bits of glass that had to be removed, but the chart indicated the prognosis was good.

Christoph blinked her eyes, squinting and then reopening her eye.

Rhodes stepped closer opposite of the Doctor, concerned for his crewman.

"It's kind of confusing with one good eye and the other blurry." Christoph commented. She was finally able to keep her left eye open. "It is starting to sting back in my socket." She looked left and then right. "I think it's getting better." She began to blink her eyes alternating, testing out her sight. "Ya, it's better, but not clear yet."

Allyndra held up a finger. "Please close the good one and follow my finger please." She slowly moved it right and then left, then up and down.

Bree closed her right eye and tried to follow the Doctor's finger. It hurt to move it around.

"Good," Allyndra nodded. "Should be fine just needs to rest a little. I am going to bandage it up again. Twenty four hours should be good, but it will be slow to respond to focusing for a little bit of time."

Bree felt a bit of relief. She really needed both eyes for her work.

"You two have access to the hypos with the 'scissors'?" Allyndra asked.

Rhodes responded, "Yes. I have one right here." patting his left side pocket.

"Excellent, keep them handy if our unwelcome guests decide that we are no longer worth keeping. You may not survive the encounter but you will not be a slave for the rest of your existence."

After a moment Rhodes looked down at Christoph and said, "Well, I need to check on a few other situations. I am leaving you in good hands here and will check on you later." He looked at the Doctor. "Thanks for your help."

"But of course. Now I need to attend to my rounds. Rest and then you can think about the best way to use that nasty little knife."

Bree closed her eyes as the Chief and doctor moved away. A scene began to play out in her mind. It was violent. It was bloody. And it was satisfying.

A smile came across Bree's face before she fell asleep.


Lt. Theron Rhodes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

Lt. Allyndra illm Warraquim
USS Galileo

PO2 Camibree Christoph
Security Crewman
USS Galileo


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