USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Shuttle Damage Assessment
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Shuttle Damage Assessment

Posted on 11 Oct 2013 @ 10:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Lieutenant JG Nenokah Ral & Ensign S'Ranna T'Srrr'Kharh & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lamar Darius

2,152 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 4, Main Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD 03 - 0630 hrs


Dea had her flight control staff gather in the shuttlebay. Trying to deal with normal duty tasks with a bunch of Borg drones walking the ship wasn't easy. Besides that Galileo showed visible signs of the recent battle. Currently Mialin was standing in front of the Marina.

"I've asked you all here for several reasons. First we need to pull together as a department now more than ever. Watch each others backs. Asisde from that I'll keep this short. Our main task besides keeping flight control operations going is getting this runabout back to flight status ASAP."

Lamar rubbed his eyes from the recent fatigue, but also looked at Dea with a private and warm smile that she had recovered from her injuries and was now feeling capable enough to be back on duty. He glanced over at the damaged runabout after hearing her orders. It wasn't an easy task, but if the entire department put their efforts together, they could get it accomplished soon, he thought.

Mialin's combadge chirped. "This is T'Srrr'Kharh," S'Ranna introduced herself somewhat unnecessarily, her rich Caitian lilt leaving little doubt as to her identity. "Do you wish me to rrremain on the Brrridge to rrrepairrr the helm station for deparrrturrre, orrr to rrreporrrt to the Shuttlebay, Lieutenant?"

Dea answered her comm badge, "For now stay on the bridge. Both the shuttle and Flight Control need to be fixed. I'll be up to check on you shortly. Do you need additional help up there?"

"I will attempt to conduct the rrrepairrrs myself," S'Ranna answered after a pause. "But I will call down if I need furrrtherrr assistance."

"Understood," Dea replied, "I'll be up to check on you anyway."

Sylver smiled weakly, nodding to Ral as he stayed with the shuttle. He had a lot to repair, he suspected. Including himself.

Carefully focusing her attention on each of them. "We've all been through a lot and are tired. That's why this is a project we're doing together. Let's get to work."

Lamar gave only a slight nod then wandered over to the nearby tool locker to procure his maintenance kit and repair belt. Once he was properly equipped, he made his way over to the runabout and let out a low whistle as he began to inspect the craft while doing his walk-around. "I think she's seen better days..." he mumbled with a sigh. Marina was not in the greatest of shape and he wasn't sure exactly where to start.

"Yeah its pure luck I was able to land her in one piece. Let me know if you need anything from engineering or another department to help with this project. I'll be back later but I"m gong to go check with S'Ranna in person."

"Yes, ma'am." Lamar gave her a mock salute then turned his attention back towards the rest of the repair team. "So...any ideas where to begin?" he asked.

"Start with the hull," Nenokah said, "Go from there." She walked over to the roundabout, pulling a handheld device from her belt. "I'm going to start running diagnostics on the inside." Without waiting for a response, she climbed into the damaged craft.

Looking at the various scorch marks on the runabout's duranium plating, Lamar began a systematic scan with his laser micrometer to measure the hull's thickness and integrity. The process was long and tedious, but after close to twenty minutes, he had some base readings to relay to the officer still inside the cockpit. "We've got a bunch of microfractures all along the starboard nacelle pylon, and a lot more near the forward deflector array. There's also six sections of outer-hull plating which are too badly damaged to be repaired and will need to be replaced." he informed her. "How's it looking inside here?"

"She's damaged," Nenokah said, her voice drifted up from the cockpit, "But not as badly as I expected. It seems that the outside sustained the most damage, which is good because that'll be the easiest to fix. I have to reconfigure navigation because it's completely down, but other than that there's only a few minor damages." She pulled herself up from her seat and stuck her head out of the top of the craft to take a better look at the hull that Lamar had just described. "She's hurt, alright." Nenokah shook her head. "Well, let's get to work." She ducked back down into the cockpit.

Lamar nodded at Ral's orders to begin repairs then walked across the shuttlebay to the nearest LCARS console. Several minutes passed during which he logged in and queued up a requisition request from the ship's maintenance replicators for the new pieces of hull plating. Using the PADD in his hand to double-check the order, he nodded to himself satisfied that he had not missed any components and pressed the 'Submit' button on the screen. Galileo's computer core processed the request with great efficiency, and within a matter of seconds, he was informed that the new alloys would be ready for retrieval in the large maintenance compartment below the flight deck.

"I'll be back in a couple minutes." he called out to Ral, then took the side lift down to the lower level where he began to load the sections of hull plating onto an anti-grav lift for transport.

Sylver frowned as he watched him go, taking a breath before shaking his head. It was dig in or be dead here now. And he had a shitload of work to do.

The maintenance lift on the side of the shuttlebay opened up and Lamar reappeared several minutes later with a huge collection of hull parts, each loaded on their own anti-grav dolly. He took sight of Sylver and whistled to him, then motioned for him to come over and help move them over to the runabout. "I got a special delivery for Marina."

"Everything here seems to be special..." Sylver said and walked over, with a grin. "Including the crew and dangers we face. But this looks a lot more interesting. Where did you steal it from?"

"The replicator below decks." Lamar answered. "I haven't replicated any of the complex components just yet, but these are all the sections of hull plating that need to be replaced." he began to shuttle the dolly over to the runabout.

Sylver nodded as he watched him, taking a deeper breath. "Hopefully they have enough juice by themselves to replicate, we can't take any from the ship."

Nenokah popped up again from the cockpit of the craft, just in time to hear Sylver's last sentence. "Replicate only what we absolutely need," she said, "We need to conserve as much energy as possible." She climbed out of the craft and joined the men to help lift the large pieces of hull platting and hold them in place while Lamar bolted them in place.

Methodically attaching and securing the sections of duranium on to the runabout's exterior with the help of Sylver and Ral, it wasn't long before their team had completed the task and restored the damage hull. The warrant officer stepped back to admire their work for a long moment and stroked his goatee in approval as he looked at the shiny new sections of hull. "Not bad." he mumbled.

"Good work," Nenokah said to the two men gruffly. She was trying to be less standoffish and blunt, but it wasn't easy.


Dea made her way to Galileo's bridge. It didn't take her long to locate S'Ranna. "How are things going up here? Do you need assistance from another department?" While Dea was purposely making the inquiry sound official she was also there to silently make sure all her people were ok with Borg drones on the ship.

S'Ranna was not hard to miss. Though she herself was not immediately visible, several feet of tail extended from under the damaged navigation console. A cluster of fused and broken isolinear chips lay to the left; a stack of clean ones to the right, and occasionally her paw would shoot out and grab up a new one or toss aside another broken ruin. Her ears pricked up at Dea's voice, and she pulled herself out. Her normally clean fear was surprisingly soot-stained and bedraggled, and she wore a fearsome scowl.

"Navigation is not a prrriorrrity," S'Ranna hissed. "They have us in a trrractorrr lock, so Engineerrring is worrrking on otherrr systems instead. That just leaves me with all these to rrreset..."

She swept a paw towards the pile of chips, and then scratched the fur behind her ears contemplatively. "But I am worrrrried about the console. Even if I rrreset all the chips, that Borrrg drrrone injected it with its claws." She swept her paw, in an imitation of the 'claws': assimilation tubules. "What if it has nanobots in it?"

"You're exactly right my main concern at the moment is not navigation. At least not right now. However we need to need to find a way to ensure that aren't any technological surprises in those chips," Dea responded. "That's our main priority I can call in Quinn or someone from Engineering under the guise of a specialized consultation to help."

S'Ranna narrowed her eyes. She was getting the distinct impression that Lieutenant Mialin did not trust her with the repairs, but she wasn't sure how to handle that: it was so difficult to read body cues from species without tails. Should she forge ahead on her own to show how independent she could be, or should she defer to an engineer to show she could work in a team. She rubbed at her mane with a sooty paw as she considered her choices.

"Perrrhaps you should ask someone to come and check the console over afterrr I've finished with the rrrepairrrs," she eventually decided.

Dea moved a little closer so only S'Ranna could hear her. "Listen I trust you completely. Its our visitors I don't trust," she made it clear she was talking about the Borg drones. "I only made the suggestion to give us a reason to check things over a bit closer and make it still look like a routine repair. If you think we can solve the problem you're worried about after then that's fine. I was just trying to keep us from having a larger issue than with flight control if what you said is true. Either way I'll leave the call up to you since you're doing this repair."

S'Ranna's ears shot up. She was always unnerved by having her thoughts read: Dea was only half-Betazoid, but it was presumably her telepathic abilities were strong enough to have picked up what S'Ranna was thinking, as there was no other way she could have known. Shifting uncertainly on her hindpaws, she looked about: the drones on the Bridge did not seem to be paying them any attention, but she had no way of knowing what kind of range of hearing they had assimilated.

"Alrrright, Lieutenant. I will rrreporrrt in when I have finished?"

"Sounds good I'm going to go check on the shuttle bay team. If you need anything just let me know," Dea commented turning to leave the bridge so S'Ranna could continue with repairs.

S'Ranna nodded, and then turned back to the console. Surveying the dirty, broken mess, she shivered and self-consciously patted down her fur, and then ducked under to resume assembling the rest of the isolinear matrix.

She carefully sorted through the chips and resumed replacing the damaged ones, scanning for traces of Borg nanoprobes with her custom-modified tricorder to fit her paw.

As Dea stepped into the turbolift she contacted the group down in the shuttlebay. "Mialin to Darius. I'm on my way back to the shuttlebay. Is there anything I can do to facilitate repairs before I get there?"

Lamar tapped his commbadge then wiped some sweat from his forehead. "Nothing right now, ma'am, we're fitting the new hull plating onto the runabout. Should be finished in a half hour or so." he informed her.

"Roger that I'll see you shortly," Dea replied. True to her word she entered the shuttle bay a short time later. It was nice to see things progressing but Dea also knew they still had a lot to do. No matter what Mialin couldn't allow herself to forget that Galileo wasn't truly their own with the Borg drones around.



LT Dea Mialin
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

WO Lamar Darius
Support Craft Pilot
USS Galileo
NPC'd by Lirha Saalm

Ensign S'Ranna T'Srrr'Kharh
Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Nenokah Ral
Assistant Chief Flight COntrol Officer
USS Galileo
NPC'd by Im'er Mor'an

WO Oliver Sylver
Support Craft Pilot
USS Galileo
NPC'd by Aria Rice


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