USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Recovery is not an easy road
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Recovery is not an easy road

Posted on 22 Sep 2013 @ 11:02pm by Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Commander Scarlet Blake & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle & Lieutenant Aria Rice

3,312 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: USS Galileo - Medical
Timeline: MD 02 1800 hrs

MD02 1800


Am I dreaming again or am I still in this tin can. Theron Rhodes opened his eyes to the dim light of a small chamber. Mellow music was playing. The temperature was comfortable and he noticed that there was just a touch of gravity, as if he was on a very small moon. He looked about further and saw what appeared to be an opening, and then he remembered. The Hessonite Infusion Virus.

It all came back to him now, as his waking mind brought all the memories of what seemed like weeks of treatments.

"Lights." Theron said softly. The lights came up slowly, but not fully. He looked about the chamber some more. There was an inactive wall display screen and not much else. He had no idea of what time it was or how long he had slept.

More alertness came to him and he stretched and yawned. He wondered if someone was watching him or being ignored. "Increase gravity."

Pressure increased between his body and the floor of the chamber. He could tell that it was not a full G, but enough to stand and walk easier. He flexed and stretched some more, then said, "Something to drink." A small section of the wall moved to reveal a glass. He picked it up and smelled it curiously. It seemed carbonated, because of the bubbles rising to the top and splashing his nose. He took a sip. It was slightly sweet, a very nice body of flavor, and definitely quenched his thirst. He finished the glass and set it back into the wall. And turned toward the side with what was most likely a viewport.

It was odd, that he could remember some things about his illness, but not others. He recalled snap shots of being angry and outraged at times. He remembered having someone explain in detail to him about his situation, but could not remember any of the details.

The chamber seemed to light up behind him and the music changed. He turned to see the View Screen was providing a woodlands nature scene, as if someone was walking down a path. He stepped over to stand in front of the screen. The video was also providing the woodland sounds, as well as the smells of a fresh morning in the environment. The scene was quite enjoyable; the sounds were coming from behind him as well. The surround sound immersed the individual into the production.

It was difficult for Theron dealing with this illness. It really wasn't the "illness"; being angry, short tempered, or violent. What bothered him more was not remembering everything about what had taken place. During those times of heightened aggression and irritability, part of the effects of the illness was also memory loss. The different times when he had spoken to a counselor, during the course of treatment, he had discovered that he could not remember any specifics, except that it happened. For a security officer who is trained to control his own feeling during a crisis, it did not sit well with him. He was concerned that even if the virus was removed fully from him, would the Captain trust him again with the responsibility of being Chief of Security and Tactical.

Theron closed his eyes and rocked his head up in frustration. His neck muscles felt slightly tense and he began to stretch his neck muscles. He pulled his head to the side and then to the other side, twisting it fully to the right and then the left. He watched the video some more and an odd itch began to creep up his neck and down one shoulder. He tried to flex his shoulders, moving them up and down, then rotating his body at the waist, right and left. He was afraid another episode was going to take place.

Being in isolation was one thing, but being angry and cooped up in a small room can become very intensifying. He began to breathe in and out slowly. That wasn't doing enough and he began to pace back and forth in the little room.

Allyndra started to check as the process was coming to an end. This was a particularly interesting case. She would love to study the small samples of infected tissue later but it had taken a little bit of ingenuity to figure this one out. She knew that she should not take pride in that, she had been suspected of having some of the genetic line of being an A'burab'atu or as they were called now A'ksu. The virus was definitely interesting though, it had caused some interesting changes in neurotransmitter function.

It seemed that it had partially inhibited the conversion of tryptophan along the monoamine pathway leading to a drop particularly in serotonin levels. That, Allyndra reviewed the PADD with medical history, probably explained part of the aggression. However, the same virus that had done that pathway inhibition had also increased slowly the catecholamine pathway conversion from tyrosine and in particular increase epinephrine or as it was still referred to adrenaline. A very interesting case, but the readings seemed to indicate that the patient was on the road to recovery.

Allyndra had requested a Counselor to come. She knew that the days and what happened would require help adjusting, not just a quick medical rundown. She waited, she did not want to abruptly wake the... Allyndra looked at the PADD and mentally added, Lieutenant Rhodes. The last thing needed right now was another burst of adrenaline.

"Hello?" Allyndra asked and pitched her voice to its most gentle and pleasantly most musical tone.

Theron stopped his pacing and looked about him for the voice. He should have realized it was someone on the comm unit. It angered him that he did not realize this obvious thing. "Yes. It is me. I am still here." Theron had not planned for his response to be so snide or sarcastic. He closed his eyes and rocked his head up again. "I'm trying to relax, but it's not helping."

Allyndra could not help but laugh lightly at the comment. "Indeed you are and probably still feeling some of the effects. You managed to pick up something that was quite puzzling. Anyway, I am Allyndra the ship's chief physician. I suppose you have questions."

Theron looked down slightly confused and responded, "Chief physician? What happened to the last Doctor?" Theron turned and walked to the other end of the room saying aloud mostly to himself, "A guy gets sick and everything changes." Then turning toward what he perceived to be the opening, "Yes. Yes. Questions. How long have I been in here and when can I get out?" He began bending and twisting his neck again. The irritation was still there and becoming more uncomfortable.

Allyndra felt herself tense slightly at the question. The circumstances had been not pleasant for all concerned. "Lieutenant Kohl is still here. We can discuss that later. Right now, as to you other questions, that depends on a review by a Counselor. Physically, you present fairly normal though there maybe some residual effects." She sighed slightly, "You were infected by a virus that threw off a couple of the major transmitters resulting in higher agitation and aggression. Hence," she waved her hand to indicate the chamber. "This treatment here. Do you feel up to talking to a Counselor?"

Theron put a hand up to his forehead and closed his eyes. His thoughts were not clear and seemed to bounce about different topics; the chamber, the virus, the lulling sounds of the forest next to him, the word 'Counselor'. He wasn't frantic, but could not focus well. He did realize just how dangerous he could be, if not contained. "Yes." He finally said and took another breath. "Is Blake available? I have spoken to her previously."

Allyndra was not sure if the Chief Counselor but also second officer was available. Her duties had taken a big step upwards. She could still try. =^=Lieutenant Commander Blake, Allyndra here. If you have the time Lieutenant Rhodes is requesting you for counseling. We are in sickbay isolation ward.=^=

=^= On my way, Allyndra, =^= Blake's voice somehow managed to convey a firm nod as she replied, already making a move out to get down to Sickbay.

=^=Thank you.=^= Allyndra acknowledged.

Allyndra waited. The readings were still a little off but certainly much better than they had been when she took over this part of research and recovery.

"Theron...." Scarlet watched the security officer as she approached a small smile on her features as she looked him over. "It's been awhile," she said with a small, wry smile, referencing how out of it he had been and so not able to engage properly. "How are you feeling now?"

"Hello Commander." Theron said to the Counselor through the open doorway. He appreciated the chairs being brought into his small Iso-chamber. It would make it easier to converse, rather than standing for the whole time.

Allyndra stepped out of the chamber and waved the Commander toward the door. She said nothing but nodded hoping that the non-verbal communication would get through that technically he was better.

Scarlet gave a soft nod and small smile back to Allyndra in return. It was good news. She'd been worried about him. It was difficult, when it wasn't just psychological causes; it took it out of her hands. But they had a good medical team onboard, and she'd known they'd look after him well.

As the Counselor entered, Rhodes gestured to one of the chairs. "Things are getting better." He added. "The treatments seemed to have taken care of most of the virus and my aggressive behavior." Theron sat down in the other chair and faced her.

Scarlet gave a genuine smile at that, settling into one of the chairs, leaning to him as she crossed her legs. "And how do you feel about all that has happened?" she asked, straight forward, knowing that Theron wasn't a man to beat around the bush. She was concerned he'd feel guilty for something he hadn't been in control of.

Theron paused for a moment, looking down slightly. He knew the question was coming, but at that moment had to think through it for some reason. Looking up with uncertainty, "It was unfortunate." that was a lame way to start. he thought. Looking sincerely at the Counselor he added, "I certainly did not want these things to happen." He felt a little overwhelmed, looked up and breathed and sighed. "I know I should take responsibility for my action." Extending a hand toward Blake, palm facing her, "I do. I really do. But, . . . it really was not me." He grimaced with face casting down, "That is the frustrating part."

"You're right," Scarlet said firmly, watching him. She fought back the urge to grip his arm, in case it was too much for the moment. "It wasn't you. I admire your need to take responsibility for your actions. It only highlights what we all know, that you're a good man. But in this case? It wasn't your fault. Someone gets flu, it gives them a temperature. Someone gets stabbed, they bleed. You got a virus, and it affected the chemicals in your body."

Rhodes nodded his understanding of the situation, but that did not help the twitching in his neck that seemed to irritate him so.

The counseling session continued for another 20 minutes, touching on how Lt. Rhodes felt about his staff, fellow shipmates, the Captain, and those that he had hurt because of the ordeal.

Scarlet tilted her head at the silence, a small, knowing smile coming to her as she watched him with calm, blue eyes. "What's going through your head, Theron?"

After all that they had just talked about in the last while, it frustrated him for her to ask such an open question. What else was there to say. He thought. He finally responded, "I guess most of all how this . . . situation is going to affect my carrier?" Was that too self centered? He asked himself.

Scarlet couldn't help a small smile. She respected him. It was the sort of thing she'd be concerned about herself if she was in his shoes. "So long as your recovery continues well, I don't see why it should. It certainly won't affect things on your psych record. It will be entered on it, of course, to ensure you're recovering in the coming months; it's been a pretty traumatic episode after all. But it won't be held in any prejudice against you or hold a question mark over your head."

Theron breathed in deeply without realizing. Her words provided a calming release for him. A small smile came across his face, "Sounds good. So, when should I go back on duty?"

"I think that might be a question better answered by your Doctor, it's about your body as much as your head," Scarlet tapped her badge to call Allyndra back to them, so they could get the medical opinion on his status.

Allyndra had spent the time doing little bits of catch up work. The routine stuff like reviewing files and charts. She figured that just in case of relapse or some other reason not to be too far away. Thus, it only took her a few moments to return when Blake gave her a call.

She approached and said, "Yes Doctor Blake, how may I help?"

"Theron was asking about a timetable for returning to work," Scarlet said softly, meeting her eyes. "I think that the medical assessment would be important for that."

"Indeed. I can share with you that it appears the virus is no longer active, yet is still within his system. There are still imbalances in neurotransmitter function, but they will soon be within normal levels. Otherwise, physically the monitoring seems to indicate that no other physical damage has been impacted. I would release him after one more session followed by twenty four hours of getting used to people and no duty and then a return for physical assessment if no other outbursts are detected. We can then move from there."

Theron perked up a little, his eyebrows raised with a touch of excitement. He looked from doctor to doctor and back with anticipation. He realized that he could be getting out this home-made cave and back with people very soon.

Scarlet nodded with a small, knowing smile at that, looking to Allyndra before meeting Theron's eyes. "I would agree with that. There's no reason not to. Good news, hm?"

Allyndra just waited politely. To see what Rhodes' response would be. Though if she were a betting kind of creature, she thought it would be a safe one to say the answer would be yes.

Theron again looked from doctor to doctor, and then realized that they were waiting for a response from him. "One more session would not be too bad, I guess." A small smile perked up on one side of his face.

"As I said, the readings are much better but there are still things off a little bit. If you would not mind, perhaps another day? I know I would be anxious as well, but I would much prefer that things are sorted out."

Theron was very understanding, but inside just a little tired of the separation from everyone else. Commander Blake and the doctor exited the Iso-Chamber and the chairs were removed. Theron stood in the opening and faced the Doctor with a slightly disappointed smile.

"One more day, I promise."

The chamber door closed slowly and ended with a thud. The heavy latching mechanism signaled the sealing of the chamber. Theron felt his body go weightless and the pressure in the room increase. The lighting dimmed about him and he closed his eyes.

MD 03 - 0214 hrs

Theron Rhodes found himself pressed against the cold floor, his head slightly throbbing. He lifted himself up off the deck and glanced around. There were no lights what so ever. He closed his eyes, trying to remember his situation. He remembered he was in the Iso-Chamber and moved to a kneeling position. He could hear bang outside the chamber. It sounded as if someone was trying to tear down the walls.

As his mind cleared further, Theron became very concerned. The implications were dire; no power, loud damaging sounds able to come through the chamber wall. Had the ship come under attack? Was something or someone on the ship?

Theron heard the heavy latch of the Iso-chamber pop open. He went into a low defensive stance as the door slowly moved open. Through the small opening, he could see mostly darkness in the Medical bay, but there were sparks showering down.

Allyndra's highest priority currently was to see if the Captain's assimilation could be reversed, however there was one thing that caught her eye and that was the chamber. She figured that Rhodes would much prefer to be free of the chamber and perhaps work with the remaining crew or at least have those few hours before the Borg changed their mind.

"Out," she said with that harshness to her voice. Allyndra was about to explain further but was interrupted.

Theron was relieved that it was the doctor and not someone else, but was still concerned by her instructions. He stepped out of the chamber quickly asking, "What the Keskoff is going on around here?"

Before she could respond they heard a ship wide broadcast. =^= All hands, we have surrendered to the Borg. Do not initiate any further combat with the drones onboard. Repeat, do not initiate any combat with the drones onboard. =^=

Theron looked at Allyndra with confusion and wanted to ask her a million questions at once. His mind was spinning with possible situations and scenarios, none of which were good for the ship or crew.

"We have been boarded by the Borg, currently being towed by them. A few have been assimilated, but right now I have other things to get to. I am sure someone else could help explain."

She turned and then paused and went to a table and picked up a hypospray.

First things first. Theron thought, "Who is currently in command? Blake?" He recognized her voice.

"Commander Blake." Allydnra nodded. Returning she handed the hypospray to Theron. "This has a sort of antidote to nanite assimilation. If the Borg attempt to assimilate you, inject yourself, the material within will prevent the nanites from taking you over."

"All right." He replied taking it. "So, do I also give it to anyone laying down that appears to have been . . ", he made a gesture with two fingers to his neck.

"Yes, but so far the Borg seem to not be interested anymore."

Anymore? That sounded final and disastrous at the same time. Yet in another way, that statement just did not compute with Theron's understanding of how the Borg typically operate. Before he could reply to the uncertain claim, they heard another announcement that called for the senior staff to the observation lounge.

"Well Doctor," Theron looked about the med-bay, "It appears that you have your work and I need to do mine now."

Theron turned and left Medical with the hypo in hand. As he walked, he knew he needed to go to the briefing, but realized looking down at his clothing, what would be described as nothing more than sleep clothes, that he would need a change. He could pick up some from his quarters on the way, as well as, some hardware armaments from his wall while there.


Lt. Theron Rhodes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

Lt Allyndra illm Warraquim
USS Galileo

Lt. Cmdr. Scarlet Blake
Chief Counselor/2XO
USS Galileo


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