USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Victarion & Andreus JP
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Victarion & Andreus JP

Posted on 24 Sep 2013 @ 1:50pm by Commander Andreus Kohl & Petty Officer 1st Class Victarion Jaqen

688 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 3, Andreus Kohl's Quarters
Timeline: MD 02 - 2029 hours


Andreus Kohl was in the sonic shower when the chime to his quarters rang out. These were his new quarters. His new new quarters. As soon as he heard the chime, Andreus ordered the computer to shush the sonic shower and he padded out from the head perfectly dry. His living area was stark. The room was empty except for the standard furniture and stacks of storage crates against one bulkhead.

Crossing the living area, Andreus approached the twin bed on the other side of the compartment. He wasn't expecting anyone, exactly. In case it was Keval, he was tempted to answer the door nude, but in case it was Kiri, he made his way to the dresser. Andreus tapped the contact point on one of the drawers, and a drawer slid out. He slid each of his legs into a pair of Starfleet-issue boxer briefs. And then, in case this was about a patient, he pulled on his boots. He needed to be ready to run. As soon as both boots were firmly on the deck, Andreus said, "Enter."

Victarion walked in, meeting Kohl's eyes before giving a small smile. "Is that the new Starfleet uniform? If it is, I approve," he teased, watching him before lifting the bottle up. "I brought wine."

Resting his hands on his hips, Andreus padded slowly towards the door. "Red, white or green?" he asked, with a languid nod towards the bottle.

"Pink...rose," he said as he smiled gently, moving to him. He touched his arm, stroking it gently. "How are you doing?" he asked gently. He smelled good, actually. He could tell he had showered, from the lingering scent of a sonic shower. The sort of thing you picked up when you had spent time on starships.

That question --how are you doing-- could be equal parts innocuous and loaded. Andreus had never been one to use one word --like fine or good-- when he could be using sixteen. It felt disingenuous to him. If a person was going to show enough interest to ask a question about him, even if most humans did it out of mere habit or custom, Andreus was going to consider it and give an honest answer. As Victarion moved closer, Andreus stood where he was, rubbing his abdomen in an absent-minded manner. In truth, Andreus had been doing everything in his power to think not on how he was feeling.

"I'm feeling anxious," Andreus said. He reached over to put a hand on Victarion's waist, to hold onto him. "It's like I'm back at the Academy, waiting for the results of my exams."

Victarion nodded before pressing a kiss to his neck, stroking over his side. "What is wrong?" he asked, his voice gentle. He knew it was something for him to feel so tense. And he felt it. He felt it in the arms that held him.

"Losing Venture like that. Complete destruction save, what? A few lifeboats and a nacelle?" Kohl said. His voice sounded chilled and he hooked an arm around Victarion's waist. "The Intelligence department was interviewing patients from Venture. From what I could hear, none of them much knew what got them."

"Whatever it was, we have to assume they're going to find us," Victarion finally said, meeting his eyes. "Because such a power will not ignore a ship, regardless of size. And if Venture was wiped out so quickly, I would say we risk."

Padding backwards towards the sofa, Andreus pulled Victarion close to him. He held the man tightly as he dropped himself back onto the soft upholstery. "I haven't seen anything like that since the war," Andreus said softly.

Victarion nodded as he moved to sit in his lap, his eyes gentle as he leant close, to rest his head against him. "We will be okay," he promised as he touched his cheek, stroking it tenderly. "And if not...If not..." he lifted his head before leaning to kiss him. And he was kissed back.


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