USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Welcome Aboard
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Welcome Aboard

Posted on 14 Mar 2013 @ 8:24pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Anera

3,618 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo - Transporter Room 1, Various
Timeline: MD 03 - 2140 hrs


Standing in Galileo's primary transporter room with a PADD in her hand, Lirha had been busy for the last fifteen minutes greeting and supervising a group of last-minute personnel transfers who were coming aboard from USS Venture. The list of crew members was not very long and included mostly junior operations and science personnel, but there was also one civilian whose presence Lirha had personally requested.

Glancing down at her PADD, the Orion captain reviewed the Starfleet file for the woman named Anera. According to her data, she was a young Deltan in her mid-20s who had the fortunate skills of being a competent teacher and tutor. With Galileo now home to three pre-18 year olds, including Lily, Nesh, and Thanis, Lirha had thought it a prudent idea to also bring aboard someone who could provide for their educational needs while they were tucked away in the farthest corners of deep space.

The transporter pad was empty and Lirha turned towards the operations officer currently manning the transporter console. "How many are left?" she asked.

"One final crew member, captain." came the curt reply from the junior officer.

"Very well." Lirha answered with a nod of approval, then turned towards the pad. "Energize." she ordered.

Only a few seconds passed after which the transporter pad brightened and the sequence began, displaying a bright shimmer of blue and white particles as they started to rematerialize the person on the other end.

As the figure began to reformulate on the PADD, the white and blue dissimilated into rainbows. The woman who remained was of average height and weight for a Deltan woman, but her bald head was concealed beneath layers of colorful fabrics, wrapped and tucked to frame her face. Tiny pink toes peeked out from beneath a pile of sheer fabrics - each giving way to the other, with the final effect being one of a waterfall of colors that poured, concealed, and pooled around her sandaled feet. She stood in complete stillness, eyes closed as though imagining something beautiful and serene as the final stages of the materialization took place. Then her chin popped up and she grinned, dimples winking, as she stepped off the platform. "Everywhere I go," she commented, "the rooms seem to get smaller and smaller. Thank you," she added, crossing her wrists so that her hands formed a shape like a flower and bowing over them towards the transporter operator. "And thank you," she repeated the gesture to Lirha.

With her hands clasped professionally behind her back, Lirha watched as a very colorfully dressed woman appeared on the transporter pad. Deltans were a race with which Lirha was not very familiar, and she watched the woman's strange hand-greeting with interest. "Hello, Miss Anera." she said in greeting, presenting the Deltan with a small smile and offering a green hand for the woman to shake per Federation custom. "Welcome aboard Galileo. I am Captain Saalm, commanding officer of the ship. Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"Mm," Anera flushed happily, absorbing the curiosity of the captain and the other officer. Curiosity was easily one of her favorite first impressions of an individual. "It is my pleasure, Captain Saalm," she assured the Orion, taking the offered hand and squeezing it gently between her own before letting go. "I am only glad that I am able to be of service."

"Yes, I think your skills as a tutor will be most useful." Lirha replied in agreement. "We seem to have acquired a small contingent of adolescents over the past few weeks." she explained with a sideways grin, then looked closer at Anera. Even with half of her head covered, her facial features were very attractive, and she possessed a set of striking blue eyes and adorable dimples on her cheeks.

"Three children, I was told when Captain Sutherland asked me if I'd like to transfer," Anera agreed. "Two adolescents, and the third is a child under ten? I'd like to meet them as soon as possible. And if you've any..." she paused slightly, feeling the wave from the captain with a slightly sly smile before continuing, "...information about what they've already studied, I'll be more able to round out the course of their remaining education."

"Yes, of course." Lirha responded, then quickly glanced at the chronometer on the nearby transporter console. "I believe our youngest child is currently asleep, but the two others are still awake...I think. Would you like me to introduce you to them right now? Or would you prefer to visit your quarters and get settled first?" she cordially asked.

A laugh curled out of Anera's throat like smoke rising from water. "They should rest. I'll speak with them the next time it's convenient. I understand both of them are working aboard the ship, not merely travelling with it." She beamed, "I always feel so effervescent when I come out of transporting - do you? - as though everything in me is carbonated. It's exhilarating." She clasped hands with herself and squeezed in lieu of embracing the others in the room. "Have you a moment to talk, Captain? Or shall I ask the ship to lead me where I'm going?"

The Orion captain nodded in understanding then gave a slight wave of her green hand. "Transporting is always a strange sensation for me, but one that I have gotten used to." she answered in a light voice. "And yes, I am free for the moment if you have something on your mind...I will gladly walk with you to your quarters." she added, then headed towards the door to take the lead.

Anera dropped into an easy gait beside the other woman, with a wink and a smile for the junior officer behind the transporter console. "Is there somewhere specific you'd like us to be while we're studying, or are we free to roam?"

"Well..." Lirha paused for a moment to consider the request. She had only a basic understanding of the educational field, but ultimately thought it best that all students stayed active and engaged in their subjects of study, regardless of the circumstances. "I suppose whatever you feel is best. We usually have at least one multipurpose laboratory unoccupied during alpha shift, and there is also a small private office that I can arrange for your use. And the arboretum."

"Stupendous," Anera grinned. "And the youngest - I assume her - his? - parents are on board?"

The mention of Scarlet's adorable young daughter brought a small smile to Lirha's gold lips. "Yes, that would be Lily Blake, our chief counselor's daughter. She is four. And very cute."

Anera grinned. She'd have to speak with the chief counselor, then, soon. With and without Lily, to make sure they were on the same page about how best to support Lily's growth. "I look forward to meeting her." She hugged herself, looking around merrily as they walked. "You came here from Vega IX, I heard. It's beautiful there. The beaches..." she hummed. "Did you have a good stay?"

Lirha slowed her pace and turned towards the Deltan with a content glint in her eyes as she recalled her shore leave events. "Oh yes, it is quite a lovely place. I spent a great deal of time there during my youth and it is always fun to go back and visit...especially with shore leave privileges." she said with a soft laugh. "There is a small Orion neighborhood on the colony and many of them are family's not often that I get the chance to see them."

"I only spent a few days there, when my father went to renew his trade agreements after the War. But I found it to be wonderful. More like home than many of the other planets we visited." Anera folded her hands at her belly. "It must be nice to have a widespread family. Is much of yours spread through the quadrant?"

"Yes, two quadrants actually." Lirha confirmed. "I originally came from a family of traders, but settled on Earth during the middle of the war when the occupation became too hazardous. My mother still resides there and I have an older sister back on Rigel VII...and my younger sister is, well, living here on board Galileo with me. Her name is Nesh and she is sixteen...and one of your new students." she explained.

Anera listened attentively, nodding, "My father is a merchant, as well. But he is the only one of my village who leaves the Delta IV. Well. He and I, I suppose. When I was a child, it was so amazing to see all the things he brought home from different solar systems. Different planets and cultures. Now I get to do the sending, but I don't see the faces of my brothers and sisters when they receive those gifts. You're fortunate to travel with your sister; I look forward to meeting her." She uttered a thinking sound, a slight buzzing just behind the lips. "Have you returned to Orion? Since the War's ending?"

Lirha and Anera finally reached the turbolift and the captain pushed a small button on the keypad to summon the carriage. "No, unfortunately." she answered as she turned back to face the Deltan. "I enlisted in Starfleet when I was eighteen, and have been in the service ever since. Between my duties and my family on Earth, I have not had the chance to return."

"It has only been a few months since the last time I visited Delta IV. I cannot imagine- but then my entire family is there. It is family that is important. Not always the places they hail from. Have you any still on Orion?"

Family was indeed very important, Lirha thought to herself, but unfortunately her job simply didn't allow enough personal time to visit them as often as she desired. "My older sister currently lives on Rigel VII along with the rest of my extended family." the captain replied. "Have you ever visited an Orion colony?" she curiously asked with a raised eyebrow.

Anera shook her head. "I've met Orions, individually, but... there are some rather specific distinctions our elders make about fraternizing with groups of Orions. And groups of Argelians. We tend to absorb the states of those around us; in small groups, we manage fine, but outnumbered... let's just say there are a great many Deltan myths where our baser natures take us over." The Deltan shrugged with a shameless smile. "Fun, but little gets accomplished."

Lirha smiled to herself and a grin curled up the edges of her gold lips. Deltans were known throughout the quadrant as being a very sexual species, and she had no doubt that their culture probably shared a lot in common with Orions. Perhaps it was indeed prudent to have such regulations in place. "So...your people have a code of conduct when dealing with Orions? And Argelians? Interesting..."

"Too many pheromones in a room," the Deltan's laugh was smoke rising from a seaside campfire. "Love, physical and emotional, is for communication and community; we're useless to ourselves and our people if we allow ourselves to wallow in hedonism - however tantalizing the prospect is at times. Vlirhaya teaches us that sexual excitement can be channeled towards enlightenment, and passionate love can build - within us - a deep personal compassion for all living things. We can't very well keep our minds on higher things when our bodies have minds of their own." She lifted her brows, lips curved in a mischievous smile. "Your elders have no such concerns about us?"

The turbolift arrived and the doors parted with a swish, after which Lirha politely held out her green hand indicating for Anera to enter first. "No...not particularly. Orions are a culture which generally embraces hedonism, especially arts and entertainment." she answered with a bigger grin.

"Yet you captain a Starfleet vessel for science, rather than lounging in a pashin den." Anera stepped inside, took in the turbolift's interior, and folded her hands modestly within the folds of her robes. "Perhaps you're a follower of Vlirhaya at heart."

It was the second time that Anera had mentioned the word Vlirhava and she was curious what or who it was. "Vlirhava?" she asked with curiosity, then stepped into the lift. "Deck Two." she said to the computer, then watched the doors swish closed.

"One of the ancient elders. He walked the path of awareness, and his touch was said to incite ecstatic genius - artists, diplomats, sages... they were made by Vlirhava's mere presence. Eventually, his path walked him into the sun. They say that if you fast and meditate in the hidden white sand desert of Frel, you'll be touched by his presence through the light of the daylight star." Anera grinned. "Then again, that might be sunstroke setting in, but either way, the path has a great deal to offer. For those of us who choose enlightenment over the physical or the mercenary... and I'm rambling. Sorry. I've been talking to my sister about this for a while. She's involved in the spice trade at home and... I'm hoping to convince her that she ought to give my daughter a wider range of options while she's young."

The turbolift lights began to pulse as the lift moved, and Lirha looked at Anera with much interest. She seemed to have a very vibrant personality, and Lirha immediately thought that she would be a very stimulating teacher for the ship's youngest crew. And perhaps...even herself. The mention of her daughter was also curious. "You have a daughter? How old?"

"Klida," Anera explained warmly. "She's four. I don't like to leave her for long, but... the early years. I want her supported and surrounded by her own people at least until she's passed through the blossoming phase. Have you any children?"

Lirha thought it was an excellent idea to keep a young child with their own kind during their early years. It was something which she had not been privy to during her own youth aboard her parent's trade vessel, and it was one of her only childhood regrets. The question of children was another one of those regrets, and she sadly wished that she had at least one child at this point in her life. "No...but I would like some soon." she answered with a weak smile. "I am jealous."

Anera shook her head. "If it's meant, it will come. If not, there are other kinds of creation one can leave the universe with - discoveries, art, experience, tutelage. You don't seem to be lacking in influence. Your mark will be made one way or another. Just have faith in yourself and be proud of what you accomplish on your own." She lifted her shoulders up to her ears, then dropped them hard. "Sorry," she laughed. "I'm like this with everyone. Always nudging."

"It is quite alright." Lirha replied with a tiny glint in her green eyes. "I must say...I find you very interesting. In a good way." she grinned, hoping that the meaning of her words wasn't misconstrued. "I enjoy having civilians such as yourself on board, you are a breath of fresh air from the traditional Starfleet protocol."

"The feeling is mutual. And not just because of my empathy." The Deltan chuckled, "Starfleet is a fascinating structure. Alien, but fascinating. How did you find yourself climbing its ranks?"

"I enlisted when I was eighteen," the captain began, "then graduated from the Academy four years later and was assigned to a couple different postings as a communications specialist, after which I was transferred to intelligence. I never imagined I would get a command so quickly...but much has changed since the Hobus disaster two years ago." she thoughtfully added. "Starfleet is currently in a period of expansion and needs more ships, which means more captains."

Anera nodded thoughtfully. "Why did you enlist?"

The turbolift slowed and finally came to a halt at its destination, promoting the doors to swish open and reveal the main corridor of Deck 2. "That is a bit of a complicated answer, perhaps one for another time," Lirha began to answer as she exited the lift, "but let's just say that it is not particularly easy to settle into a quiet planetary life after being raised in space." she added.

"Perhaps so," Anera concurred. "To be raised in space... you must have seen a great deal."

"Yes, indeed." Lirha answered in agreement, then slowed her walking pace to give a more thoughtful assessment. "I had the greatest times in my life growing up aboard my parents' trade ship, but...also some of the worst moments." she reflected with a bit of sadness as she thought of her father's death at the hands of Nausicaan pirates. "But in the end, I could not resist the lure of exploration and charting the unknown."

Anera's lips curled mischievously for a beat before she lifted the lower fold of her headscarf and drew it across the lower half of her face, eyes devious above the sheer cloth.

Rounding the corner of the hallway, Lirha proceeded to lead them both to the nearest available guest quarters. She cast a quick glance over at Anera and took note of her colorful clothing and headwrap, and decided that she very much liked her style of dress. Lirha stopped at a nearby door and input her security code into the keypad, and the door to Anera's new quarters swooshed open. "After you." she said, holding out her green hand and indicating for the Deltan to enter. "This is one of our VIP quarters and your new home. Not quite as impressive as what you probably were used to on Venture, but I think you will find it cozy and comfortable." she added.

A laugh burbled out of Anera like a brook as she slipped into the room and took it in. It was stark, yes, but roomy. Plenty of room for painting and her italri practice. She stretched her arms out to the sides and gave a spin. "Thank you!" she stopped spinning and turned back to Lirha, "You're sure someone else doesn't need the space?"

"We don't often get VIPs on board so it is no problem at all." Lirha answered with a small grin, then walked over to the kitchen area to give her a quick tour. "Everything you need should be provided in these quarters. In addition to standard food replicators, you also have a full kitchen should you ever wish to prepare your own meals." she explained, then wandered back into the main room and motioned towards the large desk. "The console on your desk will give you access to the LCARS database," she added, then moved into the hallway, "and the sonic shower and bedroom are back here."

"What about water?" the Deltan asked. "Do you have rules about water replication and use?"

"Water?" the captain repeated with a bit of surprise in her voice, then dismissed the notion with a light shake of her head. "No, there are no replicator restrictions unless we find ourselves in an emergency situation. A list of those protocols can be found in the ship's database, but they are more or less the same across all Starfleet vessels." she answered.

"And bath tubs?" Anera asked, stroking a hand along the smooth surface of a table. She'd need to replicate pads for it.

"Yes, there is a bath tub next to the sonic shower." Lirha replied. "Feel free to indulge yourself...I know I do."

"Thank the Great Elders," Anera breathed. "I'm sure sonic showers are well and good, but I'll never feel clean unless I've bathed with water." She chuckled, turning back to Lirha. "People tell me I'll get used to it, but..."

Lirha nodded as she recalled her own initial frustrations with sonic showers at the Academy. "I know the feeling. It took me several years before I finally became used to them." she said, then paused briefly as she remembered her favorite bathing delicacy. "Have you ever taken a mud bath before?" she asked. "They are quite popular within Orion culture and I managed to sneak several containers of Florida lowland mud aboard before we departed." she added with a playful glint in her eyes.

Anera practically glowed. "I adore them."

" seems we have a great deal in common, then." the captain replied. "I will be sure to summon you the next time I decide to enjoy myself with Earth mud." she happily added. "In the meantime however, I must get going. There are several matters which unfortunately require my attention before the beginning of gamma shift. I will be sure to send someone from operations by your quarters to provide you with your new commbadge and the necessary personnel files for the adolescent crew. Is there anything else you will require in the immediate coming hours?"

She shook her head. "I'll settle in and prepare for tomorrow. Thank you again."

"No problem. I enjoyed our talk and I am sure I will be seeing you soon." Lirha replied, then gave her a small wave of her green hand before turning on her heels and heading out the door back into the corridor.

"Good evening!" Anera watched the captain leave with a silent laugh, then turned to her new quarters and rubbed her hands together. Time for a little interior decorating.



CAPT Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

USS Galileo
(pNPC Lilou Peers)


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