USS Galileo :: This Ain't the Summer of Love
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This Ain't the Summer of Love

Posted on 12 Apr 2016 @ 4:05am by Ensign Jerico Stark

629 words; about a 3 minute read

[Location: Aisnane Beach, New Atlantis, Risa]
[Time: Summer 2384]

Times Past...

"You're doing it, aren't you?"

Jerico let the question wash over him, feeling like the pinkish-hued stones far below felt when the warm ocean waves touched them. Sometimes, it would feel good to be like one of those stones. He imagined that stones had no regrets.

"I know you are." Erise sat beside him, her arms hugging her knees, her sun-lightened hair tied back in a loose tail, her bright green eyes dimmed with sadness. Jerico finally turned from watching the waves, a small, regretful smile turning the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah," he answered. "I am."

Reaching over, Jerico trailed the tips of his fingers along Erise's summer-browned cheek, feeling the dampness there. He knew that if he kissed her again, he would taste the tears. Tears that he had caused, no matter how hard he'd tried not to. Jerico hated when people cried. Hated himself even more when he made them cry.

The evening was far from silent, no matter how it felt between them. Ocean spray rose and fell, crashing along the stone breakers. Far off into the bay, an algae growth clung to the reefs, giving off a low neon glow of blue bioluminescence, seeming to crash like underwater lightning, darting back and forth across the secluded cove. Beautiful, really. Like Erise...yes. Just like her. Jerico had fallen for the coltish young girl when he summered with his father's family as a youth, and it hadn't taken much to restart that relationship upon returning to Risa. She hadn't cared why he'd come back, hadn't cared that he'd washed out of the Academy entrance exams. It was easy to lose himself in her again - her spirit, her familiarity. Something about it was almost as soothing as working the land with the terraformers. wasn't right. Not for the reasons it needed to be. She deserved better, deserved someone who hadn't already fallen in love with the stars.

He noticed a movement to his side, glancing over as Erise pulled a small velveteen bag from the back pocket of her shorts. "I guess I always knew this was coming," the girl said, emptying the bag's contents into her palm. "It''s right for you, Jeri. I know that. I've always known that...and so does everyone else. Your dad would be proud of you."

Jerico opened his mouth to protest, but he was quickly hushed by the tip of Erise's index finger as it pressed into his lower lip. "You know he would be," she continued, shifting closer. "But just because you're going to re-apply to the Academy and just because you're going to rock that exam...all that doesn't mean you're going to forget us." A teasing light entered her eyes as she showed him the small, metallic disc in her hand.

She reached up and pressed the ja'risia on his forehead, running her fingers through his now-long brown hair, her lips meeting his. The sadness was still there, but there was also the open passion of their people, the kind that found all aspects to emotion, taking the raw hurt of saying goodbye and wrapping it up in the warm panacea that was Risa. The kiss was a long one, and goosebumps danced along his arms, no matter what the temperature. "I made it for you," Erise said, touching the disc, trailing her finger down the bridge of his nose, spreading her other fingers out as she cupped his chin. "It's so you don't forget what we were, starman."

Playfully laughing, Erise pulled Jerico back down to their blanket, the soft summer grass cushioning them both. "You know I won't forget," he grinned, kissing her again.



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