USS Galileo :: Diplomatic Officer's Report - The Cardassian Union 2380-2388
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Diplomatic Officer's Report - The Cardassian Union 2380-2388

Posted on 22 May 2014 @ 5:49am by Lieutenant JG Wakeham Paul Alasia Ph.D.
Edited on 23 May 2014 @ 9:06pm

676 words; about a 3 minute read


The Cardassian Union represents a diminished but major power, generally considered one of the "big five" along with The United Federation of Planets, The Klingon Empire, The Romulan Star Empire and the Typhon Pact/Breen Confederacy (Gallagher, 2380). Since the end of the Dominion War, several inter-galactic relations theorists have suggested that the Cardassian Union would be better thought of as a second-tier power on the level of the Tzenkethi, Talarian Republic and Ferengi Alliance (Spin, 2380; The Federation Institute, 2384).

While the Union is ostensibly comprised of several dozen systems, in practice most are client states used for storage, industrial production or harvesting resources. These systems would not qualify as full-fledged members or even colonies under the Federation paradigm (Gallagher, 2380).

Diplomatic Protocol

Cardassian commanders will typically appear brusk, curt or even arrogant by Federation standards (Dahmat, 2388). Cardassian society places an enormous premium on hierarchy and to act anything other than supremely confident in one's demeanor is to invite power struggles, reprisal and chaos (Dahmat, 2388). Indeed, a Cardassian acting arrogant by Federation (read: human) standards is to act in a similar vein to one who acts as patient peace keeper in Federation interpersonal interactions. In other words, arrogance begets peace and understanding in a Cardassian context.

There are various opinions about the Cardassian impression of the Federation. Some theorists argue that given the level of resource deprivation suffered by the Union during the first Federation war and the comparative ease with which the Federation was able to maintain its normal quality of life, the Cardassians could not help but be impressed by the strength of the Federation resolve, military and governmental function (T'peck 2387). Other academics argue that the general arrogance of Cardassians during diplomatic negotiations is exactly what it appears to be: a xenophobic people who genuinely assume superiority (Gallagher 2388; Highland 2386, 2389).

Given the differing impressions of the source of Cardassian-Federation tension it's difficult to make a deterministic recommendation on how to engage them during contact. Vulcan scholars tend to emphasize placation, allowing visiting dignitaries and military leaders the assurance that comes with their usual station of superiorty (T'peck 2387). Others throughout the Federation encourage "meeting arrogance with supreme confidence" (Highland, 2386) which would, in theory, disincent Cardassian leaders from pursuing their interests too stridently.

A Moment of Transition for a Galactic Power

The Cardassian Union has made great strides in rebuilding Prime since the Dominion Genocide of 2375, however, they remain a comparatively broken people. It is extremely unclear if the Detapa Council maintains civilian control over the government or if the military/Obsidian Order is taking the lead. In the latter case, there will likely be multiple leaders, factions and orders vying for superiority in a system of patronage that is generally opaque to Federation observers. This makes a given leader (especially at the Gul level) likely unable to speak on behalf of Central Command and thus diplomatically weak. However, this may incent military leaders (again especially at the Gul level) to take broad, bold and unilateral action in order to secure support and impress political powers that be. In other words, a desperate Gul may act unpredictably in order to "make a splash" so to speak.

Mission Recommendation

It is the official recommendation of the Galileo Diplomatic department that command maintain a posture of calm and control during the ongoing mission. Within reason, the more boxed in the leadership of the Cardassian feel, the more likely they are to choose habitual courses of action. We do not want the Cardassians to see the Galileo, her crew or the mining outpost as a target of opportunity for scoring cheap political points. It must seem to the Cardassian leadership at all times the Galileo has not just its own capabilities and the proxy of the Obsidian Fleet but the full force of the entire Federation behind her.

Such strident posturing is unfortunate but sometimes inevitable given the complex (and largely unknowable) political situation within the Union.

Lieutenant JG Wakeham Alasia
Diplomatic Officer
USS Galileo, 2390


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