USS Galileo :: So naive yet so...
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So naive yet so...

Posted on 29 Apr 2014 @ 1:42pm by Commander Luke Wyatt

203 words; about a 1 minute read

We're not far from Lyshan Three and It has become my concern that the crew especially those in security have a unsettling prejudice towards Cardassians which could have a potential catastrophic effect on the mission when we go down to the planet especially more so now we are working hand in hand with the Gul Verrok. I fear that if hostilities were to break out it could be just as a federation fault as a Cardassian so I will not only be watching out for them but in our own team members not that I doubt their professionalism.

On a more personal note Abbey has been somewhat distance with me and despite my best efforts I feel as if I have done something wrong. Maybe she is just worried about me, ever since the Borg cube I have been a little on edge, I have yet to see the Chief medical officer or the counsellor but I believe that I can handle this myself with out bothering anyone. Regardless I have a duty to perform on board the Galileo and I wont allow a mental upset to get in my way especially if it means I cannot protect this ship and its crew.


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