USS Galileo :: CoB's Log: Legend of Souls, #1
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CoB's Log: Legend of Souls, #1

Posted on 02 Mar 2014 @ 1:31pm by Command Master Chief Markum Quinn

285 words; about a 1 minute read

Two hours to launch. I never get tired of launch day, the energy in the air is.....indescribable for me to explain. At oh-four hundred I was up and checking the outside of the ship, checking all contact points, rivets, welds and so on. I even touched up the eagle painting on the outer hull.

I am very excited to get back out there, in space, doing what we do as ambassadors of peace and a watchdog for freedom and explorers of the unknown. slight chuckle I sound like a damn recruiting add. Shit. It's funny how much having a family can change your outlook and candles you to reorganize your priorities. That topic is for my personal log.

We have a new Captain as well. I have known Captain Holliday for quite some time, and have always known he would be an excellent CO with the proper nurturing, guidance and a bit of maturity. It seems he has reached that potential and as a father looks upon his own child's success, I am so very proud of the Captain, and I am honored to serve under him.

As for the Commodore, well...this may not be the appropriate setting to say, but at my age and position, I don't really give a shit. She is the daughter I always wanted but never had until Tyra was born. She has done a marvelous job and has the entire galaxy by the balls.

Now back to ship matters. I will be speaking with the bosun about getting engineer staff pilot lessons. That is the location where Bridge functions are transferred during emergency situations. The engineers should have some basic flight control knowledge.

End log.


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