USS Galileo :: Something's gotta give.
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Something's gotta give.

Posted on 27 Feb 2014 @ 2:58pm by Commander Luke Wyatt

308 words; about a 2 minute read

Luke sat down and turned on his monitor, removing his jacket and throwing it behind him. Somewhere in the room the protests of his daughter Abbey could be heard before a door swishing. "Chief Petty Officers Personal log. The crew have started to return with the shore leave closing dates slowly closing people and the environment is changing despite the leave I still feel a itch of anticipation whether it is a good thing or a bad thing I don't know. I've heard they've built a new bar so I can imagine that the crew will use it to shake of any shore leave blues. I personally cant wait to get back to work, it's a start of a new opportunity for me so I plan on hitting the ground running with this one!"

Standing up he began to pace back and forth "On A personal note I have become romantically involved with Taryn Galypsie, despite my efforts it was inevitable and since my more serious interest is hard going I guess I should welcome the news but I'm not sure whether its a suitable relationship both being in the same department and that she is carrying another crew members baby suggests the question if there may be trouble down the road. I've also managed to get permission to add an addition to our family, his name is Sherlock because he according to Abbey is the smartest dog in the world which I have yet to bare witness but atl east he is well trained and hasn't pee'd in anyone's shoes or eaten any socks."

Sitting back down on his chair and leaning forward luke smiled "If you're there Mum please know I'm trying my best with Abbey and what's left of this family, I'm really trying" He smile grew soft and saddened "Computer save and end log"


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